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Trade embargoes

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  • Trade embargoes

    I don't know if this has been discussed before but I found this interesting snippet about trade embargoes in the new Gamespot preview.

    "There's another interesting aspect about trade and diplomacy that hasn't been mentioned previously and that's ability to set up trade embargoes on other civilizations, preventing them from securing resources for making their civilians happy and for making specific units. If it appears that one civilization wants to build a strong military for the sole purpose of conquering surrounding civilizations, you can make contact with the other civilizations and set up treaties in which the other civilizations agree not to trade specific goods to the militaristic civilization. This may not be as helpful in early moments of the game since most of the military units simply require iron in order to be built, but for the more advanced units that require multiple resources, this strategy can quickly become useful."

    __________________________________________________ ____

    This sounds terrific and exactly the kind of complex linkage between trade,war and diplomacy which Civ is all about IMO.

    It's pretty clear that with culture,armies and the better diplomacy and trade options there is going to be lots of interesting new gameplay in Civ 3.Let's just hope that they manage to program an AI which is capable of handling all these options.
    [This message has been edited by Kautilya (edited May 19, 2001).]

  • #2
    Sorry to disappoint you, but I found an earlier mentioned trade embargo.
    It was mentioned in the diplomacy game update on the official site.
    Furthermore, diplomatic relations have been deepened to include a number of new diplomatic agreements that can be added on top of a standard peace treaty. For example, your relations with the Zulus might include a peace treaty as well as a mutual protection pact, a right of passage agreement, and a trade embargo against the French.
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • #3
      Yeah I learnt that the news about trade embargoes had been revealed before. The main new thing in the Gamespot preview ,I think, is that you can do embargoes on specific goods.


      • #4
        so i tell my russian allys not to trade with my zulu enemy?


        • #5
          This sounds great -- Anybody know to what degree these treaties will be enforceable?

