As Civ is not a wargame, we may drop ZOC and the game is perfectly OK. Afterall, even a single tile in a 10000 square world is still an area too large for any units to exert ZOC.
But if we want to incorprate ZOC, we have to face the impossible task of allowing a horseman to face a tank. If we allow the horseman's ZOC to stop a tank, the rules will be simple but do not make sense. Conversely, rules allowing for MP differnece, FP, HP and age(modern units vs medieval ones) would be more realistic but inelegant.
As a compromise, I suggest ZOC to inflict damage. This is resonably simple and realistic. The amount of damage done should be related to strengths of advancer and defender, as well as corresponding HP and FP. Thus should be similar to combat damage although the combat is not foght to the death.
But if we want to incorprate ZOC, we have to face the impossible task of allowing a horseman to face a tank. If we allow the horseman's ZOC to stop a tank, the rules will be simple but do not make sense. Conversely, rules allowing for MP differnece, FP, HP and age(modern units vs medieval ones) would be more realistic but inelegant.
As a compromise, I suggest ZOC to inflict damage. This is resonably simple and realistic. The amount of damage done should be related to strengths of advancer and defender, as well as corresponding HP and FP. Thus should be similar to combat damage although the combat is not foght to the death.