Ok, I know similar ideas were posted before but i can't find a thread dealing with it now.
The thread dealt with the question: How should a personality of a nation be chosen? In civ2 each nation had it's own personality that never changed (unless you played with rules.txt, and who didn't?). And every time I played a game the situation was the same:
Romans were a big civ, India was wiped out, egyptians were wiped out, Spanish were big civ, Greeks were big civ, Americans were medium civ, persians were wiped out etc.
That never changed. There was an idea in the previous thread that got me thinking. Leaders. Each civ has a number of predifened leaders that have their distinct personality and the nation would behave like it's leader. To have great empires falling, there might be revolutions (real ones) once in a while where the leader would change and the country's personality will change. For instace: Rome was glorious with ceasar but would be very weak with neron (spelling?) and weak but militant with musolini.
The leader might be chosen according to the govt. ceasar and neron are the options for monarchy (or something) musolini can be chosen as comunist or facist leader, current italian presidents will be chosen under democracy. but this raises a question: what comunist would lead the US for instance? maybe some well known figure from the 20s or 30s that was in the comm. party? a questions discussed in other threads are is US a civ? but that's irrelevant.
Also I think that user controled civs shouldn't be biased like in SMAC. If wanna have the aztecs as a small peace loving science giant I wanna be able to do that. Civ 3 shouldn't be like SMAC or Age of Empires.
So, what do you think? oh, and there's a possibility this was already suggested or decided upon. Please don't flame. One person writing it would be sufficient. I can read you know.
In hope for pleasant coop.
Realists Rule!
(for example: David, Caesar, Bismark, Stalin, Me someday... )
The thread dealt with the question: How should a personality of a nation be chosen? In civ2 each nation had it's own personality that never changed (unless you played with rules.txt, and who didn't?). And every time I played a game the situation was the same:
Romans were a big civ, India was wiped out, egyptians were wiped out, Spanish were big civ, Greeks were big civ, Americans were medium civ, persians were wiped out etc.
That never changed. There was an idea in the previous thread that got me thinking. Leaders. Each civ has a number of predifened leaders that have their distinct personality and the nation would behave like it's leader. To have great empires falling, there might be revolutions (real ones) once in a while where the leader would change and the country's personality will change. For instace: Rome was glorious with ceasar but would be very weak with neron (spelling?) and weak but militant with musolini.
The leader might be chosen according to the govt. ceasar and neron are the options for monarchy (or something) musolini can be chosen as comunist or facist leader, current italian presidents will be chosen under democracy. but this raises a question: what comunist would lead the US for instance? maybe some well known figure from the 20s or 30s that was in the comm. party? a questions discussed in other threads are is US a civ? but that's irrelevant.
Also I think that user controled civs shouldn't be biased like in SMAC. If wanna have the aztecs as a small peace loving science giant I wanna be able to do that. Civ 3 shouldn't be like SMAC or Age of Empires.
So, what do you think? oh, and there's a possibility this was already suggested or decided upon. Please don't flame. One person writing it would be sufficient. I can read you know.
In hope for pleasant coop.
Realists Rule!
(for example: David, Caesar, Bismark, Stalin, Me someday... )