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Zulu Impi?

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  • Zulu Impi?

    Jeffrey Morris said:


    (i.e. the Zulu Impi is a spearmen unit, but with a move of 2).

    Can I assume that spearmen unit is the typical 1/1/1 unit that in Civ1 was Militia and in Civ2 Warrior? In this case, what is the use of this unit? It'd only be good for some scouting, and even in that case, if we assume that Cavalry/Horsemen 2-1-2 unit is in, there's not much difference between the two. How about, hmm, 5-1-1 (all as roads), with prerequisite being some ancient/medieval leadership-type tech (after all, IIRC main point of Impi was how well they were organized.)

    On the other hand, considering how efficiently The Green Menace proceeds to kick ass in every Civ2 game they are in, they probably don't need to be much tougher.

    In fact, why are Zulus still in? Yes, I know there needs to be some Sub-Saharan Civ, but why Zulus? Because they are the best known? Mali and Ethiopians built far grander nations. I've always seen "Can this nation reasonably be seen as conquering the world in real history?" being sort of prerequisite in seeing which Civ should be in, and Zulus, no, I can't see it.
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  • #2

    Originally posted by Stefu on 05-13-2001 10:22 AM
    In fact, why are Zulus still in?
    dear god, arent we all tired from "which nations should be in" discussions? if you dont like zulu's(i actually want them cause they were in civ2) go edit the text file(or hopefull open the civ editor)


    • #3
      They have nice special units and a well-known profile in Shaka.

      edit: And no, we cannot assume that it is the Warrior unit, because we already have a warrior unit. It's probably the replacement for the Phalanx or Legion units, if one of those is a special unit now. Or it could be a 2/1/1 or 2/2/1 unit, which was kind of missing from Civ2. Btw, In the new screenshots there are "Hoplites" produced in one city... What are they going to replace?

      Actually come to think of it, the spearman is probably the 1/2/1 replacement for the Phalanx, considering how many of them were in the screenshots. That would make the Impi a 1/2/2 unit, which could be pretty useful...
      [This message has been edited by Snapcase (edited May 13, 2001).]
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      • #4
        Why does the Spearman have to replace a unit from Civ II. Its my understanding of many of the opinions on the board that Ancient through the Dark ages are just a rush to get to the Modern Age. Hopefully the Firaxis team is giving these older historical ages an extra push and is adding units and strategy to the early game.
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