quote: How do you do Diplomacy with another civ in Email games, the AI takes over all contacts while you load as SP virtually in PBEM game. You cant call up another human and do tech trading form alliance or swap citys etc.... This needs to be done live !!!!! |
Did you even read my message? I said that the diplomacy model in the old Civ2 and SMAC multiplayer PBEM systems had very bad tools. There is no way that Firaxis is going to be stupid enough to hand diplomacy over to the AI in PBEM or turn-based simultaneous-execution games.
quote: As for your comments re PBEM SMAC being more popular, you will notice I was referring to Civ 2 MP not SMAC, for any one itnerested goto Civ 2 Multipalyer threads to see number of games organissed for IP versus PBEM... |
We're referring to Civ3. All of its predecessors are applicable examples. In fact, Civ2 basically doesn't support PBEM except in very hacked, cheatable ways. So using the number of Civ2 IP vs. PBEM games as the sole measurement of the popularity of one system over the other is basically unfair. It's about the same as saying "nobody plays Civ1 multiplayer, so multiplayer must not be very popular, so there's no need for multiplayer in Civ3."
quote: We MP people havent asked for SP to be altered to suit us and make it better for us to try , so please dont mess with our MP version let us MP people decide what will work better for us..... |
I'm an MP person, just like you. All the people asking for changes to the MP system want to play MP. Why do you assume we aren't MP people?
quote: I just want to say that ip games are the only way I'd ever play. PBEM is way too slow. |
That's the whole point of turn-based simultaneous-execution, which would solve the problems of slow PBEM games.
quote: The whole idea behind PBEM is that its played at peoples leisure. If you're running a continuous loop, talking with everyone while you wait for the game to arrive, you might as well play ip. |
Did you even read what we wrote? There are serious significant problems with IP play. All players have to be online at the same time. Players must play for hours at a stretch. Taking a break kills the game for the other players. Players are rushed to finish their turns so that other players won't have to wait. Do you really want to play an IP game with someone who wants to spend and hour fine tuning a single turn? Does IP play allow me to stop for 20 minutes because my daughter needs attention right now? I didn't think so. IP isn't for everyone. We're not saying that we want IP eliminated, just that we want other options!
quote: Besides, getting hundreds of saved games in my email is not my idea of a good time............. |
Again, you're using the example of the really sucking implementation of PBEM as the only yardstick to judge PBEM. The whole point of the turn-based simultaneous-execution model is that you don't have to send or receive games by email. In the best of all possible worlds, I'd go to the game webpage, click on the link for the particular game, and Civ3 would fire up and let me take my turn and would automatically upload my orderset when I was done.
Why are you IP players opposed to the idea of Firaxis supporting a different way of playing multiplayer? How will it hurt you for Firaxis to support turn-based simultaneous-execution play?