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  • Screenshots

    How do you get a screenshot? Thanks.
    "Terminate, with extreme prejudice"

  • #2
    Ctrl+Print Scrn. Then paste it into Paint or another graphics program and save it.
    "Illegitimi non carborundum"


    • #3
      Preferrably in .gif or .jpg format. Avoid .bmp, as that creates a very large file.
      I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


      • #4
        And .bmp files will only be posted here as attachments, not the image itself.
        I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


        • #5
          Whenever someone asks this I always post the below program:
          Attached Files
          For your photo needs:

          Sell your photos


          • #6
            hm, ok. So what does this program do?
            I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


            • #7
              I like irfanview. Do the google search I'm too lazy to find the URL. Don't forget to resize your image to 600x450.


              • #8
                The program takes a screenshot when you drag the little white box off and into a window. When you start it you will see a little white box and when you click it and drag it to the window you want to take a snapshot of it will prompt you to save the image.
                For your photo needs:

                Sell your photos


                • #9
                  Thanks for the tip Sheik, that's a great tool. But the zip file you posted didn't work for me as it missed a DLL. I downloaded it here instead, which worked.
                  "Great artists have no country."
                  -Alfred de Musset


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by wilbill
                    Ctrl+Print Scrn. Then paste it into Paint or another graphics program and save it.
                    Why Ctrl+PrintScrn. A normal Print Screen will do. In fact, this combination of keys won't do anything except a normal print screen...

                    Get your science News at Konquest Online!


                    • #11
                      i just hit the print screen key meself.. never needed to use a combo.
                      I spend most my money on Wine, Women and Song.. the rest i just waste.


                      • #12
                        I don't know if ctrl+prtsc does more than PrtSc alone but alt+PrtSc takes a screenshot of the active window. As the active window happens to cover the whole screen in civ3 you will never see the difference

                        I'm a big fan of irwanview myself. You can't actually draw with it but you can view and convert between almost every format imaginable. Check
                        Don't eat the yellow snow.


                        • #13
                          Here's what I do:

                          1. start paint
                          2. start civ
                          3. play until want game image
                          4. {print screen}
                          5. Alt-Tab to Paint
                          6. Paste, expand window yes
                          7. click on Paint's dashed rectangle icon, upper right
                          8. select minimap
                          9. cut minimap
                          10. Paint new document
                          11. paste in Paint
                          12. save file as ABCD.gif
                          13. open irfanview
                          14. open ABCD.gif
                          15. crop to minimap
                          16. save as ABCD.gif, replace yes.

                          And you will have a nice small gif image that will not take up much space on the forum and will be easily viewable. The reason use irfanview is because paint leaves too much white background as a part of the image. I suppose I could just paste to irfanview, but got used to using paint. A problem with paint is sometimes your original expanded image, i.e., before first cut, gets confused and you may need to repaste the image.

                          == PF

