1 - Settlers vs Public workers
The settlers are the modifiers of the terrain and the creators of the tile improvments. But not for free. To make each modification by the settlers we have to spent money on it, after all there are people that like to move then(like me).This way we limit the "settlers army"(why having all the workers you can get but dont having any money) and becames even more realistic (now we need money and someone who works). and there is no need for new concepts.
2- Government
The governments shoud be set with two characteristics (and not be a government right away). The Characteristics would be:
- Political(3)- The choices would be
* Parlamentarism
* Republic
* Monarchy
- Economical(8)- The ways of production ( must reseach it). Gain extra unit it could be:
* Subsistence - The one you start with. no units
* Slavism - unit Slaver
* Feudalism - unit Cruzaders or Feudal Sir
* Fundamentalism - unit Cleric
* Capitalism - unit Merchant
* Comunism - unit Comunity Leader
* Liberalism - big companies rules. unit Multinacional
* Enviromental - Unit Cleaner
3- Barbarians (optional)
You start later in the game not with settlers but with warriors (and others units) and with some money.
Or when your civ is defeated(you have no cities anymore) you will became a barbarian. You still have the units, the money and the technology left.
you still have got to pay the unit maintance cost - so you just have some time before all the money you have finishs but you can make this time longer by piracing and pillaging (so pillage in this civ3 has to give some money). Meanwhile you must attack others civs cities and conquer it to start a new civ. If you were a civ before you would start over again (with the technologies you had before and the ones you got conquering). You are defeated once and for all when all your units are dead or when you couldnt support then anymore.
This way you have a second chance after the fall of your civ. And the Barbarians werent going to be the stupid and just incovinient enemy that they are. A whole AI planning would be behind.