Below was a reply I used to one of those "suggestions" topics. I thought
it would evoke some response if I posted it as a new topic. What are your
Although the lists (yours and everyone elses') looks right on the money, I am not one of those Capt. Jim Kirk problem solvers (Star Trek II, when he said he re-programmed the simulator so it was possible to win). I have little interest in the AI. I do enjoy some mods that add extra characters or civs, but I don't follow scenarios or try to hit the highest score. What I want in the next Civ is enjoyment:
1. Eye candy. Go back to live video (not animated)
2. Relative sounds. Face it, sometimes sounds don't seem to coordinate
with action properly. Maybe when a unit is on the railroad the sound
changes to train sounds (or whatever).
3. Even more creative cities. Although it wasn't crucial to the game, the
ability to view a city's additions from afar personalize the game a bit
more. I also miss being able to place the workers where I want.
4. Simplicity. You power hitters out there may enjoy going to the highest
level and pulverizing countries faster and faster. That may be why
you like to redesign the AI. I like playing out the game like The Sims
or SIM City. Build and watch the results. CTPII doesn't implement
some of the most fun things until you are at the medium level, like
5. Music to my ears. I love the music played in the background the first
half-dozen times I hear it. Problem (besides getting old, quick) is
I can't find a good balance to hear music and still be able to hear
all the sounds and voices clearly. Plus, instead of burning up my
CD-Rom playing it continuously, make 'em MP3's and play them buffered.
6. More positive rewards. The very small windowed and lack-lustered
Wonder movies in CTPII bugged me. And I'm not sure the benefit from
some of the Wonders exactly matched the wonder. And what happened to
Leonardo's Workshop?
Again, all this gets back to the one thing not discussed much: The pizzaz.
Am I the only one who liked the WOW of the original Sid designs?
it would evoke some response if I posted it as a new topic. What are your
Although the lists (yours and everyone elses') looks right on the money, I am not one of those Capt. Jim Kirk problem solvers (Star Trek II, when he said he re-programmed the simulator so it was possible to win). I have little interest in the AI. I do enjoy some mods that add extra characters or civs, but I don't follow scenarios or try to hit the highest score. What I want in the next Civ is enjoyment:
1. Eye candy. Go back to live video (not animated)
2. Relative sounds. Face it, sometimes sounds don't seem to coordinate
with action properly. Maybe when a unit is on the railroad the sound
changes to train sounds (or whatever).
3. Even more creative cities. Although it wasn't crucial to the game, the
ability to view a city's additions from afar personalize the game a bit
more. I also miss being able to place the workers where I want.
4. Simplicity. You power hitters out there may enjoy going to the highest
level and pulverizing countries faster and faster. That may be why
you like to redesign the AI. I like playing out the game like The Sims
or SIM City. Build and watch the results. CTPII doesn't implement
some of the most fun things until you are at the medium level, like
5. Music to my ears. I love the music played in the background the first
half-dozen times I hear it. Problem (besides getting old, quick) is
I can't find a good balance to hear music and still be able to hear
all the sounds and voices clearly. Plus, instead of burning up my
CD-Rom playing it continuously, make 'em MP3's and play them buffered.
6. More positive rewards. The very small windowed and lack-lustered
Wonder movies in CTPII bugged me. And I'm not sure the benefit from
some of the Wonders exactly matched the wonder. And what happened to
Leonardo's Workshop?
Again, all this gets back to the one thing not discussed much: The pizzaz.
Am I the only one who liked the WOW of the original Sid designs?