Lets make this clear.
Civ is a different game.
A game that covers say the 6 years of WW2 should show distinctive national chareteristics. The unique qualities of say the British army in 1945 were 95% determined by what Britain and its army were in 1939.
A game that covers the 300 years of EU shoudl also show distinctive national charecteristics, though less so. What england was in 1792 was heavily influenced, lets say 60% by what england was in 1492, though clearly much was contingent.
A game that covers the 1000 years of history covered by Age of KIngs has less basis for such things - was better english use of archers at Crecy really determined in 500 AD? Probably not. Probably only, say 25% of what England was in 1492 was determined in 500AD
FOr a game that covers 6000 years of history there is little historical rationale for such charecteristics. At most say 10% of what Enlgand was in 1900 was determined by anything in 4000 BC. possibly only zero.
Lessons from games with shorter time spans dont apply. Lesons from fantasy or sci fi games dont apply.
A game that covers 6000 years of history there