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Pre-release a sparse cut-down map-making tool

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  • Pre-release a sparse cut-down map-making tool

    There have been talks about a Civ-2 -> Civ-3 scenario conversion-tool ( hence: ). Thats great - the more they can re-exploit past Civ-2 scenarios into Civ-3 as well, the better it is. Besides, designing scenarios is hard work and those who have put so much work into it in the past, perhaps deserves a second updated chance to show off their old stuff.

    Another potential goldmine-source is MAPS. Im not only thinking of some kind of conversion-tool here. Also, it would be great if Firaxis, a few short months before the Civ-3 gold-release, would pre-release a sparse cut-down version of the map-making tool - downloadable from their site.

    Nothing fancy: not with scenario-functions - just the barebone MAP-MAKING part of it. Lets face it; the map-generator has its obvious AI-limitations and it can only be a good thing if Civ-enthusiasts manage to crank out an ample selection of handcrafted maps to play on, once the Civ-3 is available in the stores. The way I see it: it would be creative fun for us fans while we wait, and at the same time; Firaxis gets some nice raw-material for Civ-3 maps for free.

  • #2
    I think your idea is rather implausible, but it is a good idea nevertheless. Some people are just so much better at designing (real) maps than Firaxis. See OmniGod's maps for an example...
    Rome rules


    • #3
      one thing that activision did right with ctp2 is that they created and was later released on the net a "bmp to ctp2 map" conversion tool. a similar bmp/civ2/civ3 tool should definately be in the box....


      • #4
        I like Ralph's idea, but I cant figure out how Mark's idea of BMP-converting would work. Someone please explain.
        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


        • #5
          there are tons of bitmaps on geographical and other similar sites of maps from various parts of the planet

          the tool takes a bmp and translate it into the map format used by the game. in case of the bmp-2-ctp2 tool you only have to place the rivers yourself. you can check it out here

          most of the ctp2 maps were made with this tools


          • #6
            I hope the game comes with many high quality maps from the start.

            A pre-release map editor would be fine, but I doubt that they do that - it would probably reveal to much of the game.

            Civ2000 hosted by CivII Universum

