What can I say, except that I have triggered MPPs by ending my turn with one military unit inside the enemy borders without any attacking. So there must be something else that attacking that traiggers an MPP.
I see now that I was a bit unclear in my previous post. What I meant is that an MPP is triggered if the entire game turn is ended while you have a unit inside the enemy's borders.
So Mad Bomber: Are you 100% sure that the Russians didn't attack you on the same turn that you entered their territory?
1) During your turn you enter Russian territory.
2) During the Russian turn they attack you and trigger the MPP.
3) The game turn ends, and now your units would have triggered the MPP if Russia had not already done so.
I see now that I was a bit unclear in my previous post. What I meant is that an MPP is triggered if the entire game turn is ended while you have a unit inside the enemy's borders.
So Mad Bomber: Are you 100% sure that the Russians didn't attack you on the same turn that you entered their territory?
1) During your turn you enter Russian territory.
2) During the Russian turn they attack you and trigger the MPP.
3) The game turn ends, and now your units would have triggered the MPP if Russia had not already done so.