In a game such as Chess, it is obviously not okay that the computer "cheats" and plays by different rules. However in a game such as Civ, it is simply beyond the level of today's AI technology to expect that the computer AI can actually micromanage all the details that the human player would need to master.
The only way for the AI to match the human player is to "cheat" and I actually don't mind as long as the AI "cheats" by emulating what a human player could achieve under the same circumstances even if the AI requires shortcuts to do it (ie. "cheating")
For example, all expert players will build lots of workers and develop all tiles. But if the AI has to manage individual workers itself using "auto-worker" to develop its tiles, it will not achieve what the human player could achieve since most likely the "auto-worker" routine stinks. To get around this, simply have the AI city tiles "mature" through time at a realistic rate so that all AI tiles become developed over time. Of course it might be necessary to have some AI workers be visible so they can be killed and the tile "maturing" rate slowed down a bit but these visible AI workers would not actually be doing the tile improvement themselves!
Is tile "maturing" "cheating"? Perhaps. But if this method allow the AI to achieve what the human would achieve, then it is surely welcomed. It is a shortcut that is necessary.
The area where AI "shortcuts" (or "cheating") is sorely needed is in war. In Civ1/2, AIs simply send invididual units one at a time to get slaughtered peacemeal and are never a threat unless they are so overwhelmingly larger and more advanced. If the AI actually didn't have to do that and all attacks were "simulated" or "emulated" based on how a human opponent would do it, then the AIs would be much more formidable.
For example, instead of the AI actually manuevering individual units, a preset attack pattern with a realistic number of units would go into action at a realistic designated time. Once this designated time came, the human player would find itself under a coordinated mass attack.
These are but some examples of how the AI's work would be simplified by having lots of events "simulated".
The only way for the AI to match the human player is to "cheat" and I actually don't mind as long as the AI "cheats" by emulating what a human player could achieve under the same circumstances even if the AI requires shortcuts to do it (ie. "cheating")
For example, all expert players will build lots of workers and develop all tiles. But if the AI has to manage individual workers itself using "auto-worker" to develop its tiles, it will not achieve what the human player could achieve since most likely the "auto-worker" routine stinks. To get around this, simply have the AI city tiles "mature" through time at a realistic rate so that all AI tiles become developed over time. Of course it might be necessary to have some AI workers be visible so they can be killed and the tile "maturing" rate slowed down a bit but these visible AI workers would not actually be doing the tile improvement themselves!
Is tile "maturing" "cheating"? Perhaps. But if this method allow the AI to achieve what the human would achieve, then it is surely welcomed. It is a shortcut that is necessary.
The area where AI "shortcuts" (or "cheating") is sorely needed is in war. In Civ1/2, AIs simply send invididual units one at a time to get slaughtered peacemeal and are never a threat unless they are so overwhelmingly larger and more advanced. If the AI actually didn't have to do that and all attacks were "simulated" or "emulated" based on how a human opponent would do it, then the AIs would be much more formidable.
For example, instead of the AI actually manuevering individual units, a preset attack pattern with a realistic number of units would go into action at a realistic designated time. Once this designated time came, the human player would find itself under a coordinated mass attack.
These are but some examples of how the AI's work would be simplified by having lots of events "simulated".