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Is the AI actually cheating??

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Mad Bomber

    Huh...Is this your first game of CIV 3 or have you not noticed this in all of your previously brilliant games? At first I would have given you benefit of the doubt, assuming you were trying a OCC or 5CC in which building wonders at this rate would be difficult but now I can only say that this thread is complete BS.
    Did I claim to have a brilliant history? Did I claim to have a brilliant game? No. Others questioned whether my facts were true, as the facts seemed hard to achieve. As they were reasonable and genuinely inquisitive in their manner, I promised to provide some good details, as their genuine interest waranted some investment of time on my part. I see absolutely no reason for your post, especially after the previous discussion. What you say is worthless and aggressive. If you have nothing to add, then add nothing. (I understand why you chose the name "Mad Bomber".)

    P.S. There has never been a reason for using workers for production before. It is not the most efficient use of a worker when you are expanding a civ, and I have never found it necessary to use workers to hasten wonders, so I didn't try.

