I have a problem: When the AI players trade techs, their research towards the newly gained tech then counts towards the next advance. The advanced 5 or 6 AI players all spend most of their effort researching, but when they finish, they trade, and end up getting 6 or 7 advances in the time of 1!
I am in the Middle Ages, playing on a huge map (Europe map on the civ3 website) with 16 civs. I only play Civ3 on Deity. (Otherwise it is too easy.)
Therefore, my problem is that they get tech at 30% or 40% off, trade it to each other at reduced prices, and therefore advance at roughly 12 times the rate as I.
This is a problem in itself. BUT it also means that you cannot beat them to wonders. They already get them at 40% off, and the only way to get them is to finish one quickly and make them waste their shields without switching. But even if I build a wonder in 10 turns, I cannot finish before they get another 6 techs! The fact that we'll be in the modern era BC, not even as a result of my tech advances, is unrealistic and ridiculous!
I invite responses/thoughts on the topic:
Is the ability to swap the technology being researched (after trading for this technology) an unfair "bug" in the game, or is it a fair aspect which allows the AI to get ahead of the human player's ability to wheel and deal?
I am in the Middle Ages, playing on a huge map (Europe map on the civ3 website) with 16 civs. I only play Civ3 on Deity. (Otherwise it is too easy.)

This is a problem in itself. BUT it also means that you cannot beat them to wonders. They already get them at 40% off, and the only way to get them is to finish one quickly and make them waste their shields without switching. But even if I build a wonder in 10 turns, I cannot finish before they get another 6 techs! The fact that we'll be in the modern era BC, not even as a result of my tech advances, is unrealistic and ridiculous!
I invite responses/thoughts on the topic:
Is the ability to swap the technology being researched (after trading for this technology) an unfair "bug" in the game, or is it a fair aspect which allows the AI to get ahead of the human player's ability to wheel and deal?