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Civ 3 is gonna be awesum with a Capitol A babay!

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  • Civ 3 is gonna be awesum with a Capitol A babay!

    Hi gang I know I don't post hear very much but i thought I'd come on over from the gamelegue board where I'm unstoppable and enlighten you with some of my informetive postings!

    Anyways I've been working on this really huge deal buying the company Feraxes and Siv Myers so we can all unite under one flag to develep the game Civ III! And it is gonna be awesome babay! And its a done deal to! We just have to get through the sticky tape!

    But anyways enough of that I know you just want to here my really informetive postings about the new game Civ III wich me and Siv are designing and so without furthur ado I'll tell you all about it!

    So me and Siv are in a strip club last week (my girlfriend works their!) and we are having a gentulmans lunch talking about how we can make the new Civ III game so cool that even Straterkicking will like it! And we desided on some really neat ideas! What do you think!

    Ideah #1 is to have Civ-spesific units! So if you're next door neighbur is the Germans than look out babay! Cus its death from above just like in the infamus Battle of London in the World War Too! And you dont want to be next to the Vickings who are on an island! Because their'll have some really potant boats just like the one I bought last week and went fishing with Siv Myers on! Me and Siv desided that Civ spesific units were the only way that you loosers could ever hang with ole' Civ ****** in a game of Civ!

    Ideah #2 is to keep the game at seven Civs! Thats right theres no way that any resonable Civver would ever want to have more Civs than 7 even though computers are getting very powerful and probably could handle the load and more than 7 civs would imitate real life! So forget that! Its gonna be great still not having more than 7 civs!

    So beacuse I'm now the CEO of Feraxes Id love to have some feedback about these great new ideas which are etched in stone and which will make Civ III very different from Command and Conquer! Thats what busness is all about babay! Keeping the custumers happy! Unless you just want to make slandrous acusations and call me mean names like doublelogin! Because if you do you are the one who is double login because its like my Mom says it takes one to know won! So there!

    DankMaster: "Remember I think you are 'special'."

    I'm nuber #1 babay!

  • #2
    Someone do a DL check? And why doesn't this obvious DL actually READ the damned forums.

    Goddamn newbies and their irrational superquick conclusions... now I realize why Victor went off the deep end in the SMAC forums.
    “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
    - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


    • #3
      Well I see it didnt take to long for the first slandrous acusation that is completely unfounded and without proof to be made! Well I will tell you one thing you are the one who is DL check not me! I just came on these hear boards to make some informetive insites into the great game of Civ and it takes three minutes to be insulted! And I thought you would be really happy with all of this breaking news, Iram Sidikwi!

      After all its not every day you get to convurse with the great CEO of Ferexes!

      DankMaster: "Remember I think you are 'special'."

      I'm nuber #1 babay!
      [This message has been edited by Civ ****** (edited May 02, 2001).]


      • #4
        I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

        "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


        • #5
          Yin, that must have been one of the greatest posts of all time .

          One wonders what the world has come to when CIV fans (who are supposed to be smarter than the rest) hurl insults at people for their ideas on how they want a game to be better.
          “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
          - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


          • #6
            Yes. This is the kind of thread you'd see in a FPS forum (minus the wit and intelligence).
            I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

            "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


            • #7
              Well Yen26 I see it didnt take you too long to jump into the fraye! And what is the matter with me coming on these hear boards to state my opinuns! Its a free country and the interchange of ideahs should be incouraged!

              DankMaster: "Remember I think you are 'special'."

              I'm nuber #1 babay!


              • #8
                Well, the second part of your name is right, of course, though you disgrace the Civ half. Get a life. Get a clue. Get lost.

                Or stay and amuse me some more with your sad attempts at humor. Either way.
                I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


                • #9

                  Originally posted by yin26 on 05-02-2001 02:51 AM


                  OH! I get it, spelling bad is cool...or should I say "kewl" since k's are so much better than c's, and ew's are better than oo's?

                  Although spelling "idea" with an "h" and the end is SO inefficient, and inefficiency is not cool, with a k

                  [This message has been edited by JamesJKirk (edited May 02, 2001).]
                  [This message has been edited by JamesJKirk (edited May 02, 2001).]


                  • #10
                    Well Yen26 I think the first haf of your name is wonderful too babay! Its the second haf that i don't understand although I think you may be disgrasing the number 26 too! So two can play at that game! And I'd be very careful who you ensult around hear beacuse I'm a very well respected and admired busnessman who may just get you fired from your job! And then you'll be kissin the tail of ol'e Civ ****** begging for a scrape of cheese!

                    And all I did was come on these boards issuing a call for all Civ fans to unite under the flag of Civ ****** and Siv Myers! So Cram it!

                    DankMaster: "Remember I think you are 'special'."

                    I'm nuber #1 babay!


                    • #11
                      And JamesJKurk you're spelling is terrible! Believe you me bucko I know what "cool" is and its me babay! Get a clue!

                      ps nimoy's better


                      • #12

                        Originally posted by Civ ****** on 05-02-2001 03:13 AM
                        And JamesJKurk you're spelling is terrible

                        I AM spelling is terrible? really? I'm aghast, really. PSSST! And here's a word of advice: I don't think you'll be able to convince Yin that you could get him fired, and also it seems to me that people who declare themselves to be cool, either with a "c" or a "k", usually....well I'm sure can figure out the rest, and if not, I may shed a tear for you


                        • #13
                          Think he has figured out yet that his IP can be blocked from this site forever? I hope he does something really stupid soon...which won't be too hard for him, I'm sure.
                          I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                          "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


                          • #14
                            JamesJKurt what is the matter with you with all your slandrous insults and hersay! All I have done is try to lift the dieing spirits of the Civ Communuty with some relavant insite into the world of Civ III by Siv Myers! And what do I get for my trouble! Slandrous insults!

                            When are we all going to answer the call to battel as a Civ family instead of resorting to petty polaticking and name-calling! If we love one another we can love this new game babay! So I'm thinking you and Yen26 should apoligize for these hanous offenses!
                            DankMaster: "Remember I think you are 'special'."

                            I'm nuber #1 babay!
                            [This message has been edited by Civ ****** (edited May 02, 2001).]


                            • #15

                              Originally posted by Civ ****** on 05-02-2001 03:26 AM
                              JamesJKurt what is the matter with you with all your slandrous insults and hersay!

                              Did you say my "hearsay" or my "heresy", Torquemada?

