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Whats your favorite animation?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by pedrojedi
    I like the Knight animation, but I think it would be a little more nice if it carried a lance instead of a sword, it when in battle he would try to perfurate its enemy with it (I know lances had commonly round extremities, but it would be for dramatic purposes).
    A common misconception! I blame cinema. Lances when used in anger had pointed ends (I mean why wouldn't they?) The blunt lances were for sport only (jousting) where you don't want to kill each other, just dismount them.
    Do not be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed...


    • #17
      And pedrojedi, I think a better word for that is "impale."
      Heh, I was ready to put it, but then I was in doubt about its meaning in english, and got lazy enough to not pick up the dicionary and look for it. It's because the portuguese meaning of a similar word for impale, "impalar", which is used strictly for the kind of torture that Vlad Dracula used to like.

      Thanks for the correction!


      • #18
        I find the way Medivial Infantry wave their club is simply awesome. I often find myself yelling 'beat em' when I attack with them.

        The battleship is also a good one. They look SO powerful when their guns go off.
        Don't eat the yellow snow.


        • #19
          The french musketeer has a funny promotion animation. He takes his hat off and bows

          That looks quite nice
          I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


          • #20
            The helicopter bringing in units and dropping them off is exceptionally cool in my opinion. Too bad I've only seen it twice.


            • #21
              ironclad moving, steam emitting from it ; spearman fortifying


              • #22
                I like the Carriers when they fire the phalanx guns


                • #23
                  And pedrojedi, I think a better word for that is "impale."
                  Another good word would be "skewer"


                  the Medieval infantry use a flail not a club in their animations.

                  I love the Nuke animation, I like to save my game and let a few fly just for fun. The F-15 air intercept is also a great sight. I also like the amimation of a sub attack with the torpedos in the water
                  * A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
                  * If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
                  * The difference between Genius and stupidity is that Genius has a limit.
                  * There are Lies, Damned Lies, and The Republican Party.


                  • #24
                    I was hoping for better animation when different things were built, market places, walls, etc. And I thought the space race was going to be a space race from the moon to Mars to some other place with great DVD animation. So, the events’ animations were quickly off my favorite list. However, I love to see the increased range my calvary can move over my knights. If you and your allies have a technology advantage, then it is a good time to get an enemy to declare war on you. One good way to change the government leadership is to have an enemy declare war on you so that you can invade them. However, this starts a rebellion movement and increases criminal and covert anarchy. Diplomacy takes a lot of money, time, trading and "sucking-up." The knights move only a few squares. And soon your enemy will find a way to develop the musketeer. The calvary comes just in time from navel ships and overland. The same animation thrills occur with tank destruction, nothing like developing computers and synthetic fibers to see your mobile units in action.


                    • #25
                      My favourite animation is the Tanks death. where the top explodes and the tank hoppes into the air.
                      Libertas inaestimabilis res est.
                      (Liberty is a thing beyond all price.)
                      ~Corpus Iuris Civilis: Digesta


                      • #26
                        Has to be the Siphais attack/defend animations. Whats cooler then a mounted guy with armor and two pistols? Heh.
                        "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


                        • #27
                          I like the Siphais flipping pistols animation, too. Like Arnold in T2.

                          I think that our friend from Brazil was looking for the word perforate.

                          I like the way the Infantry ejects a shell for its fidget animation.

                          And you got to love the snooty Musketeer. You can just hear the silent x's.
                          Got my new computer!!!!


                          • #28
                            I had forgotten many of the animations listed in this thread. Paratrooper paradrop, sneezing rifleman, upgrades to ancient 'em all.

                            The animation that came to mind first for me was the marine attacking. I think it's the only man-portable machine gun in the whole game. The marine has a so-so attack strength and you can't help but cheer him on, it just feels better when he wins than with other units.

                            I am still waiting for an enemy to attempt a bombing run near a fighter defended city of mine. I want to shoot that sucker DOWN.


                            • #29
                              Marines have an interesting sound during battle . . .

                              Originally posted by athorpel
                              I had forgotten many of the animations listed in this thread. Paratrooper paradrop, sneezing rifleman, upgrades to ancient 'em all.

                              The animation that came to mind first for me was the marine attacking. I think it's the only man-portable machine gun in the whole game. The marine has a so-so attack strength and you can't help but cheer him on, it just feels better when he wins than with other units.

                              I am still waiting for an enemy to attempt a bombing run near a fighter defended city of mine. I want to shoot that sucker DOWN.


                              • #30
                                The marine has a so-so attack strength and you can't help but cheer him on, it just feels better when he wins than with other units.
                                Specially when you use him in his "special" way landing form a transport!

                                I remember one of my dearest civ games, when I made a empire-crushing coordinated attack, and it was so well coordinated (I can't be humble now, that was SO cool!) that I had a lot of marines just waiting for the D-Day, outside of the water limits. There were so many that even the heavy losses I got while landing on the enemy city guarded with infantry did not stripped me out of marines, and I found myself with a lot of them just walking by.

                                That time the choppers and paratroopers had also their role in road-blocking, and lots of bombers destroyed most of the good ones left. The great and invincible Greek Empire did not last more that 5 turns. Its remainings eventually fell to my power in another 5 turns later (they had some colonies in an island).

                                Many animations during that, SOOO much fun. I wish I had that game saved with me.

