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Wall Street

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  • Wall Street

    I've built Wall Street and have loads of Banks. Why do I see 0 interest? I'm sure it was 11 a few moves ago.

  • #2
    Because Wall Street gives 5% of your cash. Getting 11 interestmeans having around 220 cash. Getting 0 means having less than 20 cash.
    If you cut off my head, what do I say?
    Me and my body, or me and my head?


    • #3
      Maximum income from Wall Street is 50 gold. Best to hold 1000 gold minimum then you will get the 50 interest (I look at it as free support for 50 units) and have an emergency cash reserve.
      Never give an AI an even break.


      • #4
        Which is the maximum amount of income from all the "give gold" improvements?
        A los niños les gusta jugar con soldaditos, y a las niñas, con muñecas. Cuando son mayores es al revés.

        Sombra terrible de los Lisperger, voy a evocaros!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Quintrala
          Which is the maximum amount of income from all the "give gold" improvements?
          Wall street is the only one that has a maximum limit, and that's probably because it affects your entire civ, not one city only.

          All other "giv gold" improvements simply increases the gold output from the city it is built in and is therefore limited by the base income in that city.
          If you cut off my head, what do I say?
          Me and my body, or me and my head?

