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Trade Embargoes

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  • Trade Embargoes


    I'm quite new to CivIII, and I think is a lot better than CivII, but much longer. Now I'm ending my second scenario and have this problem, after eons of happy commercial peace, (I'm playing France), Ceasar attacked me for no reason, after that Cleopatra joined him, the rest of the world joined me. After punishment, (I took five cities from each), now I'm at peace but I've trade embargoes against them and want to finish them, specially 'cause I need money coming from Rome to develope my newly acquired cities.

    How can I end a Trade Embargo?
    "Run you fools this is too big even for me" Gandalf the Grey
    "You shall govern as the hawk does with inferior birds, with cleaver eyes, strong claws..." Duke Leto Atreides

  • #2
    I don't know how you end a trade embargo. Usually you have to completely wipe out the civ in question. But maybe that's just me.
    Whew! I'm back and ready to start writing again.
    Coming soon: Pax America Redux (Including concepts/civs from Conquests)


    • #3
      Go for the negotiation table, while talking about business with the other (so hated) civ-leader. At the bottom, you can read "New" and "Active". I think you'll have to do this with the nations that you got into the embargo. Anyway...

      Click on the "Active" and you'll see your present negotiations with him/her/future beaten corpse. IF there's a number next to the "Trade Embargo Against (put the name of the poor civ the you chose)", then it is still active, and breaking it can and will damage your reputation.

      But, if there is no number after it, then you can just click on it and say "bye bye Trade Embargo", and reassume your rightful position as world trade leader and chief commander of all that is good and noble.


      • #4
        "him/her/future beaten corpse" That is hilarious.
        Whew! I'm back and ready to start writing again.
        Coming soon: Pax America Redux (Including concepts/civs from Conquests)


        • #5
          Thanks Pedrojedi, I'll do that later on

          also I agree with Centauri18 It´s hilarius, Caesar will be a beaten corpse
          "Run you fools this is too big even for me" Gandalf the Grey
          "You shall govern as the hawk does with inferior birds, with cleaver eyes, strong claws..." Duke Leto Atreides


          • #6
            There are two other ways to renegotiate or end embargos. The first way is to go to options which is the triangular icon in the upper left and select preferences. In preferences you will find "always renegotiate deals." Click on the box next to it and any deal you make will pop up for renegotiation at the end of the 20 turn period.
            The other way to end a trade embargo is declare war on the civ you made the deal with. This will end any and all agreements with them. Hope this helped.


            • #7
              Caesar is a beaten corpse, I mean, look what his best friend did to him in the real world...
              Whew! I'm back and ready to start writing again.
              Coming soon: Pax America Redux (Including concepts/civs from Conquests)


              • #8
                Well thanks, but by now, the question is academical, I don't know but I was behaving like a nice bussinesmen, but no the AI decided that it was time for WW, so by now Caesar is history, and I'm after Gandhi and Elizabeth.
                I wanted to win this through the UN but the AI wants me to Dominate.
                "Run you fools this is too big even for me" Gandalf the Grey
                "You shall govern as the hawk does with inferior birds, with cleaver eyes, strong claws..." Duke Leto Atreides


                • #9
                  Never go with the UN if you're a warmonger. They get in the way.
                  (Good Grief, I sounded like George W for a minute. )
                  Whew! I'm back and ready to start writing again.
                  Coming soon: Pax America Redux (Including concepts/civs from Conquests)


                  • #10
                    Good Grief, I sounded like George W for a minute.
                    Heh, NO, NO! Go into the light! Follow the light at the end of the tunnel!

                    Well, I always end up building the UN, if the diplomatic victory is allowed. If not, usually I lose, because I don't negotiate very well as I can see through what is said here in these threads. U guys always get lots of money. I usually have to sweat a lot to get some change and even if I'm supreme leader of the world, I don't usually get more than 100 gp/turn (there where exceptions), and my swiss bank account never went over 7-8000... Hardly enough for 2 espionage missions "Rob and laugh at the (pathetic) enemy plans".


                    • #11
                      Good Grief, I sounded like George W for a minute.
                      Heh, NO, NO! Go into the light! Follow the light at the end of the tunnel!

                      Well, I always end up building the UN, if the diplomatic victory is allowed. If not, usually I lose, because I don't negotiate very well as I can see through what is said here in these threads. U guys always get lots of money. I usually have to sweat a lot to get some change and even if I'm supreme leader of the world, I don't usually get more than 100 gp/turn (there where exceptions), and my swiss bank account never went over 7-8000... Hardly enough for 2 espionage missions "Rob and laugh at the (pathetic) enemy plans".


                      • #12
                        If you have trouble getting money you should switch governments to republic or Democracy. Also try turning off research funding and just buy techs from the other civs. If your reputation is good enough you can buy the techs on a per turn payments basis. This makes them think twice about declaring war or signing an alliance against you.


                        • #13
                          Yes, getting money in the game is fairly easy: turn off your research funding, build lots of marketplaces (and, if possible, Wall Street) and you'll be filthy rich in no time.
                          I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


                          • #14
                            Hi there, I'm back after a few days playing, as I told earlier the bloddy AI doesn't want me to win through diplomatic, they just like war, so I decided to crush them, wich by the way was fairly easy at that point of the game, I was getting up to 400 per turn so you can imagine what you can do with that, and those stupid lossers just kept declaring war.
                            Any way now I've decided to go on warlord and try some diferent civs, this brought the game again with some dificulty.
                            A questión, When you choose a higher difficulty level the AI does some cheating, doesn't it?
                            "Run you fools this is too big even for me" Gandalf the Grey
                            "You shall govern as the hawk does with inferior birds, with cleaver eyes, strong claws..." Duke Leto Atreides


                            • #15
                              Actually, as far as I know (AFAIK), he does not "cheats", but changes pre-programmed patterns of distribution of tech values when trading with you or between AIs. He also tends to become more agressive, and usually does a lot of contact between the AI civs.

                              That's what I know, anyway. Never tried over regent yet, so I'm not an expert of the subject either. What I know is what is said here.

