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Elite Bombers... Why?

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  • #16
    Stealth units would have the option of getting away or hiding in the clouds or something.
    Whew! I'm back and ready to start writing again.
    Coming soon: Pax America Redux (Including concepts/civs from Conquests)


    • #17
      Originally posted by Amesjustin

      Had that happen once! Surprised the hell out of me, too! Happiness didn't last too long as this was within enemy territory and my leader was killed before he could get to safety.
      So, the leader is generated in the square you're bombing, rather than the city the bomber is based in? Odd...

      What if there are still enemy troops at the bombsite? You kill one of a stack, a leader is generated, and it appears ... where? In an adjacent hex, or does it just not work?

      Might have to go play around with this.



      • #18
        Originally posted by solodar

        So, the leader is generated in the square you're bombing, rather than the city the bomber is based in? Odd...

        What if there are still enemy troops at the bombsite? You kill one of a stack, a leader is generated, and it appears ... where? In an adjacent hex, or does it just not work?

        Might have to go play around with this.

        To be honest I don't remember all the details - one of those marathon games that went until 4ish AM. I do remember that I had relocated the modded bomber into a newly acquired (via force) city within the enemy empire.

        I am pretty sure the leader appeared in the square NEXT to where the enemy was - the square the bomber had just passed through before bombing in fact. I remember my surprise at getting a leader more than anything. sorta woke me up. But by the next turn, the leader was killed, the city recaptured, my beautiful bomber destroyed.

        I will try to recreate this by building a massive airforce and bombing all my neighbors back to the stone age - I will let you know if I get it again and where he shows up.
        Get 84 Resources, 96 Resources, or the NEW 153 Resources! Get Rockier Bonus Grassland versions1.0 or 2.0! Get My Mix of Snoopy and Womocks early terrain! Get Varied Goody Huts!
        Upcoming Mods - Optimator (with over 1000 new units!!!) & Godzilla, Revenge of the Kaiju!
        I am in dire need of new dino and Kaiju units!

