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PCGamer Preview

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  • PCGamer Preview

    Just got my PCGamer yesterday, and it had a Civ3 preview in it with not too much new, but a few things:

    "A high culture standing certainly has a vital in-game impact - it gives you a greater sphere of influence for your civilization (increasing the view radius by one critical square in each direction). Similarly, a new line-of-sight rule allows your units placed on mountains to see further than normal units"

    12 - Number of scenarios planned

    Plus, a tiny screenshot of the military advisor screen.

    That's about all the new info in the preview.

  • #2
    Hmm, the no. of scenarios planned - 12 sounds interesting, but the scenario-making community has already been dealt a major blow by the fact that there will only be the possibility to include a maximum of 7 civilizations per game.
    Rome rules


    • #3
      Any chance you could scan that one dinky screen to appease us curious types?
      Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. And perhaps everyone else, too.

