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The Official Plea to Sid & Co.

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  • The Official Plea to Sid & Co.

    To Sid and all the fine folks at Firaxis...

    One small request. Reflecting on the CtP games, one of the things they did absolutely correct (and, despite the contentions of some naysayers, CtP had some great characteristics) was provide for player customization. The majority of the mechanics were available for tinkerers to fiddle with to their hearts content, and that was probably the very best thing about it.

    Please, please, please grant us that same freedom. We shall not bemoan the limit of 7 civilizations if we can tinker and try to get more. We'll deal with longer game turns, and bugs, and crashes, and unintended consequences, and we'll be deleriously happy because we will be free to experiment.

    Text files. Customization. Freedom.

    Pretty please? With sugar on top?

    We will honestly love you forever and ever if you can do this for us. Well, I will anyway. I'm sure my girlfriend will understand.

  • #2
    More importantly:

    Ranged units should fight as ranged units, shooting from behind other ground troops, when together with other units in a "stacked army". Not just serve as replacement for the troops in front.


    • #3
      Yeah, I second both these!

      But at least, please:

      (If they're not just specific in graphics and description, and
      there are other, gameplay-identical units in the other
      civilizations. Then I'm fine )


      • #4

        Originally posted by ajbera on 04-27-2001 07:24 PM
        To Sid and all the fine folks at Firaxis...

        One small request. Reflecting on the CtP games, one of the things they did absolutely correct (and, despite the contentions of some naysayers, CtP had some great characteristics) was provide for player customization. The majority of the mechanics were available for tinkerers to fiddle with to their hearts content, and that was probably the very best thing about it.

        Please, please, please grant us that same freedom. We shall not bemoan the limit of 7 civilizations if we can tinker and try to get more. We'll deal with longer game turns, and bugs, and crashes, and unintended consequences, and we'll be deleriously happy because we will be free to experiment.

        Text files. Customization. Freedom.

        Pretty please? With sugar on top?

        We will honestly love you forever and ever if you can do this for us. Well, I will anyway. I'm sure my girlfriend will understand.

        I totally support this plea!
        Rome rules


        • #5

          Originally posted by ajbera on 04-27-2001 07:24 PM
          Text files. Customization. Freedom.

          You hit the nail right on.

          I want to be able to guide/spoonfeed the AI-civs as much as possible, through the text-files, and in as many areas as reasonably possible, thus saving them from themselves.

          Customization is a VERY important thing in Civ-3, for longlivety if nothing else. Also, let the text-files be more extensive; more accessible, peppered with examples & explanations within brackets.

