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Why is Medieval Infantry 4.2.1 and Longbowmen 4.1.1?

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  • Why is Medieval Infantry 4.2.1 and Longbowmen 4.1.1?

    Is there any reasoning behind the fact that Medieval Infantry are 4.2.1 and Longbows are 4.1.1? Not only does the longbow come later, but it's also the same price. What's with this?

  • #2
    Longbowmen don't require Iron, which is why they are slightly less effective for the same shield cost.


    • #3
      Long bowmen are 6-1-1
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      • #4
        DuncanK, I'm not sure what mod you are playing, but in the standard game they are 4-1-1.
        Seemingly Benign
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        • #5
          even worse is

          Guerillas at 6.6.1, and with iron--infantry at 6.10.1 available the same time, both costing 90 shields.


          • #6
            Infantry with melee weapons tend to be somewhat more effective in combat than specialised ranged weapons users. The problem is that at the scale the bows do not really deserve bombardment.

            And the designers wanted it that way.
            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • #7
              Re: even worse is

              Originally posted by HolyWarrior
              Guerillas at 6.6.1, and with iron--infantry at 6.10.1 available the same time, both costing 90 shields.
              Guerillas require no resource. Infantry require rubber.

              You would rather have no 6 attack foot sloggers if you are without rubber? Oh, and they cost 10 more than Riflemen. Your point?
              (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


              • #8
                Re: Why is Medieval Infantry 4.2.1 and Longbowmen 4.1.1?

                Originally posted by King_Henry
                Is there any reasoning behind the fact that Medieval Infantry are 4.2.1 and Longbows are 4.1.1? Not only does the longbow come later, but it's also the same price. What's with this?
                It's probably a sort of balance. In close combat, archers are very vulnerable. But at a distance they really rock. The combat system is too simplified to exploit things like this. Let's say as group of medieval infantry attacks longbowmen stationed on a hill within a castle/fortress. The attacking infantry will suffer heavily if they are not supported by some kind of artillery or rams. A longbow can have a range up to 1,5 km, meaning they can start picking their targets from a long distance especially if the attacking group moves close together.


                • #9
                  I don't really care for these new units. I think they could have put a little more thought in their costs and such.


                  • #10
                    Re: Re: Why is Medieval Infantry 4.2.1 and Longbowmen 4.1.1?

                    Originally posted by MoonWolf

                    It's probably a sort of balance. In close combat, archers are very vulnerable. But at a distance they really rock. The combat system is too simplified to exploit things like this. Let's say as group of medieval infantry attacks longbowmen stationed on a hill within a castle/fortress. The attacking infantry will suffer heavily if they are not supported by some kind of artillery or rams. A longbow can have a range up to 1,5 km, meaning they can start picking their targets from a long distance especially if the attacking group moves close together.
                    Suffer heavily?!?!?!
                    Try plaing Shogun!!! With 60 Archers firing 60 arrows at the same time at enemy you kill... 1 or 2 soldiers!!!!!!!


                    • #11
                      Re: Re: Re: Why is Medieval Infantry 4.2.1 and Longbowmen 4.1.1?

                      Originally posted by epics

                      Suffer heavily?!?!?!
                      Try plaing Shogun!!! With 60 Archers firing 60 arrows at the same time at enemy you kill... 1 or 2 soldiers!!!!!!!
                      But if those archers were on the top of a wall 5 meters above the infantery? The soldiers could maybe knock out a few by using throwing stones, but would be an easy target otherwise.

                      I have some real life experience with this through roleplay games. Not the paper-and-dice version, but playing for real in the forrest (we are using soft weapons, so noone gets really hurt). If you stand with a bow and some arrows (slow, low-range with a "bulb" in the end to prevent damage) on a small hill looking down at the enemy, it's very easy to make some hits, especially if he/she is fighting.

                      Also, firing at people who are clustered close together, will as close as always hit someone


                      • #12
                        I can only say that playing with the acher bombard mod, I have come to like it, and have modded it to include all ranged weapons. It adds a bit of realism IMO, especially when attacking cities. I have also modded the longbow to 4.2.1 (as they upgrade to the same unit as MEI's)

                        I do have one question though, should I give the Sammurai a bombard value also, as they were accomplished bowmen, as well as swordsmen.


                        The biggest loss would be in the defense without infantry as you can always build Cav's with a 6 attack. The biggest strength of the Guerilla is that it requires no support, a definate plus to those cash strapped societies.
                        * A true libertarian is an anarchist in denial.
                        * If brute force isn't working you are not using enough.
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                        * There are Lies, Damned Lies, and The Republican Party.

