Well I was playing a game as Chinese. To the east were the Ottomans and the Americans. So well I start colonizin' the land all cheerfully and happily dum de doode dum. I have this juicy nice spot open perfectly within a circle of some of my other cities. Well my settler gets built and then I see the Ottoman settler 2 squares away from my juicy city spot...then 1 square away.... then right on top of it (dont u hate that?
) . Well then I got paranoid and killed the spearman and took his settler causing a war between me and the Ottomans.
Considering I had already built like 10 archers beforhand I quickly knocked out half of the Ottomans empire and then called a truce with them for any techs I didnt already have. I open up talks with Americans and even establish a trade route by linking my roads to Abe's and we start tradin' whinin' dinin' havin' big ballroom parties u kno
all our citizens draped in fine silks, plenty of whine and ivory decorations
. I had no real beef with the Americans but I did have my eye on exploiting and finising the Ottomans off later.
Anyway a couple hundred years later... BAM. American declared war on you! WTF?! They swept in a couple units and captured like 5 or 6 workers and pillages some roads. Anyway I ended up wiping half of their nation out and finishing out the Ottomans after I fully mobilized at that point. But.. I mean wtf did they declare war? Everything was going fine between us and we were polite/gracious and trading and stuff... then boom WAR. Gawd cant we all just get along

Considering I had already built like 10 archers beforhand I quickly knocked out half of the Ottomans empire and then called a truce with them for any techs I didnt already have. I open up talks with Americans and even establish a trade route by linking my roads to Abe's and we start tradin' whinin' dinin' havin' big ballroom parties u kno

Anyway a couple hundred years later... BAM. American declared war on you! WTF?! They swept in a couple units and captured like 5 or 6 workers and pillages some roads. Anyway I ended up wiping half of their nation out and finishing out the Ottomans after I fully mobilized at that point. But.. I mean wtf did they declare war? Everything was going fine between us and we were polite/gracious and trading and stuff... then boom WAR. Gawd cant we all just get along
