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When is Official Release date for UK?

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  • When is Official Release date for UK?

    Anyone know?

    Will Civ 3 come with multiplayer options too? I was disappointed that Civ 2 didn't.

  • #2
    Civ3 will come with the following multiplayer options: LAN, Hotseat, PBEM, Internet;

    As to the realease date - nobody knows yet, but there are rumours that it will ship sometime before Christmass.
    Rome rules


    • #3
      Ï'd guess between three days before and two weeks after the US one, but considering the size of this one I'd say they'll be pretty simultaneous.


      • #4
        Yeah, we're always the last ones to get anything over here.. damnit


        • #5
          Civ III definetely will include mp. If you want to comment on what you'd like to see in MP, go here where Jeffery Morris from Firaxis has asked for comments.
          About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


          • #6

            Originally posted by Ceci n'est pas Snapcase on 04-15-2001 10:29 AM
            Ï'd guess between three days before and two weeks after the US one, but considering the size of this one I'd say they'll be pretty simultaneous.

            I would have to believe that the English/European release date would come at least a week following the U.S. debut. This is simply because Black & White, created by a Brit had an American first debut. I have heard that there were a lot of English gamers upset by this. Well, if a British game comes to the states first, I would assume an American game would go to the isles second.
            About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


            • #7
              It is quite annoying.. yes.


              • #8
                /me kicks anyone asking for a release date



                • #9
                  I remember Alpha Centauri arriving in the far east a week before the US, and in europe a week after. But that, as well as Black and White, was EA. This is Infogrames, an essentially European publisher.

