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Ethnic Orientation to Minor Powers?

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  • Ethnic Orientation to Minor Powers?

    Any chance that minor powers might share the same ethnicity as major powers? For instance, if you're playing as Germany, might there be an Austria? What a rich history of competition those two had, and then the union in WW2... Of course, many different minor nations make up present day Germany, Italy, and perhaps others.

    I think it should be possible to run into a little country of the same ethnic origin.

    Long time member @ Apolyton
    Civilization player since the dawn of time

  • #2
    Good idea - especially if you could then assimilate the minor nations using your culture points more easily/cheaply.
    Rome rules


    • #3
      Not sure they could find enough types babrabrian to keep that balanced, otherwise the central european civs would be benefited more. I think they should keep it vague with barbarian minor civs being more culturally similar to you based on your distance to their territory (or original capital). That way a civ on the opposite side of the world is least similar, but a civ next door is pretty close in culture


      • #4
        Assimilation, I like it Roman. ...but then I'm a spy planted by the Borg...

        SerapisIV, good point. I wonder if it is the case that euros would benfit more, or if a bit of investigation would reveal otherwise? Though come to think of it, I know of no Japanese related minor countries. I agree that the closer a minor is the more related it might be, though it shouldn't be a hard and fast rule.

        Long time member @ Apolyton
        Civilization player since the dawn of time


        • #5

          Originally posted by Lancer on 04-15-2001 04:39 PM
          Though come to think of it, I know of no Japanese related minor countries. I agree that the closer a minor is the more related it might be, though it shouldn't be a hard and fast rule.

          Sure, the Ainu were a fair-skinned, bearded people of an island in the Japanese islands. They were traded with, then later assimilated by the Japanese. Some scholars think that Kennewick Man (a 4,000+ year-old skeleton found in the American northwest) was closest to the Ainu, so perhaps they were explorers in their own right.
          An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile,
          hoping it will eat him last.
          Winston Churchill


          • #6
            The implementation I would like to see in regards to ethnicity is if you conquer cities from other Empires. Thos cities would be given some special consideration ( more unrest, different trade bonuses, etc.). Anything other than that will just get way too complicated.


