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Seeking official answers!

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  • Seeking official answers!

    One can be easily overwhelmed by the amounts of data and info in this forum

    So for those of us who haven't read the appropriate sections or messages and might be missing on important info just a few questions:

    1. Is it decided by Firaxis wether Civs will have unique abilities and/or units? Did they commit to the one or the other side as they did with the unit workshop?

    2. Is there an official release date from Firaxis?

    [This message has been edited by paiktis22 (edited April 16, 2001).]

  • #2

    Originally posted by paiktis22 on 04-16-2001 01:23 AM
    1. Is it decided by Firaxis wether Civs will have unique abilities and/or units? Did they commit to the one or the other side as they did with the unit workshop?

    2. Is there an official release date from Firaxis?
    [This message has been edited by paiktis22 (edited April 16, 2001).]

    1) It has not been decided yet.

    2) There is no official release date from Firaxis yet, but rumours indicate that Civ 3 will ship before Christmass.
    Rome rules


    • #3
      Ok. Thanks Roman.

