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new process for turns ???

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  • new process for turns ???

    1 of things i hate later in a game when a civ is large and sprawling is the end of turn sequence, normally you see see all enemy movements..then are told of improvemnts built etccc...can this be changed somehow nothing is more difficult than hopping around to find the city that during enemy moves was under attack, or waiting for hundreds of improvements to be announced till you can deal with impending barbarians...or incroaching spys...perhaps 2 different modes in a turn. example show enemy moves....stop...allow player to take defensive activate units move units etc...then hit button and go into improvement w/ whats been built, riots new units etcc... or perhaps an interface to let you know more easily where enemy units are close...

  • #2
    If a build queue is implemented (which most everyone hopes that it does) then you can just turn off the 'notify when improovment is built' in the city options menu, thus eliminating all the xx city built yy improovment stuff. As for the enemy encoutners, you just have to keep track and remember all that is going on. If you have notification messages whenever an enemy enters your territory (after all the city stuff is done) then it is just that many more messages to sort out in end game (and for every part of the game, for that matter).

    Having the player be able to take defencive measures before cities are processed has some very wierd consequences, like you could take an enemy's city durring this phase and have that city processed that turn, or just being able to process all your units before it processes your cities. There are other side effects, and in general it just wouldn't work out.
    I don't have much to say 'cause I won't be here long.


    • #3
      I remember in Steel Panthers world at war and other Turn based games, your units could respond when an enemy attacked/approached, by making smoke and running or returning fire..
      Perhaps something like this could do what your talking about , might be good for multiplayer games or as an option.
      It would be nice to be able to use up a units turn maybe when an enemy appears to attack, the AI could take control to show a units independant control from its leaders (especcialy when in a remote battlefield) like in XCOM :Apocolypse where units had a reflex/awareness statistic.

      Say- when a city is Taken or bribed you should be allowed to counterattack
      Esp if you have spies there etc, so you decide to Disband units and destroy buildings rather than the automatic way it was before..
      or maybe the old way worked pretty well before.

      I've heard you can do something similar with simultaneous Turn moves in multiplayer if you enable it in Civ2.


      • #4
        I'm not sure that I want a build-queue, because when a new building is researched (factory) I might have to change every queue.
        We shall go on till the end,
        We shall fight in France,
        We shall fight on the seas and oceans,
        We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air,
        We shall defend our island,
        Whatever the cost may be,
        We shall fight on the beaches,
        We shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
        We shall fight in the hills,
        We shall NEVER surrender.

        (Winston Churchill)


        • #5
          Yes, but Richard, how often does a building come along that aboslutely has to be put into the queue? Also, its bery easy to play without one. In SMAC it was very easy to manipulate the queue. You could also insert templates a city, so that every time you founded a city, you didn't have to punch in each queue item, you just put in the new-city template or whatever that you are able to create. It's pretty intuitive. The only feature I'd like to see is that if a building is already built (as in a captrued city) or made obsolete by a wonder (like a granary) the AI for the queue should be smart enough to skip to the next item. It might have worked that way in SMAC but I don't know if I tried it. Besides I don't use queues much anyway because I like to micromanage more.


          • #6
            What you really need is a way to bring up a list that shows the location of each unit of another civ that is in your territory. You could then select to toggle throught the list to take whatever actions you want. You could even have the options of specifing that you only want to see certain civs or that you would like to see units within X spaces of your border, or any combo thereof.
            "Slander, lies, character assassination--these things are a threat to every single citizen everywhere in this country. And when even one American--who has done nothing wrong--is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril" - Harry S. Truman, Address at the Dedication of the New Washington Headquarters of the American Legion, August 14, 1951

            "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759


            • #7
              I think stonewall has the right idea...which would stop us from needing to jump all over to find cities that have enemy movements nearby...not so much concerned about being able to react "during" ie in middle of turn...but more along lines of an easier way to keep track of enemy moves...and locations..that happen during AI part of turn...A replay of just the enemt moves would be awesome... thus allowing ability totake a more deail look at what other civ might be doing

