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Computer Gaming World CIVIII preview

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  • Computer Gaming World CIVIII preview

    I've been lurking here a little in anticipation of the game, but I got my copy of the 05/2001 copy of computer gaming world today in the mail and it had a preview of CIVIII on the cover! the preview is complete with screen shots and detailed info from Sid. Some of it similar to his interview in GameSpot UK but way more detailed and with some early screen shots. here are some excerpts [i typed them in by hand so please excuse any typo's)

    "now game worlds sport raw materials that when sitting within a city's sphere of influence can be used for the good of the player's firaxis' design the raw map resources tie directly into the gameplay [as opposed to CTP] rather than functioning strictly as a source of revenue raw goods can be used to build certain types of units or to make your citizens happier. you can also use them to amplify your power, and possibly even win the game...
    [with the addition of culture into the game] "Libraries and other city improvements accumulate culture points for a civilization expanding their borders and influence. The older the library the more culture you accumulate. The more culture you accumulate the easier it is to happily assimilate conquered cities."

    "Settler units have now been split into two the original settlers and terrain-improving Workers, who can be captured by other players."

    [the addition of great leaders] "any time a unit wins a battle and gets promoted to veteran status there's a small chance a leader will be spawned. When this happens get the Leader back to a city without being captured and you can use him for three tasks he can build an army (essentially a stacked unit that fights all at once), form a Military Academy (which builds armies), or accelerate the construction of one building in your empire.
    Depending on how the idea comes through in playtesting the design team is also toying with allowing Great Artists, Explorers, and Scientists to be born out of cities leading in each category."

    it also mentions how the design team is using Brueghel's "Tower of Babel" as a design template. and there is way more. if you can find a copy DEFANITELY get it.

    here is an excerpt of a table i didn't see on the first run through:
    What's in:
    Diplomatic and economic victories
    Raw materials and trade
    cultural expantion
    borders and zone of control for swift units
    great leader units

    What's out:
    Supporting military units with shield units (its only gold now)
    The city view [note: this is odd since one of the screenshots in the article is a "improved" city view]

    What's Changing:
    Health points for units
    the space race end game
    advisers provide more useful info
    tech tree (which can be queued up)
    diplomacy is more complex and converstaional"
    [This message has been edited by shuttleswo (edited March 27, 2001).]

    [This message has been edited by shuttleswo (edited March 27, 2001).]
    [This message has been edited by shuttleswo (edited March 27, 2001).]

  • #2
    Whoa, this is all excellent news. I hope Dan Maghana confirms this..

    Rome rules


    • #3
      I don't use this word often but I will here: AWESOME!

      They are putting in lots of things that I have always wanted. It seems also like they are really listening to the trade/ressources discussion that we have been having.

      No permanent enemies, no permanent friends.
      'There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities, it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.'"
      G'Kar - from Babylon 5 episode "Z'ha'dum"


      • #4
        This is way cool. It seems like they've heard a lot of discussions we've been having, doesn't it? I suppose, being fans of the game themselves, they've been having the same discussions...

        Hey, shuttleswo -- anything about a more specific release date? How about a release year?


        • #5
          I just got off work and have some time to post some more from the article

          "Material Goods

          Each raw -good icon supplies an entire civilization with that particular good. Resources such as iron and uranium allow a civilization to produce certain goods. Luxuries such as ivory make the population happier. RULES One icon supplies all cities linked to each other by road or by harbor with that particular good. VALUE adds extra depth to the game's economic model in a tangible way. Allows players to create monopolies on certain goods within continents, in a sense becoming power brokers."

          Each civilization accumulates cultural points based on the types of city improvement built and how long they've been around. When one civilization takes over a foreign city a stronger culture rating will make the assimilation easier and avoid debilitating unhappieness. RULES If you build cultural improvements (a library, a wonder) early in the game these enhancements will generate cultural points the entire game. they may also expand your influence and your city boarders. Captured units retain their cultural identity. VALUE Creates extra tension and opportunity trade-offs around decision making. Gun-or-enhancement decisions become even more critical in the early game because of the cultural payoff. Also places more even emotional and functional value on older cities."

          note that this was formatted oddly in the article. the words in capital seem to be some kind of catagorization.


          • #6

            Originally posted by raingoon on 03-27-2001 03:20 PM
            This is way cool. It seems like they've heard a lot of discussions we've been having, doesn't it? I suppose, being fans of the game themselves, they've been having the same discussions...

            Hey, shuttleswo -- anything about a more specific release date? How about a release year?

            the last line of the article is as follows "with any luck, that sprint end this November or December" but that's the article's author talking not sid or jeff briggs (also quoted in the article) talking.


            • #7

              Originally posted by shuttleswo on 03-27-2001 03:31 PM
              "Material Goods

              Each raw -good icon supplies an entire civilization with that particular good. Resources such as iron and uranium allow a civilization to produce certain goods. Luxuries such as ivory make the population happier. RULES One icon supplies all cities linked to each other by road or by harbor with that particular good. VALUE adds extra depth to the game's economic model in a tangible way. Allows players to create monopolies on certain goods within continents, in a sense becoming power brokers."

              Each civilization accumulates cultural points based on the types of city improvement built and how long they've been around. When one civilization takes over a foreign city a stronger culture rating will make the assimilation easier and avoid debilitating unhappieness. RULES If you build cultural improvements (a library, a wonder) early in the game these enhancements will generate cultural points the entire game. they may also expand your influence and your city boarders. Captured units retain their cultural identity. VALUE Creates extra tension and opportunity trade-offs around decision making. Gun-or-enhancement decisions become even more critical in the early game because of the cultural payoff. Also places more even emotional and functional value on older cities."


              The game sounds absolutely great. it looks like trade will finally work right in a civ game. Also, the idea of roads transmitting a ressource to other cities is wonderful.

              No permanent enemies, no permanent friends.
              'There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities, it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.'"
              G'Kar - from Babylon 5 episode "Z'ha'dum"


              • #8

                Captured units retain their cultural identity.

                This is a sentence the leaps out at me. Those of us who remember back to the halcion days of the religion thread 2.0 have been waiting to hear more about how "culture" -- if not religion per se -- will be modeled in the game. Does this means every nation will have its own cultural identity? Apparently so, and that's amazing! But how does it affect the game?

                Is there a way for my nation's cultural identity to expand into my neighbor's civ, even if I don't attack him? Can I see a map filter that shows how the cultural borders differ from the political borders? And do foreign units or cities near my border have a percentage chance of adopting my cultural identity, thereby making it easier for me to subsume them? Questions, questions, questions...


                • #9
                  Excellent way to do materials and trade Firaxis. I always wondered in Civ 2 why the trade commodities were based on technology and not on the squares you actually had under your control. This will make a very strategic trade war.

                  Has Firaxis taken the environment into consideration; can you deplete your forests and other natural resources?
                  Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. And perhaps everyone else, too.


                  • #10
                    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I literally ran down the street to the drug store. They don't have it yet!
                    Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. And perhaps everyone else, too.


                    • #11

                      The thing that leapt out at me from Shuttle's original posting was "Diplomatic and economic victories" as something 'in' -- that's great news! I may have missed discussion of this in these forums, but does anyone have any idea of what these might be? Shuttle, was anything further said about them in the article?

                      That I would dearly love, i.e. different and peaceful ways of winning!


                      Every time you win, remember: "The first shall be last".
                      Every time you lose, remember: "The last shall be first".


                      • #12
                        i was debating wether or not to post scans of the article b/c of copyright law & what not, but if I was in the other boat of wanting to see them but can't access them it'd drive me NUTS, so I've posted them here to save someone's sanity. hopefully CGW and Firaxis will post some better ones and eliminate the need for these poor quality scans.



                        • #13
                          I just checked out the screenshots and the city screen.
                          AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING etc.... UNBELIEVABLE

                          Check them out RIGHT NOW people. WOW WOW WOW WOW

                          The graphics are sooooo much better than civ2 and the city screen looks super good. You can see the complexity in the model but the interface is so smooth.

                          I AM SOOO EXCITED ABOUT THIS GAME!

                          I have a question: in the city screen, I don't see heads in the city radius. Has Firaxis dumped the "workers on tiles to produce ressources" system and replaced with something better? I hope so, I so hope so!

                          No permanent enemies, no permanent friends.
                          [This message has been edited by The diplomat (edited March 27, 2001).]
                          'There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities, it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.'"
                          G'Kar - from Babylon 5 episode "Z'ha'dum"


                          • #14
                            Screen shots are encouraging!!

                            Except the map....that's not "bright" at all!!

                            If the voices in my head paid rent, I'd be a very rich man


                            • #15
                              This looks great!!

                              Tks. for the screenshots.

                              The only thing which mystifies me is that the article says, the city screen is out and yet shows the city screen in the screenshot.
                              Rome rules

