in order to move the discussion on "the improvement of the AI" to a more practical level I thought it might be useful to list a number of new strategies, which the AI players in my opinion must use in the new version of Civilization. These are suggestions for the highest difficulty level, whether the AI must ignore a number of these strategies on lower difficulty settings is something I am not sure about.
Warrior aproach:
-strive for domination of the continent/island:
-build cities in strategic locations to deprive rival nations of the possibility to expand
-remove all other nations by conquering/bribing/negotiating of this continent/island starting with the weakest nation in the neigbourhood.
-build circles of cities round it's capital and other important cities to remove easy acces of aggressors.
-when the AI is in control of the first continent or when this is not possible for quite some time create a beachhead on another continent. It must be possible to have at least four or five cities on this continent otherwise it can't be properly defended. Some strategic places (near important waterways) can justify the colonization of smaller islands. The AI must of course be able to identify these locations.
-patrol it's borders (land and sea!).
-strive for technology domination. Update your armies continously. Use your technology edge against weaker nations.
-do not give weak nations the time to become strong(er) nations
Peaceful approach:
-strive for domination of the continent/island, but only use peaceful methods as expanding very quickly and diplomacy (bribing).
-build circles of cities round it's capital and other important cities to remove easy acces of aggressors.
-when the AI is in control of the first continent or when this is not possible for quite some time create a beachhead on another continent. See above.
-patrol it's borders (land and sea!).
-strive for technology domination. Update it's armies continously (for defensive purposes only of course). Also build offensive units as aircraft, but use them for defense (invasion).
-make a lot of allies and keep them happy unless they become unreasonable (demanding more then can be justified by their strength). A small military expedition might be necessary to convey the message.
-try to find relatively uninhabited areas for fast expansions.
-respond to provocations of aggressive nations with restrain, but draw a line in the sand (destroy invasion forces completely and take one of the aggressors cities for the bother).
War offensive:
-use diplomats to find the enemies weak spots
-steal as much technology as possible
-never start a war against a much stronger opponent (based on army numbers, technology or money) without the help of other nations or the possession of a lot of nukes.
-use surplus money to buy an easy entrance to a rival empire
When conquering:
-protecting it's supply lines with fast units like horsemen (land) or destroyers (sea) or air-units and defensive units (like pikeman) on strategic points (mountain ranges or narrow land masses).
-attacking several points in the enemy defense (preferable as far as possible separated) more or less simultaneous (within 1-2 turns of each other)
-taking more then enough units to accomplish the target. When invading the target must always be to conquer at least 3-4 cities.
-when conquering cities the AI must try to obtain a favourable front (trying to conquer a peninsula for instance)
-enlist the help of allies to attack on fronts the AI player can't reach itself
When fighting against a much stronger opponent:
-use guerrila tactis:
-starve and destroy conquered cities as much as possible
-destroy terrain enhancements systematically (starting with roads/railroads)
-destroy weak units (like settlers) without endangering your own units (use helicopters or land units with more then one movement point)
-take up good defensive positions (combine defensive and offensive units there) and use these bases to launch attacks on weak targets (like weak units or small cities)
-use surprise attacks on isolated cities to cut off parts of the enemies empire
-use terror tactics as a last resort (but don't wait untill your almost conquered) :
-nuke enemy when possible, but make sure he has no chance of becoming a threat ever again (take out his capital, large cities, cities with a lot of important wonders, cities with large amount of troops, cities with nukes and cities which are strategical placed)
-try to make up with the rest of the world as soon as possible, but better to alienate the entire world then to be conquered.
War defensive:
-enlist the help of allies
-use diplomats to find the enemies weak spots
-steal as much technology as possible
-update it's defenses with these technologies
-invest in units, which are capable of multiple attacks in one turn, are fast or in aircraft
-patrol your land and sea borders with ships, aircraft and other fast units
-when confronted with an enemy taskforce take out transports first. Second on the hitlist are aircraft carriers. Worry about the battle ships later.
-when encountering a single battle ship or aircraft carrier the AI must take it out as fast as possible. Using multiple attacks of aircraft, missiles, subs or surface ships if necessary.
-when the first city has been lost in an invasion it usually pays to throw everything the AI has against destroying this beachhead.
-if the AI forces are to weak for a counter attack (let's say less then twice the defensive strength the enemy has) it must try to stabilize the front somewhere (on a mountain range or near a number of strong cities) and build up a new army. And try to reconquer the lost cities later.
-the AI must use surplus money to bribe strategical placed enemy units
-prevent at all costs the opening of a second/third … front by the enemy
-take the war home to the enemy. Trying to conquer one of his cities in his homeland (preferable his capital or another important city). Bribing might be an alternative.
-take out all the weak cities in the border region which the enemy has been building up during the last decades/centuries.
-destroy roads/railroads, which lead from the enemies homland to the AI's empire.
in order to move the discussion on "the improvement of the AI" to a more practical level I thought it might be useful to list a number of new strategies, which the AI players in my opinion must use in the new version of Civilization. These are suggestions for the highest difficulty level, whether the AI must ignore a number of these strategies on lower difficulty settings is something I am not sure about.
Warrior aproach:
-strive for domination of the continent/island:
-build cities in strategic locations to deprive rival nations of the possibility to expand
-remove all other nations by conquering/bribing/negotiating of this continent/island starting with the weakest nation in the neigbourhood.
-build circles of cities round it's capital and other important cities to remove easy acces of aggressors.
-when the AI is in control of the first continent or when this is not possible for quite some time create a beachhead on another continent. It must be possible to have at least four or five cities on this continent otherwise it can't be properly defended. Some strategic places (near important waterways) can justify the colonization of smaller islands. The AI must of course be able to identify these locations.
-patrol it's borders (land and sea!).
-strive for technology domination. Update your armies continously. Use your technology edge against weaker nations.
-do not give weak nations the time to become strong(er) nations
Peaceful approach:
-strive for domination of the continent/island, but only use peaceful methods as expanding very quickly and diplomacy (bribing).
-build circles of cities round it's capital and other important cities to remove easy acces of aggressors.
-when the AI is in control of the first continent or when this is not possible for quite some time create a beachhead on another continent. See above.
-patrol it's borders (land and sea!).
-strive for technology domination. Update it's armies continously (for defensive purposes only of course). Also build offensive units as aircraft, but use them for defense (invasion).
-make a lot of allies and keep them happy unless they become unreasonable (demanding more then can be justified by their strength). A small military expedition might be necessary to convey the message.
-try to find relatively uninhabited areas for fast expansions.
-respond to provocations of aggressive nations with restrain, but draw a line in the sand (destroy invasion forces completely and take one of the aggressors cities for the bother).
War offensive:
-use diplomats to find the enemies weak spots
-steal as much technology as possible
-never start a war against a much stronger opponent (based on army numbers, technology or money) without the help of other nations or the possession of a lot of nukes.
-use surplus money to buy an easy entrance to a rival empire
When conquering:
-protecting it's supply lines with fast units like horsemen (land) or destroyers (sea) or air-units and defensive units (like pikeman) on strategic points (mountain ranges or narrow land masses).
-attacking several points in the enemy defense (preferable as far as possible separated) more or less simultaneous (within 1-2 turns of each other)
-taking more then enough units to accomplish the target. When invading the target must always be to conquer at least 3-4 cities.
-when conquering cities the AI must try to obtain a favourable front (trying to conquer a peninsula for instance)
-enlist the help of allies to attack on fronts the AI player can't reach itself
When fighting against a much stronger opponent:
-use guerrila tactis:
-starve and destroy conquered cities as much as possible
-destroy terrain enhancements systematically (starting with roads/railroads)
-destroy weak units (like settlers) without endangering your own units (use helicopters or land units with more then one movement point)
-take up good defensive positions (combine defensive and offensive units there) and use these bases to launch attacks on weak targets (like weak units or small cities)
-use surprise attacks on isolated cities to cut off parts of the enemies empire
-use terror tactics as a last resort (but don't wait untill your almost conquered) :
-nuke enemy when possible, but make sure he has no chance of becoming a threat ever again (take out his capital, large cities, cities with a lot of important wonders, cities with large amount of troops, cities with nukes and cities which are strategical placed)
-try to make up with the rest of the world as soon as possible, but better to alienate the entire world then to be conquered.
War defensive:
-enlist the help of allies
-use diplomats to find the enemies weak spots
-steal as much technology as possible
-update it's defenses with these technologies
-invest in units, which are capable of multiple attacks in one turn, are fast or in aircraft
-patrol your land and sea borders with ships, aircraft and other fast units
-when confronted with an enemy taskforce take out transports first. Second on the hitlist are aircraft carriers. Worry about the battle ships later.
-when encountering a single battle ship or aircraft carrier the AI must take it out as fast as possible. Using multiple attacks of aircraft, missiles, subs or surface ships if necessary.
-when the first city has been lost in an invasion it usually pays to throw everything the AI has against destroying this beachhead.
-if the AI forces are to weak for a counter attack (let's say less then twice the defensive strength the enemy has) it must try to stabilize the front somewhere (on a mountain range or near a number of strong cities) and build up a new army. And try to reconquer the lost cities later.
-the AI must use surplus money to bribe strategical placed enemy units
-prevent at all costs the opening of a second/third … front by the enemy
-take the war home to the enemy. Trying to conquer one of his cities in his homeland (preferable his capital or another important city). Bribing might be an alternative.
-take out all the weak cities in the border region which the enemy has been building up during the last decades/centuries.
-destroy roads/railroads, which lead from the enemies homland to the AI's empire.