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I know . . . already said . . . but

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  • I know . . . already said . . . but

    Firaxis, please make the Civ III AI a KILLING machine! I want that thing slaughtering me left and right. I want to be terrified of playing the game (of course, I'm talking about the higher levels).

    I just came from visiting some of the Europa Universalis forums and have noticed a slow but steadily growing trend of people who are claiming that the AI is too easy.

    First CTPII, now EU?? What next, Civ III???!!! I hope not!

    My impression is that creating an awesome AI must be tough; my best wishes and hopes that you succeed!

  • #2
    the AI does not have to be a militant one in order to be difficult. If they are so far advanced over you, one of their tanks could clean house on your brigade of pikemen
    i, too, want a hard AI, but it needs to have its balance - like civ II: the zulus/russians/etc. were militant and kept you ocuppied on that front, while the egyptians/etc. were tech advances on the other hand. i thought it was well balanced, but i just wish that the personalities are random (i.e. i dont want to see green or white and KNOW that they are militant, or that yellow is always a technocratic(?) nation)


    • #3
      I'd prefer to have the old personalities in there, with the option to randomise them (they had this option in civ1, why did they take it out??).


      • #4
        Everybody knows the AI knows! The trick is to actually dumb it down to a level that both challenges us and permits us to enjoy the game!
        "I'm an engineer. I make slides that people can't read. Sometimes I eat donuts." - Alice

