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Civ III Site has been updated

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  • Civ III Site has been updated

    Firaxis Games. Inc.
    Dan Magaha
    Firaxis Games, Inc.

  • #2




    • #3
      Dan, how final are those leader graphics? Both leaders look quite good in the normal posture, fairly well in the smiling mode but down-right silly near angry... they looking like they are snarling apes more then just dignified political leaders fuming... :-)
      "The most hopelessly stupid man is he who is not aware he is wise" Preem Palver, First speaker, "Second Foundation", Isaac Asimov


      • #4
        so far i am quite impressed. i was not anticipating the graphics to be as great as they are currently. everything mentioned up to this point has been beyond my expectations. keep it up!

        as for teh diplomate faces... i think they should be over exagerated in order to help us better see their attitude. also, who ever just frowns when they are mad? i mean it doesnt really look exactly like thats more for when you are upset, not angry. so i think a "snarl" is quite fitting - imo

        also, i am VERY happy to hear that you have a working prototype. it makes me feel better that it will be completely tested by its release. (this is and increaseingly important issue with me these days)
        [This message has been edited by Nemo (edited March 01, 2001).]


        • #5

          Originally posted by Harel on 03-01-2001 11:03 AM
          Dan, how final are those leader graphics? Both leaders look quite good in the normal posture, fairly well in the smiling mode but down-right silly near angry... they looking like they are snarling apes more then just dignified political leaders fuming... :-)

          They're pretty close to final. Keep in mind that the original Civ (and to a lesser degree, Civ II) had a very light-hearted tone. We're trying to recapture some of the wit and fun attitude that the original Civ had, so you'll see that reflected in the leaders and some of the other parts of the game.

          Firaxis Games, Inc.

          Dan Magaha
          Firaxis Games, Inc.


          • #6
            Kind of funny seeing Mao Tse Tung smiling, so I was wondering, have you done Lenin or Hitler? HEHEHE

            Nope! Dan, I like it! It's good. Being too serious in THIS area, would remove the fun. The balance is good, I can see seriousness and sillyness in it. Just what the government is all about. It's good.


            • #7
              *VERY* nice, Dan. I like the diplomacy section, at least as it's described. The graphics are totally cool. Just out of curiosity, are all the leaders going to be the same as from Civ's I & II? I for one would be interested in seeing Peter the Great as opposed to Lenin, and maybe Napoleon for France. Obviously, if you've already done them all, it's too late to change, but it's something to consider for Civ IV...



              • #8
                Wow! Nifty leader faces... just like I was hoping for. I hope the diplomacy intereface takes up the full screen like Civ 1 & 2 (not a partial window like certain... other Civ style games ), it'll be fun to face them down.

                Will the leaders mouths move, as if they were talking? I think that would be a neat touch, although actual speach obviously wouldn't work very well, considering the number of things they'd have to say, and the fact that you can change city and civilization names.

                Actually, that makes me think of something neat I thought would be fun in Alpha Centauri. You're probably too far along to put it in, but I'll throw it out there anyway. It would be very cool if each of the leaders DID actually speak every once and awhile.

                What they said wouldn't have to match what the written dialog was, it would just be for extra flavor. Most of the time the model would be silent, but sometimes it would greet you when you started negotiations, or say farewell. If you made an outrageous demand they might recoil and say "Are you mad?" (or something else appropriate to their character and personality).

                I'm just worried that nifty animated faces like that will seem a little lifeless if they never say anything at all. But if they did, with their different voices and moods, I think it would add an enormous amount of flavor and character. (Although I guess if you did this they shouldn't move their mouths the rest of the time...)

                I'm also really glad your going back to the more colorfull and fun style of Civ 1.

                [This message has been edited by Fintilgin (edited March 01, 2001).]


                • #9

                  Comb the Information squad springs to action:

                  Civs that will at least be there: Americans, Chinese, Iroquis, Indians, Zulus, French, English
                  Techs: Bronze Working
                  Units: Spearman (hm? There's phalanx, and there's warrior, so where does spearman fit in? Interesting...), Mig Fighter (drool...)
                  Neat-o stuff: Apparently there will be mutual protection pacts, right to passage agreements and trade embargoes... drool drool drool...

                  Droolworthy quotes:


                  Units that have a speed advantage over their opponent will be able to retreat from combat, but you will also be able to launch an "assault", where your units will essentially attack until they win or are killed.


                  terrain features will definitely not be flat. You will also see combat benefits depending on the terrain you occupy when you attack or defend. Stay tuned, as we will be talking about the terrain in more detail very soon.


                  We will definitely have a replay function similar to the replay system in Alpha Centauri. We're also considering adding some new features to it, but at this point, nothing has been finalized.

                  Oomba oomba eek... be silent, my pounding heart...

                  Oh yes, and since this is one of those times that gods actually descend to speak to mortals, I have a question that I've been asking since - well, forever. Will there be religion? And if there will, will you please please please include Turywenzianism as an inside joke?
                  [This message has been edited by Stefu (edited March 01, 2001).]
                  "Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self." - Dennis Kucinich, candidate for the U. S. presidency
                  "That’s the future of the Democratic Party: providing Republicans with a number of cute (but not that bright) comfort women." - Adam Yoshida, Canada's gift to the world


                  • #10
                    Take a look at the backgrounds. See anything familiar with Mao?
                    Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. And perhaps everyone else, too.


                    • #11
                      I have a plenty capable gaming system. T-bird 800, 256MB pc133, geforce2mx 32mb. But the more they show graphics on the site, the more and more I worry about the requirements this game is gonna have. Those face renders look like the stuff Nvidia's been showing for GeForce3. It looks like my 32MB card may not cut it for Civ3...

                      "If breakin' balls had calories in it, I'd be the phattest guy in the world, cuz dat's all youze do is break my balls!"
                      Remember kids: The higher your post count or the faster your computer, the larger your penis!


                      • #12
                        thanks Dan!

                        a small summary for the lazy ones


                        while we have kept the conversational interface for new users, we have also created a "bargaining table" for advanced users

                        - Want to offer a Peace Treaty to the Iroquois, but only if they will pay 5 gold per turn? Just make the demand.

                        - For example, your relations with the Zulus might include a peace treaty as well as a mutual protection pact, a right of passage agreement, and a trade embargo against the French.

                        - Units that have a speed advantage over their opponent will be able to retreat from combat

                        - We're not quite ready to show it off yet, but to answer your question, terrain features will definitely not be flat. You will also see combat benefits depending on the terrain you occupy when you attack or defend.

                        - We will definitely have a replay function similar to the replay system in Alpha Centauri. We're also considering adding some new features to it, but at this point, nothing has been finalized.

                        - Yes! You will be able to create your own custom civilization using our editing tools.


                        • #13
                          YES! I can't wait for this game, every little bit of info makes the game sound even better than I expected. Keep it up.
                          "Why won't those stupid idiots let me their crappy club for jerks?"


                          • #14
                            I totally love the way the faces look- I was very skeptical when looking at the grinning still pictures but in action they are exactly as they should be. The grinning fool and the angry warrior poses are only the extremes anyway, there must be a dozen poses in between on those sliders, of which I suppose the neutral (which looks excellent in all cases) and the slightly happy (ditto) will be the most common. Fun!


                            • #15
                              Everything I've seen so far has been fantastic.

                              I am soooooo looking forward to playing Civ3.

                              So...since there are the beginnings of working copies.....when are you gonna allow signups for the Beta Test? huh? huh??


