New unit stats
Melee:basic fighting power/close combat ability
Support:when accompanied with melee units add bonus to the melee units
Armour:absorb some of enemy hit including enemy support fire
Mobility: this is not map(strategic) mobility this is battlefield mobility.
1~4 Bf mobility equals 1 map mobilit
4~8 Bf mobility equals 2 map mobility
8~12 Bf mobility equals 3 map mobility
Battlefield mobility affects actual battle as a combined arms effect and map mobility ,as you know, reflect how many square you can move.
Raw Conscripts
Primitive men 2/0/0/3
Ancient men 2/0/0/4
Renaissance men 1/0/0/3
Modern men 1/0/0/2
Stone axe +3 melee
Hunting spear +2 melee +1 support
Primitive bow +2 support
Leather armour +1 armour
Bronze spear +4 melee +1 support
Bronze sword +5 melee
Scale armour +2 armour -1 mobility
Iron spear +5 melee +1 support
Iron sword +6 melee
Iron armour +2 armour -1 mobility
Wooden shield +1 armour
Bronze shield +2 armour -1 mobility
Iron shield +3 armour -1 mobility
Composite bow +3 support
Horse armour +2 armour -1 mobility
Marius's mule allows a unit to fortify -1 mobility +1 logistics
Chain mail +3 amour -1 mobility
Transport(Anceint to early Modern)
Light Horse +6 mobility(no armour allowed)
Medium Horse +5 mobility(armoured men allowed)
War Horse +4 mobility(Horse armour allowed)
Chariot(arse) +2 mobility
Chariot(horse)+3 mobility
Elephant +2 mobility -2 enemy melee(only cavalry)
*Midieval & Early Rennaissance*
Long sword +7 melee
Pike +5 melee X2 melee vs mounted(only inf)
Lance +5 melee X2 melee vs mounted(only cav)
Plate armour +4 armour -2 mobility
Mace +5 melee ignores enemy armour 50% -1 mobility
Longbow +5 support ignores enemy armour 60%(inf only)
Crossbow +3 support ignores enemy armour 80%
Stirrup +2 melee(only mounted)auto upgrade if discovered
*Renaissance to Modern*
After the discovery of gunpowder new stat(firepower) will be added to all units which use firearms(many thanks to Evil capitalist)
Infantry primary
Arquebus +1 firepower
Musket +2 firepower
Later musket(Napoleonic) +3 firepower +4 melee
Early rifle(Napoleonic) +5 firepower +4 melee
Breech loader rifles(Colonial) +6 firepower +4 melee
Magazine rifle(WWI) +7 firepower +4 melee
Semi Automatic rifle(WWII) +10 firepower +4 melee
Advanced rifle(Modern) +15 firepower +3 melee
Cavalry firearms
Pistol(handgun)+1 firepower
Carbine +4 firepower
Basic tank(or Inf-tank) +8 armour +6 firepower +1 mobility(1.ignores trench effect 2.Ancient enemy melee/support negated ->applied to all armour)
Heavy Tank +10 armour +6 firepower(X2 vs hard target) +2 mobility
'Blitzkrieg' tank(WWII) +12 armour +7 firepower(X2 vs hard target) +5 mobility can "blitz"->applied to all armours after this
MBT(post WWII) +16 armour +12 firepower(X2 vs hard target) +7 mobility
MBT(next generation) +30 armour +16 firepower(X2 vs hard target)
+8 mobility(finally it equals 3 map mobility)
Note: All armours developed during and after WWII can blitz which means your unit can get through enemy unit without necessarily destroying it. Blitzed and enveloped enemy unit will suffer from penalty of reduced firepower,etc.
Siege support
Captapult/trebuchet +1 siege support can break city wall
Medieval bombard +2 siege support can break city wall
Mortar/Howitzer(Napoleonic) +3 siege support ignore city wall(applied to all artillery after these)
Mortar/Siege gun/Railgun(World war) +4 siege support
Field firepower support
Cannon(Napoleonic) +1 Firepower support
Breechloading cannon +2 FP support
Field Howitzer(world war) +3 FP support
SPA/Mobile rocket launcher(WWII) +3 FP support +5 mobility
SPA/MLRS(Modern) +4 FP support +6 mobility
Misc. support
Flak gun +4 firepower X3 vs Air target X2 hard target
SAM +16 firepower air target only
AT gun +2 firepower X4 hard target
ATGM +16 firepower hard target only
Truck(motorised) +6 mobility
Half tracked(mechanised) +7 mobility +2 armour +1 FP support
Tracked(APC) +6 mobility +4 armour +1 FP support
Tracked(IFV) +7 mobility +8 armour +2 FP support
Note:Field guns can be horse-drawn by combining horses and guns. Other type of transport can be used for that function such as trucks.
Ground Reconnaissance
Motor cycle +2 recon bonus +7 mobility
Armoured vehicle(WWII) +2 recon +8 mobility +2 armour
Combat recon(modern) +4 recon +12 mobility +4 armour
*Navy(Ancient to Rennaissance)*
(Many thanks to Evil capitalist)
Note: Diffrent sea access
Coastal only
Calm sea only(+Coastal)
Rough sea only(+Calm+Coastal)
Ocean going(+Rough+Calm+Coastal)
Outrigger(canoe) +1 naval scout, coastal sea only
Merchant vessel(Early) +1 transportation, calm sea only
Tririeme +1 naval melee, can carry troops,Greek fire modification(+1 fire power),calm sea only
Longboat +1 naval melee,can carry troops,rough sea,Amphibious assault allowed
Galley +2 naval melee,can carry troops
Cog +2 transportation,rough sea
Junk +3 transportation,rough sea
Dhow +4 transportation,calm sea
Battleship(Medieval) +3 naval melee,can carry troops,cannon modification(+2 firepower)
Ocean going vessel
Caravel +2 transportation
Carrack +2 naval melee,can carry troops,cannon modification(+3 firepower)
Galleon +6 transportation,cannon modification(+3 firepower)
Fluyte +7 transportation,cannon modification(+4 firepower)
Sloop/Privateer +3 naval melee,can carry troops,can disrupt trade route +3 firepower
Frigate +4 naval melee,can carry troops,+6 firepower
Ship of the line +4 naval melee,can carry troops,+7 firepower,Steam engine modification(+1 mobility),Heated cannon shot modification(X2 vs wooden ship)
Indiaman +8 transportation,cannon modification(+5 firepower)
Industrial age ships
Clipper ship +6 transportation +2 mobility
Early steamship +8 transportation +3 mobility
Early Ironclad +4 firepower +3 armour +3 mobility, naval melee negated,coastal only
Later Ironclad +6 firepower +4 armour +4 mobility
Cruiser +8 firepower +6 armour +5 mobility ,AA modification,steel armour modification,AV missile modification,
Battleship +12 firepower +10 armour +3 mobility,AA modification
Battlecruiser +10 firepower +8 armour +4 mobility,AA modification
Submarines(U-boat WWI~WWII) +1 under sea attack +2 mobility
Submarines(Modern) +3 under sea attack +3 mobility,Stealth modification,missile pod
Destroyer +6 firepower(X2 vs subs)+4 armour,AA modification,+6 mobility,AV missile upgrade
Frigate +4 firepower(X3 vs subs) +4 armour,AA modification,+7 mobility,AV missile upgrade
Carrier +6 firepower,+6 armour,AA modification,+5 mobility,Engine upgrade,Catapult upgrade,Deck upgrade
Liner +16 transportation need port facility +3 mobility
Container ship +32 transportation need advanced port facility +4 mobility
Trimarin ?
Stealth boat ??
Modification/upgrade(Modern ship)
Engines: Steam turbine engine. Gas/oil turbine. Nuclear reactor.
ASW abilities: Torpedos, sonar etc.: spot and attack submarines in adjacent squares. (made more effective with Sonar)+1 underwater melee
Spotter plane: Popular in WW2 ships, these were used to keep track of the battle and report of shot accuracy before radars and computers. See 2 squares. +1 naval recon
Electronic aids: Does all the processing of data and collects it all in one room. See 2 squares, +1 naval support
Fibre-optic link: Allows ships to maximise communication. further +1 firepower support.
Missile launch facilities: Allows a ship to launch cruise(Tomahawk) or Anti vessel(Exocet)missiles
AA countermeasures: AA missiles and chainguns(Phalanx)give a ship almost total protection from aerial and missile attack.
AEGIS Radar Air defence system upgrade: X3 vs air/missile target
*Air Force*
Bi-plane(WWI) +3 recon +1 firepower can intercept air target
Mono-plane fighter(WWII) +2 recon +3 firepower can intercept air target
Bomber(WWII) +4 recon +2 firepower can bombard X3 vs ground target
Jet fighter(Me262,sabre jet) +2 recon +5 firepower can intercept
Multi-role jet(F4, F16,etc) +4 recon +7 firepower can intercept/bombard
Stealth fighter +4 recon +6 firepower can intercpet/bombard X2 ground target
Stealth bomber +5 recon +5 firepower can bombard X3 ground target
Air transport
Prop-engined +3 logistics
Jet-engined +4 logistics
Utility helicopter +1 logistics can be attached to ground unit
Misc. air
Early warning system +8 recon
Electronic warfare system 5 surrounding squares -50% enemy airforce FP power.
Attack helicopter +2 FP support X3 hard target
Anti-sub heli reveals enemy subs within 3 surrounding squares +1 naval support
Masking upgrade -3 enemy air unit firepower
Early missiles +1 bombard
ICBMs(intercontinental balistic missiles)NBC warhead, MIRV upgrade,
IRBMs (Intermediate range balistic missiles)
NBC warhead,MIRV upgrade,
SLBMs: (Submarine launched balistic missiles)
NBC warhead,MIRV upgrade,
Cruise missiles +3 bombard, destroyes any target city improvement, NBC warhead
SAM/ATGM listed above(Misc. support section)
Misc. kit(used construction/irrigation,etc)
Stone tools allows settler function
Bronze tools +1 settler bonus
Iron tools +2 settler bonus
Tools(Industrial) +4 settler bonus
Tools(Modern) +5 settler bonus
Sapper kit allows "combat engineer function"
Animal powered +1 settler support
Machine powered +2 settler support
Bullet-proof vest +7 armour -1 mobility(inf only)
Kevlar +10 armour -1 mobility(inf only)
Any other suggestion would be welcome.
Contributors:Special thanks to Evil Capitalist and Thanks to Shadowstrike,Darkcloud,Biddles,Admiral Naismith,Stuff2(once he was a fan of unitworkshop
),Par4,Yuvo,ember. Also thanks to the Diplomat for his "recruitment" idea!
[This message has been edited by Youngsun (edited August 30, 2000).]
Melee:basic fighting power/close combat ability
Support:when accompanied with melee units add bonus to the melee units
Armour:absorb some of enemy hit including enemy support fire
Mobility: this is not map(strategic) mobility this is battlefield mobility.
1~4 Bf mobility equals 1 map mobilit
4~8 Bf mobility equals 2 map mobility
8~12 Bf mobility equals 3 map mobility
Battlefield mobility affects actual battle as a combined arms effect and map mobility ,as you know, reflect how many square you can move.
Raw Conscripts
Primitive men 2/0/0/3
Ancient men 2/0/0/4
Renaissance men 1/0/0/3
Modern men 1/0/0/2
Stone axe +3 melee
Hunting spear +2 melee +1 support
Primitive bow +2 support
Leather armour +1 armour
Bronze spear +4 melee +1 support
Bronze sword +5 melee
Scale armour +2 armour -1 mobility
Iron spear +5 melee +1 support
Iron sword +6 melee
Iron armour +2 armour -1 mobility
Wooden shield +1 armour
Bronze shield +2 armour -1 mobility
Iron shield +3 armour -1 mobility
Composite bow +3 support
Horse armour +2 armour -1 mobility
Marius's mule allows a unit to fortify -1 mobility +1 logistics
Chain mail +3 amour -1 mobility
Transport(Anceint to early Modern)
Light Horse +6 mobility(no armour allowed)
Medium Horse +5 mobility(armoured men allowed)
War Horse +4 mobility(Horse armour allowed)
Chariot(arse) +2 mobility
Chariot(horse)+3 mobility
Elephant +2 mobility -2 enemy melee(only cavalry)
*Midieval & Early Rennaissance*
Long sword +7 melee
Pike +5 melee X2 melee vs mounted(only inf)
Lance +5 melee X2 melee vs mounted(only cav)
Plate armour +4 armour -2 mobility
Mace +5 melee ignores enemy armour 50% -1 mobility
Longbow +5 support ignores enemy armour 60%(inf only)
Crossbow +3 support ignores enemy armour 80%
Stirrup +2 melee(only mounted)auto upgrade if discovered
*Renaissance to Modern*
After the discovery of gunpowder new stat(firepower) will be added to all units which use firearms(many thanks to Evil capitalist)
Infantry primary
Arquebus +1 firepower
Musket +2 firepower
Later musket(Napoleonic) +3 firepower +4 melee
Early rifle(Napoleonic) +5 firepower +4 melee
Breech loader rifles(Colonial) +6 firepower +4 melee
Magazine rifle(WWI) +7 firepower +4 melee
Semi Automatic rifle(WWII) +10 firepower +4 melee
Advanced rifle(Modern) +15 firepower +3 melee
Cavalry firearms
Pistol(handgun)+1 firepower
Carbine +4 firepower
Basic tank(or Inf-tank) +8 armour +6 firepower +1 mobility(1.ignores trench effect 2.Ancient enemy melee/support negated ->applied to all armour)
Heavy Tank +10 armour +6 firepower(X2 vs hard target) +2 mobility
'Blitzkrieg' tank(WWII) +12 armour +7 firepower(X2 vs hard target) +5 mobility can "blitz"->applied to all armours after this
MBT(post WWII) +16 armour +12 firepower(X2 vs hard target) +7 mobility
MBT(next generation) +30 armour +16 firepower(X2 vs hard target)
+8 mobility(finally it equals 3 map mobility)
Note: All armours developed during and after WWII can blitz which means your unit can get through enemy unit without necessarily destroying it. Blitzed and enveloped enemy unit will suffer from penalty of reduced firepower,etc.
Siege support
Captapult/trebuchet +1 siege support can break city wall
Medieval bombard +2 siege support can break city wall
Mortar/Howitzer(Napoleonic) +3 siege support ignore city wall(applied to all artillery after these)
Mortar/Siege gun/Railgun(World war) +4 siege support
Field firepower support
Cannon(Napoleonic) +1 Firepower support
Breechloading cannon +2 FP support
Field Howitzer(world war) +3 FP support
SPA/Mobile rocket launcher(WWII) +3 FP support +5 mobility
SPA/MLRS(Modern) +4 FP support +6 mobility
Misc. support
Flak gun +4 firepower X3 vs Air target X2 hard target
SAM +16 firepower air target only
AT gun +2 firepower X4 hard target
ATGM +16 firepower hard target only
Truck(motorised) +6 mobility
Half tracked(mechanised) +7 mobility +2 armour +1 FP support
Tracked(APC) +6 mobility +4 armour +1 FP support
Tracked(IFV) +7 mobility +8 armour +2 FP support
Note:Field guns can be horse-drawn by combining horses and guns. Other type of transport can be used for that function such as trucks.
Ground Reconnaissance
Motor cycle +2 recon bonus +7 mobility
Armoured vehicle(WWII) +2 recon +8 mobility +2 armour
Combat recon(modern) +4 recon +12 mobility +4 armour
*Navy(Ancient to Rennaissance)*
(Many thanks to Evil capitalist)
Note: Diffrent sea access
Coastal only
Calm sea only(+Coastal)
Rough sea only(+Calm+Coastal)
Ocean going(+Rough+Calm+Coastal)
Outrigger(canoe) +1 naval scout, coastal sea only
Merchant vessel(Early) +1 transportation, calm sea only
Tririeme +1 naval melee, can carry troops,Greek fire modification(+1 fire power),calm sea only
Longboat +1 naval melee,can carry troops,rough sea,Amphibious assault allowed
Galley +2 naval melee,can carry troops
Cog +2 transportation,rough sea
Junk +3 transportation,rough sea
Dhow +4 transportation,calm sea
Battleship(Medieval) +3 naval melee,can carry troops,cannon modification(+2 firepower)
Ocean going vessel
Caravel +2 transportation
Carrack +2 naval melee,can carry troops,cannon modification(+3 firepower)
Galleon +6 transportation,cannon modification(+3 firepower)
Fluyte +7 transportation,cannon modification(+4 firepower)
Sloop/Privateer +3 naval melee,can carry troops,can disrupt trade route +3 firepower
Frigate +4 naval melee,can carry troops,+6 firepower
Ship of the line +4 naval melee,can carry troops,+7 firepower,Steam engine modification(+1 mobility),Heated cannon shot modification(X2 vs wooden ship)
Indiaman +8 transportation,cannon modification(+5 firepower)
Industrial age ships
Clipper ship +6 transportation +2 mobility
Early steamship +8 transportation +3 mobility
Early Ironclad +4 firepower +3 armour +3 mobility, naval melee negated,coastal only
Later Ironclad +6 firepower +4 armour +4 mobility
Cruiser +8 firepower +6 armour +5 mobility ,AA modification,steel armour modification,AV missile modification,
Battleship +12 firepower +10 armour +3 mobility,AA modification
Battlecruiser +10 firepower +8 armour +4 mobility,AA modification
Submarines(U-boat WWI~WWII) +1 under sea attack +2 mobility
Submarines(Modern) +3 under sea attack +3 mobility,Stealth modification,missile pod
Destroyer +6 firepower(X2 vs subs)+4 armour,AA modification,+6 mobility,AV missile upgrade
Frigate +4 firepower(X3 vs subs) +4 armour,AA modification,+7 mobility,AV missile upgrade
Carrier +6 firepower,+6 armour,AA modification,+5 mobility,Engine upgrade,Catapult upgrade,Deck upgrade
Liner +16 transportation need port facility +3 mobility
Container ship +32 transportation need advanced port facility +4 mobility
Trimarin ?
Stealth boat ??
Modification/upgrade(Modern ship)
Engines: Steam turbine engine. Gas/oil turbine. Nuclear reactor.
ASW abilities: Torpedos, sonar etc.: spot and attack submarines in adjacent squares. (made more effective with Sonar)+1 underwater melee
Spotter plane: Popular in WW2 ships, these were used to keep track of the battle and report of shot accuracy before radars and computers. See 2 squares. +1 naval recon
Electronic aids: Does all the processing of data and collects it all in one room. See 2 squares, +1 naval support
Fibre-optic link: Allows ships to maximise communication. further +1 firepower support.
Missile launch facilities: Allows a ship to launch cruise(Tomahawk) or Anti vessel(Exocet)missiles
AA countermeasures: AA missiles and chainguns(Phalanx)give a ship almost total protection from aerial and missile attack.
AEGIS Radar Air defence system upgrade: X3 vs air/missile target
*Air Force*
Bi-plane(WWI) +3 recon +1 firepower can intercept air target
Mono-plane fighter(WWII) +2 recon +3 firepower can intercept air target
Bomber(WWII) +4 recon +2 firepower can bombard X3 vs ground target
Jet fighter(Me262,sabre jet) +2 recon +5 firepower can intercept
Multi-role jet(F4, F16,etc) +4 recon +7 firepower can intercept/bombard
Stealth fighter +4 recon +6 firepower can intercpet/bombard X2 ground target
Stealth bomber +5 recon +5 firepower can bombard X3 ground target
Air transport
Prop-engined +3 logistics
Jet-engined +4 logistics
Utility helicopter +1 logistics can be attached to ground unit
Misc. air
Early warning system +8 recon
Electronic warfare system 5 surrounding squares -50% enemy airforce FP power.
Attack helicopter +2 FP support X3 hard target
Anti-sub heli reveals enemy subs within 3 surrounding squares +1 naval support
Masking upgrade -3 enemy air unit firepower
Early missiles +1 bombard
ICBMs(intercontinental balistic missiles)NBC warhead, MIRV upgrade,
IRBMs (Intermediate range balistic missiles)
NBC warhead,MIRV upgrade,
SLBMs: (Submarine launched balistic missiles)
NBC warhead,MIRV upgrade,
Cruise missiles +3 bombard, destroyes any target city improvement, NBC warhead
SAM/ATGM listed above(Misc. support section)
Misc. kit(used construction/irrigation,etc)
Stone tools allows settler function
Bronze tools +1 settler bonus
Iron tools +2 settler bonus
Tools(Industrial) +4 settler bonus
Tools(Modern) +5 settler bonus
Sapper kit allows "combat engineer function"
Animal powered +1 settler support
Machine powered +2 settler support
Bullet-proof vest +7 armour -1 mobility(inf only)
Kevlar +10 armour -1 mobility(inf only)
Any other suggestion would be welcome.
Contributors:Special thanks to Evil Capitalist and Thanks to Shadowstrike,Darkcloud,Biddles,Admiral Naismith,Stuff2(once he was a fan of unitworkshop
[This message has been edited by Youngsun (edited August 30, 2000).]