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Modified movement for units...

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  • Modified movement for units...

    I have always disliked the very low movement of units in civ games, but understand the need for exploration and military stratagy aspects of the game. So I thought of a possible solution, tell me what you think.

    Land Units
    1) All land units would have about 4x the current movement rate.
    2) Unit moves at half speed if moving outside of your or your allies borders.
    3) Units move at 1/4 speed if moving in non-ally borders (but must be in some civ's borders) and the fog of war is currently affecting the tile(s) OR you are moving anywhere but are uncovering backed-out map tiles.

    Naval Units
    1) All naval units move at 8x current speed.
    2) This is cut in half if moving within a non-allies borders.
    3) Cut-in-half again if moving in "deep waters" with an early ship.
    4) Cut-in-half again if moving in an area covered by the fog-of-war.
    5) Cut-in-half again if "exploring" blacked out tiles (cummalitive with "fog-of-war" penalty).
    6) Cut-in-half again for later vessels that are of large size moving in "shallow water"

    Air Units
    1) Do not have movement, instead have RANGE and MISSIONS
    2) Missions is the number of things a air unit can do, attack, move to location, Bomb, Flyby/Explore, etc.
    3) Range shows all available locations that Missions can be performed in, Range is in Tiles from Airports/Airfields/Aircraft Carriers(with Room) (cities w/o Airports also can be used but they do not add to other ranges, either use them as the sole departure point or don't use them at all). The ranges are cummalitive, thus planes can attack quite far away if their is a chain of Airports-Carriers-Airfields present)
    [Note: All Anti-Air units should have a zone-of-control vs. Air-units]

    Final Modifications:
    All actions that normally cost one movement point (i.e., Attacking/Unloading/etc.) should now cost a set % of total movement.

  • #2
    I love your idea, especially the air missions idea. It works around many of the complaints people have with movement. Units should be able to move a long way in the amount of time of each game turn. However, as many have pointed out before, when exploring, units' movement should be greatly restricted; I think your ideas combine the best of these traits. I hope something similar to this is implemented.
    [This message has been edited by Colonel Kraken (edited February 26, 2001).]


    • #3
      All you have to do is go to the appropriate folder and extend the range of each unit if you are unhappy with the default range . In Civ 2 the folder is "rules"



      • #4
        Yeah... I know.
        But I'm not talking about civ2... Besides *just* increasing the movement dosen't work, it allows for over-rapid exploation and problems in combat like rushes.

        anyone esle have comments?


        • #5
          I agree that it is important to do something about the movement rules. Trachmir's model is a good beginning.

          Attacking units should not be able to attack many times at their full strength, for instance.

          If the turns are still many years, troops should be able to cross a small continent during a turn, if there are roads. From the age of Clippers, ships should not need more than a turn to cross a well-known ocean.

          Is it Guns, Germs and Steel that is about to introduce simultaneous movement?

          90% of the casualties in a 21st century war are civilians. Join the army!
          The difference between industrial society and information society:
          In an industrial society you take a shower when you have come home from work.
          In an information society you take a shower before leaving for work.


          • #6
            That's a very nice idea in my opinion.

            The aerial missions are very interesting but I'm not sure it fits. To make sure, I would have to play a game using this, but I can't .... it's interesting still.

            I agree that spending 10 turns and 500 years on exploring a part of land as small as wales with a warrior is a pain and unrealistic. I am aware of game balabncing needs, but there has to be a solution. Please remember that realisticly, in 4000 BC man were no apes. Even more important later, as Marko Polo's jourey to China lasted years, not centuries.


            • #7
              Trachmir: for air units you mean like the PG3 system, right?


              • #8
                Maybe if there are many "moving turns" each "economic turn"?

                like, the build units, accumulate shields science, gold, etc. and many "moving turns within, not to make units with 8 movement wipe out whole armies in one turn...


                • #9
                  The solution to this is to limit attacks to once per turn per unit. Once a unit has attacked, it cannot attack again until the next turn. Whether it can move after combat is another matter entirely.

                  Or you could use formation rules. Here's a thread in the archives.
                  [This message has been edited by Urban Ranger (edited March 01, 2001).]
                  (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                  (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                  (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."

