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  • Politics

    I believe politics could be include at Civ 3 like a often appeareances like:
    “The lord Duke of West request a decrease of imperial taxes on his lands” (then a specific city on West is named as his land)...then the games offeres you options to what do and see what happened;
    “The Senator were involved at the food Scandal what your opnion”(or what you gonna do about, in more restrictided governement);(Democracy,Republic or another government with assembly)
    "Refugees ask for help"...what you gonna do about....and what that cost...and the consequences

  • #2
    I think having dukes and political parties may be a little over the top. It will be hard for the game to protray this realistically.

    However I am all for a system that shows the entire nations wants and needs with general unrest if you are not meeting it.
    About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


    • #3
      A good idea... but the first question you must ask- Is how much of the game time this one aspect may be including?

      And if you include it, will it be able to be turned off as too much micromanagement or, once included, is it necessary to the game...
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      • #4
        I think it must be a necessary feature. It shouldn't happen to often, but it still should. Even autocratic leaders had merits over politics in their times. So no reason we don't have it.

        As long as it doesn't happen every second turn.

        In a democractic / leftist govt. you would have more of these events.

        In a govt. with parliament, the parliament would often automatically approve some decisions. Like the cease fire in Civ 2.


        • #5

          Originally posted by Sirotnikov on 02-27-2001 01:35 PM
          I think it must be a necessary feature. It shouldn't happen to often, but it still should. Even autocratic leaders had merits over politics in their times. So no reason we don't have it.


          I think that some elements of the above idea could be added for an increase in strategy and game play, I just do not believe political parties and dukes could be handled by the game. It would be way to hard to balance.

          Again, I think the best solution to include the conflicting views of the nobles, peasants, etc. is a public opinion poll. In the late game and varying governments, this opinion is more important and has to be followed in certain situations (i.e. wars and foreign policy). In Monarchies you never have to follow your people's wishes but if you stray to far there will be a revolution looming.
          About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


          • #6
            yes, see that´s good i like to make people think about and discuss...see more of my opinions at Minorities....

