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Fine-Tune, Tweak, Polish: A Prayer for Civ3

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  • Fine-Tune, Tweak, Polish: A Prayer for Civ3

    Dear Firaxis,

    At this point in Civ3's development, perhaps the single most important thing to be done is fine-tuning, tweaking, and polishing this baby. Assuming Civ3 is still one year out, I'm guessing you could have a solid 4 major in-house / beta patch cycles. That could make all the difference. A sikly-smooth, highly-polished Civ3 is the surest way to wipe any competition off the market.

    If this means dropping some nifty enhancements to Civ3, so be it. I know I have argued against a Civ2.5, but a highly polished Civ2.5 (or 2.75 ) will be FAR BETTER than an unstable, akward Civ3. (Of course the brass ring is the highly polished Civ3, so no hate mail from people thinking I'm against that effort, please...).

    Also, if an open beta is off the table, PLEASE ADD MARKOS AND DAN TO YOUR BETA TEAM! While I might not always agree with them, I trust them implicitly to speak for all of us here at Apolyton.

    Having said that, I have immense faith in Sid. He has earned it, afterall. But I just think it would be so sad and silly if some bugs, imbalances or interface problems poke holes in what should clearly be the best TBS game ever made.
    I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

    "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.

  • #2
    I agree, let our (apolyton's) beloved leaders test it
    No Fighting here, this is the war room!


    • #3

      Originally posted by Henrik on 02-06-2001 03:34 PM
      I agree, let our (apolyton's) beloved leaders test it

      I respectfully disagree. Dan and Mark have a great website, but that doesn't make them the best beta testers. In fact, the time they spend on Apolyton would necessarily decrease their testing time. Firaxis would be smart to grab the best people from the scenario creation forums, the strategy forums, and the multiplayer forums. Each person could attack the game from his own perspective. To cite one individual, Xin Yu has found more bugs and tricks than anyone else I've encountered. I've been hanging around on the Civ 2 forums for a long time, and I could name a bunch of people who would give Civ 3 a good working over. And false modesty doesn't prevent me from volunteering my own name as one of those...


      • #4

        Originally posted by DaveV on 02-06-2001 04:40 PM
        I respectfully disagree. Dan and Mark have a great website, but that doesn't make them the best beta testers. In fact, the time they spend on Apolyton would necessarily decrease their testing time. Firaxis would be smart to grab the best people from the scenario creation forums, the strategy forums, and the multiplayer forums. Each person could attack the game from his own perspective.

        DaveV have a point. I agree with above.

        I also think that Firaxis have a reasonably good idea of who they can accept for beta-testing themselves. Dan Mahaga quote: "A lot of people here regularly read the forums at Apolyton on a daily basis".


        • #5

          Originally posted by DaveV on 02-06-2001 04:40 PM
          I respectfully disagree. Dan and Mark have a great website, but that doesn't make them the best beta testers. In fact, the time they spend on Apolyton would necessarily decrease their testing time. Firaxis would be smart to grab the best people from the scenario creation forums, the strategy forums, and the multiplayer forums. Each person could attack the game from his own perspective. To cite one individual, Xin Yu has found more bugs and tricks than anyone else I've encountered. I've been hanging around on the Civ 2 forums for a long time, and I could name a bunch of people who would give Civ 3 a good working over. And false modesty doesn't prevent me from volunteering my own name as one of those...

          Perfectly said, Dave, especially the part about "the best people from the scenario creation forums, the strategy forums, and the multiplayer forums". Those are three most important part of Civ3 (scenarios, AI and MP), everything else is just superflous.

          Besides, there are too many SMAC and CtP freaks here that would sway Civ3 to their bad ideas. j/k


          • #6
            I agree adding some of the scenario and mod people (as well as people from sections of The List that seem most pertinent) would be great, but the fact of the matter as I see it is that Dan and Markos have built a trust with Firaxis.

            ...and if I know Firaxis, unless they go with a public beta (or how about a fansite beta?), trust will be highest on their list. Of course, if Dan and Markos could bring a few people in on it with them, then that's even better.

            For despite the fact that they run this site and like CtP2, these guys would make a LOT of time to test Civ3. Their experience with CtP2 would actually be helpful, and the site would not be affected. I'd rather AT LEAST have those guys involved than nobody from Apolyton at all.
            I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

            "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


            • #7
              Well as long as we are proposing people to get their hands on a beta copy of civ3 i suggest you Yin!

              ever since back at the old owo forums you have been raising hell on firaxis (back in the good old days when they were about to ban yin for being a thorn in their side) always urging them to make their products as bug free as possible

              also you have over seen the list project and been a forum staple for years now...i really think that you would work hard to make civ3 what all of us crackheads over at apolyton would want

              so if it ever comes to a vote you have mine



              • #8

                First, many thanks for that very nice note of support. However, I understand perfectly that Firaxis might well have written me off for past events. I will still continue to help with bug-lists and that sort of thing, and most certainly if Firaxis asked me to get involved in a beta, I'd work my butt off every breathing moment helping out (well, I'd have to sleep, earn a paycheck, and tuck my 2-year old daughter to bed, but aside from that).

                Like I said, though, I might have painted myself into a corner as the "thorn in the side" type they might not want to deal with on a beta. Too bad, but understandable.

                For the record, I have been taking a much more productive approach to all these issues since SMAC v4.0. All I really want, as with the rest of us, is an awesome, VERY stable Civ3. This thread is dedicated to asking that as much is done as possible BEFORE release to make sure that happens.

                Thanks again, Korn, but if I were a betting man, the odds of my being asked on for the beta are somewhere between "Don't make me laugh!" and "Has hell frozen over?"
                I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


                • #9
                  Acually you've convinced me .
                  Let the best players/designers test it.
                  I didn't give my other post a lot of thought I guess...
                  No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                  • #10

                    Originally posted by korn469 on 02-06-2001 11:22 PM
                    Well as long as we are proposing people to get their hands on a beta copy of civ3 i suggest you Yin!

                    Well, have to disagree.
                    If we let Yin be a betatester and there still are any bugs in the final version. Who would kick firaxis staff in the ass then? Not Yin, he would be so embaressed that he'd be hiding.

                    OK, that was just kidding. Of course Yin would be an excellent tester, if Firaxis will accept persons outside USA
                    [This message has been edited by Jeje2 (edited February 07, 2001).]


                    • #11
                      I agree that Apolyton should get involved with beta testing, but it should be completely by stealth .. and the people who are chosen should keep it to themselves .. Firaxis are a company at the end of the day, and as much as we would like them to be in existance to make CIV games, they are actually in it for money .. and I think we all agree.. A good CIV game = lots of money

                      Thats why I believe they can only have beta testers who won't spill the beans .. especially when its a beta version .. as still much can be giggled about ..

                      I suggest that if we are to be involved, it needs to be trusted members .. and members who have a lot of experience in CIV .. and enjoy different aspects of the game.. then we should test it, release no comments but to Firaxis, and wait for the release ..

                      That is why although Markos & Dan may not represent the pinicle of Civ playing(sorry lads ), they are more likely to be involved .. as they can be trusted.

                      "Wherever wood floats, you will find the British" . Napoleon
                      "Wherever wood floats, you will find the British" . Napoleon


                      • #12
                        Yes, I agree that if the beta is to be closed, then Markos and Dan (and perhaps a few others?) would do an excellent job of doing things "by the book" while doing their absolute best to represent their years of experience listening to the Civ crowd. I think they might already be involved...I hope so anyway.


                        Well, have to disagree. If we let Yin be a betatester and there still are any bugs in the final version. Who would kick firaxis staff in the ass then? Not Yin, he would be so embaressed that he'd be hiding.

                        Wow. No comment.


                        Of course Yin would be an excellent tester, if Firaxis will accept persons outside USA.

                        The first part is in doubt...but the second part is pretty clear. Think I could slip in my U.S. address?
                        I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                        "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


                        • #13
                          Good points on the trust issue, although nobody has mentioned what I would see as Firaxis's main concern. Since a beta is essentially a finished product, my nightmare as a software developer would be that the beta finds its way to a warez site. I agree that this would be a strong argument against a wide release.

                          That said, the ideal beta tester is someone who will find lots of bugs and typos in the program and report them clearly to the software team. Mark and Dan certainly qualify on computer knowledge and communication skills, but I'm not convinced they will try all the strange tricks that more experienced and devious players will find. There is a lot of technique in testing software - a beta tester is trying to break the game, not trying to play it for enjoyment. As someone with hopes of having the best possible Civ 3, I want the beta testers to push the program to its limits.


                          • #14
                            Good points, Dave. Which is once again why I think Dan and Markos are clearly our best bet. I can guarantee you as a FACT that they would NEVER release the beta to Warez. NEVER EVER NEVER

                            They have invested immense amounts of personal time and money to this site, afterall. The results speak for themselves. Even just a cursory glance shows that this one site has done more for Civ than any other site in existence.

                            You want mods? You get 'em here. You want patches? Get 'em here. You want the most active forums, including possibly the wildest holding pin called OT? It's here. Oh, a 500 page suggestion list? HERE!

                            Those two guys have made that community possible. And I promise you if they got their hands on the beta, they'd try everything in the world to break it, push and find problems. Sure, they might not be star players, but they are analytical, technical and acutely aware of how bugs and design issues can make or break public opinion.

                            Sign 'em up!
                            I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                            "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


                            • #15
                              The more I think about it, yin, the more I have to agree with you. Looking at it from Firaxis's perspective, they have little to gain by giving the beta to some unknown (to them) Apolytoner, who may turn around and pass the program on to six of his buddies.

                              Again, nothing against Mark and Dan, but it's a shame. I see the beta phase as the last best chance to eliminate some of the irritating bugs that have plagued Civ 2, before the Civ 3 team is reassigned to Sid's Next Big Project. I would love to see as many bugs as possible found when they still have a chance to be fixed, rather than after the program has been released for a month.

