Hmm, looking at the gallery on civ 3 homepage, I cannot find any futuristic renders or animations. This I think makes it safe to assume there will be no future techs in civ 3, or at least they will not stretch very far out into the future. Hurray, long live Sid!! It seems my atheistic prayers have been answered.
No announcement yet.
The Future
I would welcome a dynamic research cost that adjusted the cost of discovery somewhat to account for the scientific output of the players. If you couldn't reach modern techs before 1900 then there would be less need for a meaningful "future tech 25" and no spaceships setting off to colonise AC in 1650.To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.
I think they should include heaps of future techs, but they do nothing. They should just be there instead of the first heap of "future tech x" so you have something to look at and go that's nice, space-time distortion, cool quote, i'll have to buy SMAC2 now .- Biddles
"Now that our life-support systems are utilising the new Windows 2027 OS, we don't have to worry about anythi......."
Mars Colonizer Mission
Originally posted by EnochF on 01-25-2001 07:52 PMIt only goes to lend support to my theory that nobody can agree on which future tech is silly and which isn't. I think reasonable extrapolations include Nanotechnology (vague, but safe), Gene Therapy, Fuel Cells, and Orbital Construction. Asteroid Mining and Neural Interface are distant but real possibilities
I couldn't agree more with you. Future techs have been discussed here before. About two or three months I made about the same statement.
It all has to do with the fact that if you're a smart player you'll have plenty of time left to the end of the game after you've finished to discover the whole techtree. Filling that gap with futuretechs won't solve this "problem", it will only postpone the moment where there is nothing more to discover . . . .
CIV uses history as its setting, IMO we should concentrate on that. If you like to play a scifi-game play SMAC. And I've said this before too, maybe it would be possible to make a link from CIV to SMAC, so that if we want to, we'll be able to run from the past & present into the future.
[This message has been edited by Vrank Prins (edited January 26, 2001).]
Originally posted by Roman on 01-26-2001 04:32 AM
Hmm, looking at the gallery on civ 3 homepage, I cannot find any futuristic renders or animations. This I think makes it safe to assume there will be no future techs in civ 3, or at least they will not stretch very far out into the future. Hurray, long live Sid!!
I couldnt agree more! Civ-3 should end 2020 or 2040 AD.
For the love of God, let SMAC be SMAC, and Civ-3 be Civ-3 - NOT Civ-3 + half of SMAC.
I dont want a diluted tech-tree with hard-to-relate-to futuristic techs ala CTP/CTP-2. Keep socially inept/single-minded SciFi technocracy fantasies out from the main game, and in to tailor-cut scenarios instead.
[This message has been edited by Ralf (edited January 27, 2001).]
Originally posted by Vrank Prins on 01-26-2001 08:08 AM
It all has to do with the fact that if you're a smart player you'll have plenty of time left to the end of the game after you've finished to discover the whole techtree. Filling that gap with futuretechs won't solve this "problem", it will only postpone the moment where there is nothing more to discover . . . .
that's the point. Let alone stupid units, city improvements and advances; adding more techs means nothing concerning gameplay. SDI Defence was a fictional future improvement in the original civs, and that's enough. The first time it would be nice discovering the imagination of the designers, the second time... no. ctp comes to my mind and I... I think I'll be sick... boargh!
'We note that your primitive civil-^
ization has not even discovered^
$RPLC1. Do you care^
to exchange knowledge with us?'^
_'No, we do not need $RPLC1.'^
_'OK, let's exchange knowledge.'
*stumbles in*
Just got back from the Thought Police Station. It's not as bad as you might assume; they spend most of their time thinking about donuts.
Anyhoo, what were we talking about? Future tech, right. And I've made my position clear.
Still, it might be nice to have a near-future scenario included in the box, just so we would have a pool of future unit, improvement and wonder graphics to draw from. An interplanetary space scenario might be nice, too."Harel didn't replay. He just stood there, with his friend, transfixed by the brown balls."
I agree that CTP future techs could have been handled better, and I personally am a proponent of very limited (if noonexistant) future techs. Some extentions of now are good (i.e. improvements like SDI, fusion plant, etc., and wonders like cure for cancer, and (my suggestion) the International Space Station. I thought the CTP "Alien Life project" was pretty hokey and that CivII put it best.
Don't mess with the classic.Lime roots and treachery!
"Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten
Although I enjoy future technologies, I recognize that many folks only want to play within the current scope of history, plus a few decades. Fair enough.
The inclusion of a near-future scenario would be a nice touch. Even better would be a tech tree with plenty of room for additions, and many open slots for new units and improvements. That way, some enterprising scenario/modmaker can extend the tech tree and add science-fiction type units, so those of us who wish to can play from 4000 BC, starting with settlers and warriors, to 4000 AD, ending with cybernetic shock troops and robotic terraformers.
The ability to custom-tailor the game to fit individual specifications will be one of the keys to the longevity of the game.
Hail Sid.
Originally posted by Chronus on 01-27-2001 12:53 PM
Someone suggested haveing many techs between the current techs. This sounds like a good solution ...
This is what I have advocated all along! A more AMPLE and ENRICHED tech-tree, with more in-between techs, within that good old Civ-2 4000 BC - 2020/2040 AD time-frame.
as long as the techs mean something (not merely give points) and prevent me from hitting the end of the tech tree.
Yes, this is very important! No stopgap-techs. Each and every tech must be, both meaningful/purposeful in the game - and also be something that you actually can relate to as a player. The latter was often a problem in SMAC. Not to mention futuristic era TOT/CTP/CTP-2 games.
Giving a lengthy discovery rate was also a good idea. However, I believe this can already be done in Civ 2.
Yes, and I would add: Perhaps adding more turns to the game. Not too much - just an moderate increase, from 500 SMAC-turns to, let say 600+ Civ-3 turns.
[This message has been edited by Ralf (edited January 27, 2001).]
My belief is that we should include all future technology that is currently under testing and design, and it's feasability is unquestionable. Those are technologies that simply need to be perfected and already available today at great cost.
This can include laser weaponary, one-stage rockets, more effiecent hydrogen cars, human cloning and organ regrowning, wide-bandwidth world-wide web... those sort of things, the things we will get 20 years from now.
I woudln't go too far, or the future culture may just reach out and shake a big finger across our face."The most hopelessly stupid man is he who is not aware he is wise" Preem Palver, First speaker, "Second Foundation", Isaac Asimov
I don't care for wild future techs but I don't like the current Future Techs either (getting 5 points for each, etc.) I suppose something has to be there but reaching the end of the tech tree radically changes my gaming style: sell all tech improvements, switch to Fundamentalism, etc. And I don't like that feeling that once I can produce Mech Infantry, I don't have to reconsider whether I should build it or WAIT until a better generation of units can be built. Firaxis, please keep me looking over my shoulder ... always "afraid" of that better unit/building peeking around the corner.
Someone suggested haveing many techs between the current techs. This sounds like a good solution ... as long as the techs mean something (not merely give points) and prevent me from hitting the end of the tech tree. Giving a lengthy discovery rate was also a good idea. However, I believe this can already be done in Civ 2.