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Prisoners of war?

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  • Prisoners of war?

    This morning I thought about how CIV3´s diplomacy options would be like. I think that it could be a good idea to buy prisoners of back. A result of this action would give an increase in happiness among your people and increase the other nations regard towards you in a positive way.

    Please comment....

  • #2
    nah! I think thats going a bit too far... how about setting it up as repartations of war in which the LOSING nation has to pay up as it usually happens.
    Without music life would be a mistake - Nietzsche
    So you think you can tell heaven from hell?
    rocking on everest


    • #3
      nah! I think thats going a bit too far... how about setting it up as repartations of war in which the LOSING nation has to pay up as it usually happens.
      Without music life would be a mistake - Nietzsche
      So you think you can tell heaven from hell?
      rocking on everest


      • #4
        how'd I get two messages of the same kind when I only posted one??????????
        Without music life would be a mistake - Nietzsche
        So you think you can tell heaven from hell?
        rocking on everest


        • #5
          Some times the system hic-ups (multiple entries)

          Prisoner exchanges? No, I don't think it would be as feasible, since as it stands now, combat is either you survived or you died. If prisoners were brought into the equation, you would need a third element (POW). But how about this: If you kill a foriegn unit, you receive 1/10th of the original PW used in its production. This production bonus could then be placed into your national coffers at the beginning of your next turn. Of course if a foriegn unit kills your unit, then they would receive the 1/10th production bonus. This production bonus could relate to "information" or "intelligence" gleaned from your "prisoner" prior to its "execution."
          How does that sound?


          • #6
            Actually, if you'll notice that 80% of people on this thread want that damn live-or-die concept gone. And I really think Firaxis will change that, so it is safe to talk about stuff, like flanking attacks, prisoners of war, etc.


            • #7
              Hummm, I guess we'll see then


              • #8
                personally, i like the idea of POWs, as long as it doesn't get too complicated.



                • #9
                  An option while attacking (should) be take prisoners and then it would be worked like the barbarian leader capture for teh exchange... you could determine if you wished to pay for a now "warrior" brand unit, then reequip them for less cost at your bases.
                  -->Visit CGN!
                  -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                  • #10
                    POW is a modern concept. In Ancient times or throughout most of the human history, most men were put to sword and women and children were sold into slavery.


                    • #11
                      POW is simply a modern TLA for old "slave" (men where enslaved as many as women where: who do you think that built all that Pyramids?

                      Of course the CIV/SMAC battle "till the last men" must be changed into a model that manage "surrenders",
                      e.g. when attacker vs. defender has a force ratio 5/1 outside of a fort, or defending unit is completely surrounded and 3/1 low on force rating, etc.

                      BTW, we discussed about slavery and POW recently here , more in details here and also here .

                      I posted on these threads, too, but the relevancy (of course ) is because plenty of good idea come from other posters there.

                      Just summarizing a lot, I suggested to introduce:


                      - Slave/PoW settler, when captured at the end of combat (immigrate/refugee settler into migration model) under control of warder Civ player
                      - Special Worker Slave/Immigrate (when "assimilated" to a city) into common city screen
                      - Ability to build Prison camp / Refugee camp by above special settler, instead of City (less management trouble)
                      - A "runaway unit", very low level infantry or special settler that you can try to recover back to original Civ (PoW) or found a new, separate Civ (Slave)

                      Thiod doesn't mean all they must be implemented, but a few should without too much micromanagement.

                      Admiral Naismith AKA mcostant
                      [This message has been edited by Adm.Naismith (edited February 01, 2001).]
                      "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
                      - Admiral Naismith


                      • #12
                        Just from reading about your comments i thought more about the ending of the war.
                        Unconditional treaties : which allow you to setup any government you choose in a unconditionally surrendered country. Example they could not construct a military for 200 year and had to pay a annuall fee. I think there should be different treaties to choose from. like Stalemate, Disarmerment, mutual assistance, pact, neutral zone, unconditional, or a specified amount of consecession, cities, money, technology, sphere of influence, or trade embargoes


                        • #13
                          I reckon there should be POW's once you have built a structure like jails or got a tech.

                          You can set an option that either allows your men to be captured or to suicide - that way you have the best of both worlds. Or make the attack algorithm not quite so powerful if the attacker is attempting a "capture".

                          POW's are weaker than normal settler units but give them the ability to perform simple tasks (ie. build road...).

                          In this way once you have them you have a mass workforce.

                          Through the Council (as in SMAC) POW's could be bought, or traded - just in case you have some high-level units you want back.
                          HELP ME! FOR I AM A CIV-GENRE ADDICT!

