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i want demographic maps!

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  • i want demographic maps!

    civ is not only a war-game but also a game about building up an empire, this is why i want more infos about it. it would be nice to see some mini-maps (or whatever) where you can see comprimized information about the world, e.g.

    -political map
    -political realtion map (imperialism is doing great in this case)
    -infrastracture map (where are regions with a high density transport system, where are only some streets now and then?)
    -population map
    -economic map
    -army map (where is strong military presence?)

    the non-plus-ultra would be if they wouldn´t only show the current situation but also how the world developed - comprimized map-information about the raise and decline of civilizations

    the minimum i want is the history-repeating from civ1 back!

    god made don´t really think he fails sometimes?

    weed god, chief of EUROPA
    visit EUROPA:
    weird god, EUROPA

  • #2
    That is the dream, but I suspect it may not become reality
    "The free market is ugly and stupid, like going to the mall; the unfree market is just as ugly and just as stupid, except there is nothing in the mall and if you don't go there they shoot you." - P.J. O'Rourke


    • #3
      I think your map suggestions are great, though I can't imagine how the infrastructure map would be. It would be most useful if we had a map to show the resources our cities consume, as well as a map for military presence.

      *The Replay I think we all want, and I hope it'll make its return in Civ III, and will be much more interesting since we now have leaders etc. (Notice that it's not an integral part of the game itself, but is very important as an element of the great -intoxicating! - graphic atmosphere Civ I had. That includes the diplomacy screen, the palace, newspaper reports, and the city 'view' screen also. Plus, the theme music samples for each civ was great.[Listen to the Zulus through the pc speaker. It's great, and I mean it! Oh God!] I think I'll start a Civ I game now... Goodbye.)
      'We note that your primitive civil-^
      ization has not even discovered^
      $RPLC1. Do you care^
      to exchange knowledge with us?'^
      _'No, we do not need $RPLC1.'^
      _'OK, let's exchange knowledge.'


      • #4
        ok, now I see. Let's see if there'll be such an option in the game.
        'We note that your primitive civil-^
        ization has not even discovered^
        $RPLC1. Do you care^
        to exchange knowledge with us?'^
        _'No, we do not need $RPLC1.'^
        _'OK, let's exchange knowledge.'


        • #5
          hey weird god (he oida, va wou koummst? ):

          i like your idea. and i think generally more stats should be available too. such as two graphs of the relative and total military strength of the civs. a graph for the economical development and wealth (like in the "demographics" of civ2 for average income or trade volume but aver time.) or graphs that show the percentage of production you invested into military (units/barracks), infrastructure (most buildings) and prestige projects (wonders). a graph that indicates how happiness developed over time.
          i could think of many more.
          gimme statistics!


          • #6
            Demographic models are great.

            I think the civ demographics page in civ 2 was superb. Not only did it add flavour to the game, but each of the statistics was accurate and relevant.

            A demographic map? Love it! A feature like this would be both useful and unobtrusive. Bung it in the game, that's what I say.

            Josef Given
            A fact, spinning alone through infospace. Without help, it could be lost forever, because only THIS can turn it into a News.


            • #7

              Originally posted by bagdar on 01-17-2001 06:11 AM
              I think your map suggestions are great, though I can't imagine how the infrastructure map would be.

              example for infrastarcture:
              fields with railroads=dark red
              adjacent fields=red
              fields with roads=orange
              adjacent fields=yellow
              fields in a 2 square radius to an infrastracture=light yellow

              example for population:
              city radius of cities>30 dark red
              >20 red
              >12 orange

              there are many possibilities. just have a look in an atlas.

              weird god, EUROPA


              • #8
                Yes, I would love more statistics too, the CIV-II demographics should be expanded with each new parameter (health, religion etc.) being introduced in the game.

                When it comes to maps, I would like if it would become possible to show, a bit like "show hidden terrain", several game/map/terrain features exclusively on a kind of basemap, or in combinations with other features. f.i.: Show overland-traffic-infrastructure (roads/railroads);
                Show traffic-infrastructure with military-infrastructure (forts/(walled) cities/(with) barracks etc.);
                Show water-infrastruture (canals/navigable rivers/ports etc.) with etc.;
                Show ?????!!!!!

                Werna du koummst vonom, i koum vonunten.
                [This message has been edited by Vrank Prins (edited January 18, 2001).]


                • #9
                  oida wos is? san do nur die allemannen draun intressiert? übrigens i kum aus wean, vois ia des übahaupt kennts...

                  i share your ideas. there´s so much information in the game which could be analyzed - maps both helps to overview your empire through compromizing infos and are perfect for planning med- to long-time strategy.

                  i would also like to have more demographic infos itself like mentioned above (religious centers, science centers,...)
                  weird god, EUROPA


                  • #10
                    The replay-section should, as Bagdar posted, return to the Civ legend. But I do not think that we have reason to wory; SMAC had a replay-section similar to the one Civ 1 had.

                    Originally posted by bagdar

                    The Replay I think we all want, and I hope it'll make its return in Civ III, and will be much more interesting since we now have leaders etc. (Notice that it's not an integral part of the game itself, but is very important as an element of the great -intoxicating! - graphic atmosphere Civ I had. That includes the diplomacy screen, the palace, newspaper reports, and the city 'view' screen also. Plus, the theme music samples for each civ was great.[Listen to the Zulus through the pc speaker. It's great, and I mean it! Oh God!] I think I'll start a Civ I game now... Goodbye.) [/quote]


                    • #11

                      Perhaps if you look at the map in the corner:
                      It could work Like the Sim City map to show, through drop-down menus-
                      E.G. the |-|'s

                      1. Political Relation Map
                      2. Infastructure Map (Rails, Farms, Irrigation, Roads)
                      3. Population Density
                      4. Economic Map
                      -->Visit CGN!
                      -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                      • #12
                        Darkcloud you beat me to it (though I was thinking of the ceasar 2 map). I would like to be able to see each turn how military dispositions are shifting so that I can quickly counteract. If all of a sudden my eastern border starts glowing red I know something's up.

                        - Biddles

                        "Now that our life-support systems are utilising the new Windows 2027 OS, we don't have to worry about anythi......."
                        Mars Colonizer Mission
                        - Biddles

                        "Now that our life-support systems are utilising the new Windows 2027 OS, we don't have to worry about anythi......."
                        Mars Colonizer Mission


                        • #13
                          I would trade anytime all the animation for just one more statistic map.
                          "Respect the gods, but have as little to do with them as possible." - Confucius
                          "Give nothing to gods and expect nothing from them." - my motto


                          • #14

                            Originally posted by DarkCloud on 01-19-2001 07:57 PMIt could work Like the Sim City map to show, through drop-down menus

                            1. Political Relation Map
                            2. Infastructure Map (Rails, Farms, Irrigation, Roads)
                            3. Population Density
                            4. Economic Map

                            Yes !!! I had exactly something like that in mind


                            • #15
                              With the latest stuff coming out of Firaxis about "culture" and "nationality" being modeled in the game, I think it's safe to say something very like what you're asking for will be included. I certainly hope so!

