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Rush building

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  • Rush building

    How do you rush building something. I know there is the icon you click, but if it says it will take 300 gold, how do you get the gold quickly? Do you sell off something, or disband something?

    I need to rush build some things that will expand my culture.

    Can anyone point me to the thread or tell me how to do this?


  • #2
    Well, if you don't have 300 gold.. then stockpile cash!

    Of course wasting 300 gold is a shame, I never spend more than 200 gold until I build Wall Street and can get a guaranteed cash flow- not burning up your money in useless things is the key for victory
    I will never understand why some people on Apolyton find you so clever. You're predictable, mundane, and a google-whore and the most observant of us all know this. Your battles of "wits" rely on obscurity and whenever you fail to find something sufficiently obscure, like this, you just act like a 5 year old. Congratulations, molly.

    Asher on molly bloom


    • #3
      300 gold is a lot in the beginning. you can try selling your techs, maps and communications, but usually you won't get much money for that in the ancient age. after that, 300 gold isn't so much any more. in the modern times you can get over 1000 gold per turn, even on standard maps...

      selling buildings is nearly always bad, because you get only a very little bit of the real value. it's only worth it if say, you capture the pyramids and don't need the granaries any more, etc.

      alternatives would be: change to despotism, if you are a religeous civ and whip the people (300 gold will be approx. 40 shields, so you'll need a size 8 city (add workers) or wait until you only need 29 more shields and a size 6 city should be enough.

      research something nobody is researching, or just cut down your science spending to 10% --> 90% tax can make you fairly quickly rich
      - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
      - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


      • #4
        Well, it all depends how much gpt you are making. If you are making enough gpt to get that 300 gold soon enough, then i wouldn't change anything. But if you are not, try lowering your science rate.

        Another option would be to sell some buildings. If you are early in the ancient era, try selling something like a granary in a size 6 city.


        • #5
          You don't necessarily need 300 gold. You can rush build otherways too. Cut down some trees or disband some units in the city in question. Even if it isn't enough to cover the cost of the building it will make it cost a few less gold.

          Holy Cow!!! BigDork's Back!

          BigDork's Poll of the Day over at MZO. What Spam Will It Be Today?


          • #6
            One thing I do, when I need gold I usually lower my science level down to nearly nothing. Then drop my entertainment down as far as possible. This will bring up the tax level to its highest. Then check your citys and make tax collectors for any extra civilians in them. Then you can sell some techs and your maps or whatever. Also like mentioned above cutting down trees and dispanding unused military units in the city will generate shields. So many ways to get a boost of gold


            • #7
              Go to war with a rich neighbor.
              Infograme: n: a message received and understood that produces certain anger, wrath, and scorn in its recipient. (Don't believe me? Look up 'info' and 'grame' at


              • #8
                Demand tribute from your neighbours and attack those 'not one penny in tribute' types to get their gold.

                Of course if money is truly a problem

                Switch to Evil Despotism or Glorious People's Republic that is Communism. In such goverments you can use the whip and spend population points to rush buildings.
                With good food resources whiping can be effective both in the ancient and modern era.

                As Party Secretary in a Communist goverment you can send all those disident foreigners to the Gulag to build those cultural buildings in newly conquered cities.


                • #9
                  Of course using the whip will decrease your population and your tax revenues as well-
                  I will never understand why some people on Apolyton find you so clever. You're predictable, mundane, and a google-whore and the most observant of us all know this. Your battles of "wits" rely on obscurity and whenever you fail to find something sufficiently obscure, like this, you just act like a 5 year old. Congratulations, molly.

                  Asher on molly bloom


                  • #10
                    Also, you don't want to rush build on the first turn of starting a new project most of the time since it costs twice as much than if you wait a turn. This can be avoided by lowering the cost (whether through chopping forests, disbanding a unit, etc.).

                    If you do want to rush build on the first turn, then rush build the cheapest thing available (Warrior or Scout, for example) because it will charge the double cost on it; then immediately before you leave the city view or do anything else if not in city view (as soon as you finish rush building the Warrior) switch to the thing you wanted to rush build and rush build it


                    • #11
                      So how do you rush build? I looked at every advisor screen and the city screens and couldn't find an icon to rush build cities with.

                      I have no idea! Can anybody help me?


                      • #12
                        Well, there's a icon on the left of the currently build item in the city view, like coins. Push it and your advisor will tell you, whether it is possible to rush the object. Also, I think as of 1.29 or so, there's a popup menu when right-clicking on the city on the world view, which list units, allows you to do stuf to them, rename the city, contact the governor, and change/rush the current building. And perhaps other stuff, in the capital, for example, the possibility to espionage.
                        I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by kring
                          Also, you don't want to rush build on the first turn of starting a new project most of the time since it costs twice as much than if you wait a turn. This can be avoided by lowering the cost (whether through chopping forests, disbanding a unit, etc.).

                          If you do want to rush build on the first turn, then rush build the cheapest thing available (Warrior or Scout, for example) because it will charge the double cost on it; then immediately before you leave the city view or do anything else if not in city view (as soon as you finish rush building the Warrior) switch to the thing you wanted to rush build and rush build it
                          Isn't this a bit like exploiting a bug?
                          Do not be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed...


                          • #14
                            Or open the city window and press the H key
                            I will never understand why some people on Apolyton find you so clever. You're predictable, mundane, and a google-whore and the most observant of us all know this. Your battles of "wits" rely on obscurity and whenever you fail to find something sufficiently obscure, like this, you just act like a 5 year old. Congratulations, molly.

                            Asher on molly bloom


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by TacticalGrace
                              Isn't this a bit like exploiting a bug?
                              no, i wouldn't say so.

                              however, it's absolutely unrealistic. you're building a library during 20 turns and then suddenly you decide to switch to swordsmen... and they are finished in the next turn because you had enough shields... wierd.

                              i somehow miss the civ2 (or was it civ1) 50% penalty when switching what you were building (from improvement to unit and the other way round). it made you have to think in advance if your city is defended well enough.
                              - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
                              - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.

