Changing governments in CIV II is convenient, but highly unrealistic. How many times have I chosen democracy to discover certain techs quickly (mobile warfare, robotics) and then switched to fundamentalism to take over the world?
I think you should have to choose where you want to go early on. For instance despotism->monarchy->communism. Or despotism->fundamentalism (with perhaps something in between). Or despotism->monarchy->republic->democracy.
Once you reach an advanced form of government along any of the paths, you can't change it (or perhaps you can but not without some kind of HUGE penalty--the couple of turns of anarchy is hardly sufficient). Ask the Russians how easy it's been to change form communism to democracy. And it's ridiculous to think that the US could change to communism or fundamentalism. In fact I would suggest that after a certain amount of time, you can't switch out of democracy ever.
The benefits (or costs) of staying with a particular goverment should increase over time. After 50 turns in democracy, trade should increase again, and after another 25 turns again etc. In other words, there would be a huge advantage to staying in democracy. The 'penalty' would be that you can't just attack anyone. You could only declare war if seriously provoked or attacked first. Democracies would be very powerful but very peaceful.
For communism perhaps there should be increased production at the beginning but over time trade would decrease. For fundamentalism, you would have the benefit of being able to attack anyone you want but the penalties in science and trade would be so large that you wouldn't be able to ever become very powerful or threatening.
The statue of liberty wonder should of course be changed (perhaps to increased trade in all your cities?).
Any thoughts?
I think you should have to choose where you want to go early on. For instance despotism->monarchy->communism. Or despotism->fundamentalism (with perhaps something in between). Or despotism->monarchy->republic->democracy.
Once you reach an advanced form of government along any of the paths, you can't change it (or perhaps you can but not without some kind of HUGE penalty--the couple of turns of anarchy is hardly sufficient). Ask the Russians how easy it's been to change form communism to democracy. And it's ridiculous to think that the US could change to communism or fundamentalism. In fact I would suggest that after a certain amount of time, you can't switch out of democracy ever.
The benefits (or costs) of staying with a particular goverment should increase over time. After 50 turns in democracy, trade should increase again, and after another 25 turns again etc. In other words, there would be a huge advantage to staying in democracy. The 'penalty' would be that you can't just attack anyone. You could only declare war if seriously provoked or attacked first. Democracies would be very powerful but very peaceful.
For communism perhaps there should be increased production at the beginning but over time trade would decrease. For fundamentalism, you would have the benefit of being able to attack anyone you want but the penalties in science and trade would be so large that you wouldn't be able to ever become very powerful or threatening.
The statue of liberty wonder should of course be changed (perhaps to increased trade in all your cities?).
Any thoughts?