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Tribes v. 0.1

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  • Tribes v. 0.1

    This is a collection of all that I have found on the boards
    on tribes so it is called Tribes 0.1 This will hopefully be
    improved upon and since it is all collected in a handy forum
    file, be easier 'moved' to the List's ideas.

    [Here's Tribes {0.9} 12:00 8-24-00]
    [Here's Tribes {0.8} 19:00 8-24-00]
    [Here's Tribes {0.7} 15:00 8-23-00]
    [Here's Tribes {0.6} 19:00 8-22-00]
    [Here's Tribes {0.5} 13:00 8-20-00]
    [Here's Tribes {0.4} 12:00 8-19-00]
    [Here's Tribes {0.3} 14:00 8-12-00]
    [Here's Tribes {0.2} 16:00 8-10-00]

    Post # 1618

    Feel free to add ideas or comment by responding to this message.

    The Creator of the idea is in brackets above the ideas


    1. New Colors
    -contributer(s): Dark Cloud, Dark Cloud (Again), Eggman, Sir Shiva

    2. New Tribes
    -contributer(s): Dark Cloud, Shadowstrike, Imran Siddiqui and Dark Cloud and Fredzz and Eggman,
    Dr. Oogloot and Dark Cloud, Crusher, The Mad Monk, S. Kroeze, Dalgetti and wernazuma, wernazuma,
    The List, Tiberius, Technophile, Dark Cloud (Again), Dark Cloud (Yet Again)

    3. Tribes with Different Colors
    -contributer(s): Dark Cloud

    4. Replace these tribes with...
    -contributer(s): Dark Cloud

    5. Important People
    -contributer(s): Allard HS and Dr. Oogkloot, Dark Cloud, wernazuma, Technophile

    6. Titles
    -contributer(s): Allard HS and Dr. Oogkloot, wernazuma

    7. Number of Civs Playable
    -contributer(s): Thue and Lordstone 1, Eggman, Lordstone 1 (Again), Trachmyr, Snowfire,

    8. Number of Civs Included
    -contributer(s): Dark Cloud, Travatian, Eggman

    9. Special Units
    -contributer(s): Dark Cloud, Shining 1

    10. Civ Personalities
    -contributer(s): Travatian, Dark Cloud, Mo, Cartagia the Great

    11. Government
    -contributer(s): Cartagia the Great, Dark Cloud

    12. Minor Tribes
    -contributer(s): Dark Cloud, wernazuma, The List, beyowulf, Vitmore the Great, Snowfire,
    Yakopepper, M@NI@C, Technophile, Technophile (Again), Youngsun

    13. Civ-Specific Advances and Wonders
    -contributer(s): Evil Capitalist, Imran Siddiqui, Rashid, chatgr

    14. Diplomacy
    -contributer(s): Evil Capitalist

    15. Tribe Info
    -contributer(s): S. Kroeze, XarXo

    16. Leader Bonuses
    -contributer(s): Technophile

    17. Schisms
    -contributer(s): Technophile, Tefu


    1.New Colors

    [Dark Cloud]

    [Dark Cloud]
    The tribe colors should be the original 7, unless the game allows you to play with up to
    14 tribes, whereas the colors from Alpha Centauri will be used, and each civ's color is
    randomly drawn from the 14 except for your own, which you choose.

    1.Use Flags instead of colors
    2.Implement different shield designs, like with multiple color designs like stripes,
    polka dots.

    [Sir Shiva]
    Coats of Arms. Customisable, Specific to each civ...

    2. New Tribes

    Listed here are all the Tribes that are 'absolutely necessary' if a tribe is not
    'absolutely necessary' to the game then it will be in 'Minor Tribes'

    [Dark Cloud]
    Nubians (South of Egypt BC eras.)
    Seljuks (800 AD Middle East)
    Ottomans (World War I Middle East)
    or you could just have the Turks to represent both Ottomans and Seljuks
    Kushan (India in 400 AD)
    Parthians (From the time of the Romans AD 0 Middle East)
    Hungarians (Huns) or Austro-Hungarians


    [Imran Siddiqui, Dark Cloud, Fredzz, Eggman]

    [Dr. Oogkloot and Dark Cloud]


    Why not have an alien race that crashes onto Earth in the future?

    [Dark Cloud]
    Be able to model your own civ and create your own civ with special bonuses, colors, etc.

    [The Mad Monk]

    [S. Kroeze]

    [Dalgetti and wernazuma]
    Hebrews (Israelites)

    [Dark Cloud]
    If you don't want a civ in the game ever you should have the ability to censor it out.


    [The List]

    If the "rise and fall of empires" idea will be added to civ3, we could have
    great empires splitting in small nations (for ex. brittons in english, americans
    and canadians; romans in italians, french and spanish or austro-hungarians in austrians,
    hungarians, checzs and slovaks; no offence, it's just an example). Of course, make the
    changes historically accurate, or make them random, depends on the player's choice.

    3. Tribes with different colors
    [Dark Cloud]
    *I believe these colors would be better for the tribes.
    Black- Corinthians
    Blue Green- Sioux, Mongols, Indians

    4. Replace these tribes with...
    [Dark Cloud]
    Sioux-----Native Americans

    5. Important People

    [Allard HS and Dr. Oogkloot]
    Dutch- William III or William of Orange and Wilhelmina

    Mali- Sundjata and Sogolon
    Turks- Mehmed II and Kemal Ataturk
    Swahili- Tippoo Tib and ????

    [Dark Cloud]
    Scottish- William Wallace and ????

    Sweedish- Gustav Wasa and ????

    6. Titles

    [Allard HS and Dr. Oogkloot]
    -Despotism- "Hertog" (Duke).
    -Fundamentalism-"Bisschop" (Bishop) or "dominee"
    -Republic-"Stadtholder" (Stadhouder)
    -Despotism- Archduke
    -Monarchy- Emperor
    -Republic- Bundeskanzler
    -Democracy- Bundeskanzler

    7. Number of Civs Playable
    [Thue and Lordstone 1]
    There should be at least 14 playable at one time and up to 32 possible.
    Give the player the choice: see how their computers can handle it.
    At least 32 civilizations should be playable at one time. Otherwise,
    it is a step backward from C:CtP.
    [Lordstone 1]
    Have a drop-down menu ranging from 3 civilizations up to - and possibly over
    - 32. Include a warning message if one exceeds the number of
    civilizations recommended for enjoyable play according to his/her computer specs.
    -Up to 32 players at once, as CTP was supposed to have
    -A major/minor civ system with up to 8 major civs and any number of minor civs, 0-24.
    Civilization III should be able to read your computer and figure out just how many
    civilizations your computer can handle. For example, there would be a message:
    "You have a Pentium II-266 with 128 MB memory. You have chosen 20 civilizations.
    Your game will be moderately slow." Or "You have a P-III.
    You have chosen seven civilizations. Your game will be very fast."
    16 civs is a must!

    8. Number of Civs Included
    [Dark Cloud]
    As many as possible. At least 70
    Seven civilizations from each of the ages included in the game.

    9. Special Units
    [Dark Cloud]
    Each tribe should receive only one special unit (A la Age of Empires)
    [Shining 1]
    Allow historical names to be used for specific units.
    The Japanese could have the Samurai, while the Greeks have the Hoplites,
    and the English their Knights. But all three would be the same unit, just
    different names.

    10. Civ Personalities

    [Dark Cloud]
    There should be 5 basic personality types-
    And there should be 2 sub-personalities for each-
    -Warlike has
    1. Fight to the Death (Never gives up after being attacked, almost never gives
    up when losing a war.)
    2. Backstabber (Attacks when least expecting- attacks allies, etc)
    -Expansionist has
    1. Settler Type (Builds many cities)
    2. War Type (Attacks others cities)
    -Neutral has
    1. Warlike (If insulted will attack - will only pay tribute sometimes)
    2. Passifist (If attacked will attack- will pay tribute always)
    -Perfectionist has
    1. City Developer (Builds up cities)
    2. Unit Developer (Builds up armies)
    -Pacifist has
    1. Researcher (Only builds the newest units and buildings)
    2. Developer (Only builds the cheapest units and buildings)

    Each civilization should have a distinct personality. When playing on the Earth map,
    the personalities should mirror the real world ones. However, on a random map, the
    personalities should also be randomized.

    Allow personalities to change over the course of the game.
    A semi-warlike civilization can become a pacifist if they lose a big war.
    The Babylonians can become warlike if their borders are threatened.

    [Cartagia the Great]
    It would be interesting to have different personalities for one country based on
    whether the leader was male or female. Stalin would be more warlike, while Catherine
    would be more enlightened

    11. Government
    [Cartagia the Great and Dark Cloud]
    You should have a choice at the very beginning-
    Tyranny (Highest- 60& Production Rate Impeded)
    Tribal (Highest- 50% Luxury Rate Impeded)
    Despotism (Highest- 60& Science Rate Impeded)
    12. Minor Tribes

    - Explanation:
    These Tribes pop up as goody huts but are much like Colonization's native tribes,
    the tribes follow and after them are ideas for implementation.

    [Dark Cloud]
    Mauryans (India in 250 BC)
    Marathans (India 1775 AD)
    Timur (1400 AD)
    Lydians (600 BC)
    Medians (600 BC)
    Bohemians (1648 AD)
    Siamese (Siam 1900 AD in Asia (Now Cambodia etc.))
    Guptas (India in 400 A.D.)
    Lithuania (Once a mighty kingdom in the Ukraine 1360 AD)



    [The List]


    [Vitmore the Great]


    Minor civs would have a different AI that would call for some initial growth at first, and
    then very slow growth afterward. It would develop science mostly by trade and luck. It would
    have its own special AI. And there would be lots of things to do to it (let's say Belgium)-
    maybe sign a treaty guarenteeing its safety, like England did, saying that "A declaration of
    war on Belgium is a declaration of war on me." And then trade with it and get lots of good
    technology from it.

    Of course, if a major civ is weakened enough (like Poland from 1600 onward), then it may become
    a minor civ and an especially strong minor civ may become a major civ (like the Germans or the
    Russians, who profitted at Poland and others expense).

    These are, well, minor civs. Like small civs. Why aren’t they large civs, you ask?
    Because they’re small, ya moron. These would come about from things like a revolution
    (like, the French Empire splits into the French Empire and the Flench Empire, with the
    Flench Empire acting as a splinter civilization), from barbarians conquering a city
    (or founding their own), or from exploring and discovering fifty unique civilizations per
    square mile. Clearly the latter can become tedious if overdone.

    Minor civs shouldn’t be able to build wonders, except perhaps those with a one-city-only
    or one-time-only effect like the Colossus or Darwin’s Voyage.

    *The Goody/Goodie hut upgrade proposal*

    This has been suggested by me a while ago in Korn469's ICS problem thread but I'd like to
    bring it back again.

    Assuming there are 8~9 slots available for major civs with additional 5~6 minor civs, just
    adding more minor civs would be too much burden for our hardworking CPUs.

    I'm pretty sure the designer's intention to create those huts were;

    1.representation of Barbarian horde(military threat to civs)
    2.representation of primitive natives(source of easy tribute/imperial military protection)
    3.sort of bonus for an early explorer(money,knowledge,mercenaries,civilised nomad?)

    Current problems
    1.No diplomacy allowed to those huts(quite contradictory to history which is full of intense
    interactions between civilisations and natives/the less-civilised)
    2.There is no chance of those barbarians establish a civilisation either by force or
    accumulation knowledge/culture.
    3.The hut which may be the representation of groups of villages can be eliminated too easily
    (Just one move...)
    4.Getting a technology/discovery from the hut(totally unrealistic and can create a situation
    that most advanced civ get a tech from primitive natives)
    5.Those mercenaries are actually your army and have no hometown to return(against true
    definition of mercenary)

    Suggestions to solve the problems
    1.Make the hut as a base for those natives and not so vulnerable from foreign invasion
    (as resilient as the one of Colonisation)
    2.If a civilised cities are conquered by barbarians, they should get a chance to begin new civ
    (minor or major depends on how powerful they are also that should be up to availabilty of civ
    3.Allows diplomacy with natives
    *Demand tribute in exchange for military protection(Roman clients system)
    *Recruit/pay/discharge mercenaries
    4.Each native tribe should have its own unique traits & chracteristics and for some cases
    military speciality(light cavalry,javelineer,etc)
    5.Random or periodic appearance of charismatic barbarian leader which brings unity to many
    huts around his/her one and eventual assembling of the horde then invasion to neibouring civs.

    [Dark Cloud]
    Yes following colonizations model for minor civs should be a must.
    1. Colonization with the indians/natives worked well you could
    a. Trade
    b. Fight
    c. Convert them and gain more population

    you should be able to do all those things and more in Civ III.

    Such as-

    a.Play them off against other leaders (Alliances)
    b.Get them to vote you World Leader.

    13. Special Abilities
    [The Octopus]
    -Have differentiated civilizations: Say, Mesopotamia has a start with a greater
    emphasis on agriculture, but have them decide where they want to lead their civilization.
    -Special abilities should be optional - you can turn them on or off.
    It also should play-balance. How about having civilizations "earning" advantages?
    Over a period of time, you could acquire points which you could spend on whatever
    particular advantage you want.
    [Imran Siddiqui]
    -Give them a technology in what they specialize at the beginning of the game.
    -Give them 'focuses.'
    [Dark Cloud]
    In addition to personalities there would be focuses for each civilization
    that would determine which aspect of their civilization that they would develop.
    -Two focuses per civilization

    AGRICULTURE- They build excessive Irrigation/Farmland
    TRANSPORT- They build excessive Roads/Railroads
    EXPLORE- They send out explorers and try explore Earth
    DISCOVER- They build excessive Science Improvements
    TRADE- They trade everything they can with other civilizations (coupled with explore)
    EXPANSION- They found many cities
    DEVELOPING- They develope their cities
    WAR- They will fight at the drop of a pin
    ESPIONAGE- They like to send out many spies and diplomats

    -There would be no disadvantages

    [Diodorus Sicilus - CormacMacArt]
    Have special abilities be assigned based on geographical starting positions.
    For example, if your first city is near a desert, that civilization can get
    Irrigation as their first free advance, or get +1 in farming. Build on that idea.

    [Dark Cloud and Evil Capitalist]
    Civ traits are abolished and this system is administered
    All civs are given four choices at the beginning of the game
    1.Choose a technology
    -choose a tech
    2.Receive an extra settler
    -recieve an extra settler
    -Start with all irrigated squares around your first city
    -Start already in diplomatic talks with another civ
    (More trading/trade)

    Militaristic culture- free warrior unit.

    Fertile land: the first city produces +1 food.

    Precious metal mines: +1 trade for 1st city

    Naval culture: free outriger or similar unit.

    13. Civ-Specific Advances and Wonders

    [Evil Capitalist]
    (There should be) Civ- specific wonders (and advances), which the computer won't
    build if it doesn't need.

    [Imran Siddiqui]

    Now what are traits? Well, first of all, we must divide the tech tree into 4 (or 5) eras,
    like the Wonders of the World were in Civ2. Then insert these "traits" into the tree. "Traits"
    are a dead end on the Civ tree, but they are specializations. For example, a trait during
    modern times might be -Advanced Armor-, which would increase movement and power of armored
    units. Now, the main part of this arguement, is that Civs can ONLY CHOOSE ONE TRAIT PER ERA!
    So they must make a choice between that -Advanced Seamanship- or -Advanced Infantry- depending
    on what the player sees as the better choice for his civ, based on where he is and where he
    wants to go.

    This idea of "traits", dead end specializations that a civ can only chose one of per era,
    would add this differentiation between civs. You could have your great naval powers and great
    army powers by specialized picks. While an island nations choses -Advanced Seamanship-, a
    landlocked nation can pick -Advanced Infantry-.

    However, it isn't just relegated to military. Traits can also be under political or cultural.
    You could have -Improved Fascism- or -True Socialism-, which could improve the benefits of a
    particular government. Or You could pick -Greater Playwrights- to improve happiness inside
    your empire. But remember only ONE Trait per era. You'd have to pick between military or
    political or cultural traits, and of course you could only get traits when you get the
    neccessary techs that the prereqs for the traits. This adds another element.
    A civ could pick a trait early in the era to get a boost through the era, or
    wait until the end of the era to get a more powerful trait, but be rendered weaker
    in the era as the result.

    This addition of "Traits" adds more strategy and creates interesting differentiations.
    You could have civs that spend all 4 traits (one per each era) on naval upgrades, while
    others spread their traits in different area (like creating the Perfect Fascism, while
    having the best Infantry).

    it would be interesting if the differences between civilizations were somehow
    the cumulative consequences of a lot of earlier decisions. For example, if the proportion
    of trade arrows that you devote to taxes is higher than average (the average of all the
    other civs perhaps), then eventually you will have more efficient tax collection. Or if you
    spend more than the average number of shields on ships, or on cavalry, or on libraries,
    then these start to get cheaper or more effective for you. There could be cross-effects too,
    like if you keep building ships then eventually it gets easier to research naval technology.

    By the same token, if you are spending much less than the average on land units, then your
    land units will become less effective, or if you are devoting much less trade than average
    to science, then your people will be less efficient researchers. If you happen to be near
    the average in that particular category, nothing happens.

    After all, the reason the English had great navies was ultimately because they had a long
    tradition of seafaring. Allowing civilizations to pick a trait every once in a while would
    still allow sudden changes (the Prussians suddenly decide to become a naval power and so
    pick advanced seafaring), which seems odd.

    Also, there should be some possibility for civilizations to be weaker in some areas, not
    just stronger, and finally, it might be easier on the AI if it doesn't have to make an
    explicit choice about what to be good (or bad) at.

    To satisfy those (including me!) who want to see specialized units, how about adding some
    dead-end technologies to the tree that would be mutually exclusive? Once you have knights,
    for example, you could research crusaders, and once you have archers you could research
    longbows, but if you have crusaders you couldn’t get longbows, and vice versa. Have each
    of them make the other one obsolete, for example, or better yet, prevent a civilization
    that has one from ever getting the other (through research or trade or conquest).

    A wonder can be built by one civ.
    Only one superwonder could be built by any oneciv.Superwonder would change available future
    tech.For example sentiest computer and mars colony or living gaia.If mars colony superwonder
    built first then people money and tech would go to space .

    That would mean more space units less computer advances and final victory people going to stars.

    If sentiest computer built first these space tech unavailable and people build more computer
    tech wonders and units and final ending people uploadind personalities on computers and
    achieving a kind of immortality.Or a living Gaia superwonder where final endind people one with
    planet and in the meantime units and base facilities built that work against pollution.

    Once you buit a superwonder no othersuperwonder can be built.
    It adds variety to game and from civ perspective is a turning point in history.

    14. Diplomacy

    [Evil Capitalist]
    There is more than one level of war- from the little colonial wars to world wars.
    Similarly there are diffrent levels of peace.


    Territorial conflict- Wars over little areas of territory, such as the Falklands.
    No trade penalties (trade goes via a different route). So long as the war doesn't spread
    the computer will only fight in the area attacked. Caused by an attack on a city of less
    than size 5 or an isolated fort. No unhappiness effects in republics or democracies.

    Border war- war for aquisition of a certain bit of territory, like the war of 1812. Enemy
    will attack anywhere and all trade via land is stopped. Caused by an attack on a city equal
    or above size 5, 2 or more below 5, or a fortress near a city or a major war on an ally.
    Normal unhappiness effects.

    Major war- war fought to damage a nation as well as take territory or to take large areas
    of territory, such as the Franco-Prussian war. Caused by an attack on a city of size 10 or
    above, or 3 or more cities of below that. It allows small air raids- no effects on
    industry or population, just reduces happiness. No trade.

    Total war- war aimed at the total destrution of the enemy, as WW2. Obviously no trade,
    caused by an attack on a size 20 or higher city, or half your cities (if greater than 5).
    Allows nuclear attacks, and obliteration bombing- hits industry and population, but
    strengthens moral (blitz spirit). No unhappiness effect for troops away (propaganda).

    Peacekeeping- intervention by 'good' nations. Only available to the owner of the UN and
    their allies. Half unhappiness effects, and must be coupled with sanctions. If units are
    lost there is an empire wide unhappiness effect.

    You or the computer can raise war levels, to make the war more intense. You can only raise
    war to one level above that the rules would allow (so the Falklands can't turn into Britain
    nuking Argentina). Although you can escalate the conflict, you may not decrease the level.
    This system allows the computer to prioritise the wars it is fighting, and sort out its
    prodution accordingly. At the start of the game only border wars are possible, the rest
    being developed by technology.


    Cold war- Trade almost stopped, nations will not cooperate, may try serious espionage.

    Detente- Trade reduced, nations will cooperate, and serious espionage is limited.
    Exploration after 20 turns.

    Ceasefire- As no contact. Exploration after 10 turns.

    Recognition- Borders recognised, opens up other treaties. Exploration shared after 5 turns.

    Cooperation- Trade bonus, can participate in joint research. Exploration shared after 2 turn

    Alliance- Can't attack one another, can travel through opponant's cities, help repair units.
    Ally respects borders when you arn't at war. If ally is declared war apon you must declare
    war on attacker. If ally is attacker, there is no obligation. Trade bonus. All exploration

    Coalition- As alliance, fellow members can station troops in your territory. If one is at
    war at border level or above, all are at war. All negotiations are carried out together.
    Research is carried out together and shared. Trade bonus. No diplomatic actions against
    one another. You can see inside all cities in the coalition.

    You need to research to get Cold War, detente, or coalition.

    15. Tribe Info

    [S. Kroeze with some editing by Dark Cloud]
    List of how Civilization Civilizations Prospered

    I Early Civilizations, 3000-1400BC
    Sumer (Kish)
    Egypt (Memphis)
    Crete (Knossos)
    Babylonia (Babylon)
    Hittites (Chattushash)

    II Antiquity, 1400-450BC
    Assyria (Ninive)
    Phoenicia (Byblos)
    Greek cities (Athenai)
    Carthago (Carthago)
    Persian empire (Persepolis)

    III Classical Antiquity, 450BC-300AD
    Macedonia (Pella)
    Magadha (Pataliputra)
    Chinese (Han Dynasty)
    Roman empire (Roma)
    Maya (Tikal)

    IV Early Middle Ages, 300-750AD
    Guptas (Pataliputra)
    Byzantine empire (Constantinople)
    Chinese (T'ang Dynasty)

    V High Middle Ages, 750-1300AD
    Frankish empire (Reims)
    Japanese (Fujiwara Dynasty)
    Holy Roman empire (Aachen)
    Chinese (Song Dynasty)

    VI Renaissance, 1300-1550AD
    Chinese (Ming Dynasty)
    Inca empire (Cuzco)
    Aztec empire (Tenochtitlán)
    Ottoman empire (Istanbul)
    Portugal (Lisboa)
    Spanish empire (Madrid)

    VII Modern, 1550-
    Chinese (Manchus Dynasty)
    Russian empire (Moskwa)
    United Provinces (Amsterdam)
    France (Paris)
    British empire (London)
    United States (Washington)
    Japan (Tokyo)
    German empire (Berlin)

    My idea is that th actual "civilization" system (we can see it in Ctp1 and Civ1/Civ2) is
    totally obsolete. Better than a "civilization" or "tribe" selection we must select a
    cultural-ethnic zone. For example, in the Spanish civilization we can build cities like
    Barcelona or Madrid, but these two cities have an historial background totally diferent.
    It's like germans can build Paris because a time this city was under their power during
    the 2nd WW.

    I preffer that when a player has to select the starting name it appears a map of the cultural
    division based in the actually survivors (the ones that support the Test of Time ).
    In each map that we do can perform this like a normal thing. So, in a Middle-Earth map we
    can divide in Elves, Humans, Dwarves, Valar, etc... In the Earth will be:

    Desertians (Arabians, Israel, Egypt, Persia...)
    Oriental (Altaïr, Siberia, China, Mongolia, Japan...)
    Hindosiamese (India and Pacific Southeast)
    African (under the Sahara zone)

    Inside these groups (if we don't select the random cultural) we can found a second level of
    divison according with the cultural base, in Occidental we can found:


    And inside it (if we don't try a random option) we found the ethnic group with (if is possible)
    a list of names of nations that formed. Some of these etnics appears in other
    cultural-base zones (like english) because they have conserved the base but they are too mixed.

    -Welsh (Wales)
    -Scottish (Scotland)
    -Irish (Eire,Man)
    -Galic (Gallic,Portuguese,Brasilian)
    (England, United Kingdom, United States of America, Australia, South Africa, Canada)

    -Teutons (Germany, Austria, Holland,Flemish,Belgium)
    -Vikings (Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, England)
    -Alpinians (Tirol, Retic, Friuli, Austria)

    -Oïl (France, Belgium, Valonians, Luxemburguesians, Quebec)
    -Oc (Occitane, Catars, Provence)

    -Baltics (Bielorussians, Russians, Lituans, Estonians, Letonians, Poland)
    -Carpatians (Ukranians, Bulgarians, Paennonians, Rumans, Slovaquians)
    -Meridionals (Albanians, Bosnians, Slovenians, Croatians, Serbians)

    -Hellenic (Greeks, Macedonians, Cyprus, Minoics)
    -Italics (Italians, Romans, Etruscs)
    -Iberians (Castillians, Catalans, Spanish, Argentinians, Chilenians, Colombians, Cubans,
    -Isolated (Corsic, Sardinians)

    -Caucasians (Georgians,Armenians)
    -Scandinavians (Finnish, Carelians)
    -Westerns (Magyar-Hungary, Chequian, Basquian-Euskaldun)

    Wow, and these are "only" the occidentals!

    Also, depending from the time when you start, the starting city will one or another.
    For example, in Castillians (Occidental-> Meditarreans -> Iberians) the first city surely wull
    be Logroño, Burgos or Valladolid. Not Madrid (these turned in to the capital during the XV).
    The same for Teotihuacan->Tenochtitlán, Cusco->Quito, Trondheim-> Oslo, etc...

    Also there is another important thing. Some countries (Mexico, India, Peru...) have an
    important inavison from another countries, but they MUST don't be included in the invaders

    16. Leader Bonuses

    Each civilization is given a choice of five or so leaders which are selected at the
    beginning of the game, and may or may not change. These leader choices might affect
    such things as

    Unit offense, defense, hit points, firepower, and movement rating;

    Effectiveness of administration (some leaders are more prone to corruption, some leaders
    are predisposed towards a certain government style);

    Effectiveness of leadership (if the leader is a famous general);

    Predisposition towards certain types of research, taxation;

    17. Schisms

    So let’s say that a Civ had a civil war. Would the French split into the French and the
    Flench necessarily? Preferably they would split into the French and the Spanish, something
    more historically accurate and feasible. Here’s a big list of civilizations that are related
    to each other-if one has a civil war and the other didn’t exist at the start of the game,
    then the other gets created.


    Americans: Confederates - Texans - Californians
    Germans: Prussians - Austrians - Swiss
    English: Canadians - Australians - South Africans
    Celts: Irish - Scots - Welsh
    Russians: Ukrainians - Poles - Finns
    Vikings: Swedes - Norwegians - Danes
    Romans: Palmyrans - Byzantine - Bosporans?


    Edited August 11,19,22
    [This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited August 23, 2000).]
    [This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited August 26, 2000).]
    [This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited August 26, 2000).]
    [This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited August 27, 2000).]
    -->Visit CGN!
    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

  • #2
    To correspond with the update.

    Please feel free to voice any tribe ideas here.
    -->Visit CGN!
    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


    • #3
      someone was mentioning Tribes again so I decided to bump this up.
      I Hope you enjoy it.

      -->Visit CGN!
      -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


      • #4
        LOL! A hoplite is a foot soldier wielding a long pike and often a sword porting bronze armor, a knight wears iron armour (chain or plate) and rides on horseback wielding a lance or a sword and a samurai can either be on horseback or not... But the three are all different units.

        Y'know, if you try hard enough, you might find different units for each and every culture, but it will be hard.... esepcially with this many civs.... Oh and you forgot the Samnites, the Sabine, the Scythians and who knows how many more.
        *grumbles about work*


        • #5
          A few corrections and additions:


          Originally posted by DarkCloud on 08-10-2000 04:20 PM
          Lithuania (Once a mighty kingdom in the Ukraine 1360 AD)

          Why not the Ukrainians themselves? I can give you leaders and cities if you want.


          5. Important People
          [Allard HS]
          Dutch- William III and Wilhemia

          Wilhemia should be Wilhelmina, and I personally prefer William of Orange/Willem van Oranje to William III (W of O is better known and is called "Father of the Fatherland" etc)


          6. Titles
          [Allard HS]
          -Republic-"Stadtholder" (Stadhouder)
          -Fundamentalism"Bisschop" (Bischop)
          -Despotism "Duke" (Graaf).

          (Dutch) Bisschop=(English) Bishop
          But I think "dominee" (protestant priest) would be better as a title because protestantism has always been dominant in the Netherlands.
          Duke=Hertog, Count=Graaf by the way.


          [This message has been edited by Dr.Oogkloot (edited August 18, 2000).]


          • #6
            A word on the Lithuanians: Their time in history was when they were in personal-union with Polonia, and as Poland has been certainly more important than Lithuania, I'd include the Polish instead of Lithuvians.

            Other civs to be included should be maybe the Austrians or Austro-Hungarians (titles: archduke in despotism, emperor inmonarchy and Bundeskanzler in Dem/Rep), the Swedish (with their leader Gustav Wasa)and the Israelites. A more unknown civilization that could be implemented are the Tarascs, the eternal enemies of the Aztecs.
            If we want to see minor civs like the bohemians as someone stated, I've made plenty city lists for civilizations from Iceland to Corea.

            The only good thing about Haider is, that we Americans don't confuse Austria with Australia anymore.


            • #7
              Okay wernazuma how about we only leave the major civs on this list and start up a second (already completed) for minor civs?

              Thanks for the Tarascs civ.

              I don't have time to make the other changes yet but thank you for them, they will be in version 0.5
              [This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited August 19, 2000).]
              -->Visit CGN!
              -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


              • #8
                Well, I kind of added some changes to my idea of special abilities in my new thread... and I added some insight in the new thread about which civs..
                “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                • #9
                  Dear DarkCloud,

                  I don't believe your search of the boards was very thorough. According to my guess there are about hundred threads at least on this subject already. And the archives contain still more of the same. Unfortunately the quality of those posts is very diverse. Feel free to use my contributions and lists of ancient cities, which are scattered over several different threads. I hope my information will prove to be more reliable than on average.

                  In the current List of Civilizations thread I made a link to one of the more intelligent threads. And please begin with the most ancient civilization of all: the Sumerians, whom it seems you don't acknowledge. For shame!

                  When you really want to make a positive contribution I would advise to produce more order in the information and be a bit reluctant before a tribe is admitted. Do we really need Nordicums (the inhabitants of a small and insignificant Roman province)??

                  Good luck!
                  [This message has been edited by S. Kroeze (edited August 20, 2000).]
                  Jews have the Torah, Zionists have a State


                  • #10
                    I also wondered what the "Nordicums" are doing in this list. But surely they are NOT the "Norici", people from the roman province of Noricum, actual central Austria for those who don't know it yet.


                    • #11

                      Originally posted by DarkCloud on 08-10-2000 04:20 PM

                      Hungarians (Huns)

                      [This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited August 11, 2000).]
                      [This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited August 19, 2000).]

                      Huns are completely different. Magyars became the Hungarians. Weird, no?

                      "L33T Master must not eat 'scuzzy' things from trash. Not healthy. Give bad gas." - MegaTokyo
                      "Horses can not be Astronaughts..." - A Servbot


                      • #12
                        Sorry, I forgot my update, however I will post it now though It seems I need to update it soon thanks to the comments.


                        I'll check it out.


                        Sorry about the omission of the Sumerians, I'll check out those threads and
                        I have no idea why I included the Nordicums, I guess I was on a "Civilization" rampage at the time searching through history books.
                        I believe I deleted them in the update however or made them a 'Minor Civ.'


                        oh yes they are.
                        About 120 A.D. the Romans had absorbed Noricum which is South of nowaday Germany and the Germanic trives of the area, but west of Pannonia and North of Italy and east of the Upper Germany province, Alpine Province and Narbonensis Provinces.


                        I believe that the Magyars split from the Huns and the Magyars invaded Russia while the Huns harassed the Romans.
                        (Info gleaned from "The Trumpeter of Krakow")
                        -->Visit CGN!
                        -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                        • #13
                          I think the Hungarians are play quite important role in the European history, so they must be alone in a slot. (In the middle ages they get the second strongest army in Europe, after France! )I can suggest leaders too:
                          Leader (man): Árpád (the king who lead the Hungarians to the Carpathian basin [so to Hungary ])
                          Leader (woman): Beatrix (the wife of Mátyás, who was the strongest king in the history of Hungary)
                          -Beyowulf: Yeah that is funny, but u are in the US and we call you Americans. The Germans called themselves Deutsch. The English, the Frank (France) and the Germans (Deutsch) are the part of the Germanic tribes. And now the Franks speaks a latinic language.
                          -DarkCloud In that time there wasnt any Russia. The Russ and the Kiev kingdom was ruled by Normans (or vikings if you like it better). The Hungarian saga "The Magic Dear" tell to us the Magyars and the Huns are "brothers" but not the same nation or tribe or whatever. This "brotherhood" was quite famous in the old time in Europe, so they start to called the Magyars Hungarians. The Hun and Magyar relationship is quite interesting story. The official history and the sagas tell the story quite differently.

                          [This message has been edited by Blade Runner (edited August 23, 2000).]


                          • #14
                            I know where Noricum was, my hometown Graz lies in "Noricum", but although I'm patriotic: The "Norici" were a minor celtic tribe.


                            • #15
                              The Hunnic tribe is one of the Hsiung-nu branches which entered Europe. The Hsiung-nu(Han Chinese's mortal enemy)had enjoyed thier military supremacy in central Asia for many years until Han dynasty in China began ruthless crack down on them and finally lost their homeland to other minor tribal power house such as the Tartars.

                              There are few different theories which describe the motive of their mass migration. Some say it was voluntary migration for better pasture and others say it was the military pressure from China(Han dynasty).

                              Hungary derives it's name from the Huns(They settled down fertile Hungarian plain and later wiped out by the Avars)but today's Hungarians(descendants of Magyars) have nothing to do the Huns who are strictly Mongoloids in blood.

