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A/D values, longbowman=4/1, tank=16/8. Why?

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  • A/D values, longbowman=4/1, tank=16/8. Why?

    I don't know if this has been discussed before (I'm just a settler after all), but has anyone questioned the logic of the large differences in attack and defense values? Now I know that a longbowman probably wouldn't have much armor and as such might, in some cases, fare poorly against a charge by knights. But having such a large difference in A/D values means that two otherwise identical longbowman units will have very different chances of winning, depending if they are attacking or defending. According to the combat calculator page that someone set up, the attacker will win 92% of the time on flat terrain.

    That's a huge difference and it doesn't make sense. They should have more or less equal chances of winning and I don't understand why the game designers have clung to this flawed system since Civ I. To my mind, a primarily offensive unit's defense is its offense--meaning that if a cavalry charges another cavalry, you are going to get a cavalry charge in return and equal forces should have an equal chance of winning. This is especially true for air and sea units. Why should one frigate get smoked by another frigate just because it wasn't his turn to move?

    Since I have been extensively modifying the game with the editor, I have decided to do away with this system by giving primarily offensive units equal A/D values. For defensive units, I think the stock system applies because there are special weapons, tactics and other inherent properties which can make a unit considerably better in defense than offense. Spearmen and pikemen would use their long weapons and rigid formations for an attacker to impale himself upon, and the incredibly bloody American Civil War and WWI proved that charging riflemen were sitting ducks for other riflemen covered by trenches or fortifications.

    One thing that I'm still mulling over is what to do with the fortificacation bonus (not fortress). My original idea was to uncheck the fortify box in the unit properties for offensive units to partially offset the large increase in defensive value caused by equalizing A/D. This makes a lot of sense to me, because if we assume that an offensive unit's defense is its offense, then fortifying such a unit is somewhat of a contradiction. Unfortunately, play testing showed some flaws with this system. For one thing, if you can't fortify, then you also can not go on sentry, an undocumented feature of the game engine (thanks Firaxis). This means that offensive units that you wish to remain stationary have no way of being frozen in place so that you don't have to deal with them every turn. There are also ways to circumvent no fortify flag by using the pop-up menu and choosing fortify all for a group of two or more units. You can do this even if all of the unit types in the group have the fortify box unchecked. And finally, the AI never has a problem fortifying units, even single units of a type with the fortify box unchecked.

    I believe what I will do then is set the fortify bonus to zero and increase defensive unit's defense by 50% so that in effect, we assume that they are always fortified at the end of their turn. I know that the normal fortify bonus is 25%, but I think 50% is reasonable and realistic and it makes defensive units more attractive since I made offensive units more powerful in defense. I have also already made changes to the defensive values of cities and terrain. I have given a 25% bonus to units inside towns, but reduced the bonus for a metropolis to 75%. I have removed the defensive bunus for flat terrain types, increased jungle bunus to 50% and I will probably reduce the hill and mountain bunuses to 25% and 50%. But all of this is subject to change if it turns out for example that it is too difficult to take over enemy cities.

    The mod is still in progress and contains numerous other changes to many aspects of the game accessible from the editor, some of which were inspired by the AU mod and the Balancer mod. Another basic thing I have tried to do is set the cost of units to be equal to their combat value. Powerful units like tanks are even more powerful with equal A/D, but they become very expensive if you price them according to their ability. I believe I will call this the Equalizer mod and if anyone is interested, I can make it available for others to try out. Many hours of work have went into it so far, although som aspects have not been thoroughly play tested yet.

  • #2
    In the intrest of gameplay, Firaxis thought it best not to follow historical fact. If you have a problem with the values, change them.
    I drink to one other, and may that other be he, to drink to another, and may that other be me!


    • #3
      The attackers have the element of surprise. The attacking longbows would fire the first shots on the enemy, and the attacking Cavalry would have a faster, more organized charge.
      "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

      Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


      • #4
        If you equalize A/D values for offensive units, they'll become too good on defense: if I have 4/4 knights and 1/3 pikemen, why would I ever use pikemen, for anything? The whole point of defensive units is that they should be better on defense. But, if to reflect this I make pikemen 1/5, cities will be nearly unassailable, because the defenders will be better than any attackers. Catch my drift?


        • #5
          how do you edit/save on Play the World?
          I use Posturepedic mattresses for a lifetime of temporary relief.


          • #6
            Originally posted by MiloMilo
            If you equalize A/D values for offensive units, they'll become too good on defense: if I have 4/4 knights and 1/3 pikemen, why would I ever use pikemen, for anything? The whole point of defensive units is that they should be better on defense. But, if to reflect this I make pikemen 1/5, cities will be nearly unassailable, because the defenders will be better than any attackers. Catch my drift?
            But knights are as good on defense as pikemen anyway. Pikemen are cheap defense and that is their niche. But you must not have read my whole post, which I admit was long-winded. I do intend to increase the defense value of pikemen (but I was thinking to maybe make it 2/4), but at the same time I intend to do away with the fortify bonus, so that in effect the fortify bonus is built into the defense value for defensive units. And don't forget, a lot of the reason why cities are hard to take is because of the hefty city and terrain defensive bunuses. I think that many of these bunuses could be better thought out as well, but that is more or less another topic. Defensive units would still be as good or better on defense and cheaper to build, which isn't very much different than it is now.


            • #7
              Originally posted by bobbo008
              how do you edit/save on Play the World?
              PTW has pretty much the same basic editor as the latest vanilla Civ III patch with a few additions. AFAIK, you can't edit saved games with the PTW editor, if that is what you are asking. You need a fan maded save game editor for that.


              • #8
                If you change the ADM values like this, there will be an end to combined arms. Why take a 1/2 spearman with a stack of 2/2 archers?
                I'm going to rub some stakes on my face and pour beer on my chest while I listen Guns'nRoses welcome to the jungle and watch porno. Lesbian porno.
                Supercitzen Pekka


                • #9
                  I like units being clearly defensive or offensive. It gives the game more strategy. With longbowmen just imagine one of them hiding and taking a shot at the other as he is gazing at the leaves changing colors on the trees; there should obviously be a difference in the attacker's and defender's chances.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Kingof the Apes
                    If you change the ADM values like this, there will be an end to combined arms. Why take a 1/2 spearman with a stack of 2/2 archers?
                    Ah, but I intend to make spearmen 1/3 and set the fortify bonus to zero. Archers will still be safer with spearmen in the mix.


                    • #11
                      What seems to get people worked up is that the names given to various units don't correspond with the stats. Longbowman is perhaps the most glaring example since historically english longbowmen were good at both attack and defense.

                      The point of the Longbowman is to give a unit with decent attack which can be built without strategic resources in the Medieval era for anyone, AI or human, unlucky enough not to have iron or horses.

                      Don't get hung up on the name, it is really about play balance.

                      Incidentally, I agree that the Industrial and especially Modern era units are ludicrously underpriced and mod their shield costs upwards.
                      Never give an AI an even break.


                      • #12
                        I think the battle system should be based more on bonuses, like in RTS games. For example Knights should get a bonus attacking Archers, and Pikeman should get bonuses vs. Knights.
                        I use Posturepedic mattresses for a lifetime of temporary relief.


                        • #13
                          I think the combat system is too limited and too simplistic. I was surprized when I bought Civ III how little had changed. I thought I would get more, but instead I got more of the same. Sure they cleaned up a few things from Civ II, but it is basically the same game we have always played. I don't think anyone would mind if they added a few more variables to the combat system to make it more believable. Anyone remember the original Panzer General? That was a simple game with believable combat that didn't have to resort to giving units wacky stats in the name of game balance.

                          But anyway, what I am doing is trying to bring about a better combat situation in spite of the limited tools available with Civ III. I think the equal A/D mod is a winner if there isn't some sort of show stopping problem with it, for example wierd AI behavior or whatever. But I actually think the AI will benefit most from it because a human player will always be better at exploiting the unequal A/D situation by stopping his units out of the range of AI units and letting the AI units come into his attack range. Moreover, the AI isn't smart enough to use combined arms effectively to guard units with poor defense ratings, or at least I have yet to see it. I really believe that it will result in a greater challenge for the player with fewer chances to chump the computer.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Carver
                            I like units being clearly defensive or offensive. It gives the game more strategy. With longbowmen just imagine one of them hiding and taking a shot at the other as he is gazing at the leaves changing colors on the trees; there should obviously be a difference in the attacker's and defender's chances.
                            Surprize might be an interesting variable in combat, but the combat engine isn't that complicated. Assuming a defending unit is always surprized doesn't quite make sense in a game where I can see what my scout is doing on the other side of the continent in 3000BC, and game time is based on years. In most cases I will see your attacking longbowman unit well before it gets to me. I may even be fortified or on sentry. Why should I have the disadvantage of surprize in those cases? You can look at it that way if you want, but since the choice is between always and never surprized, I'll have to go with never.


                            • #15

                              That thread has great ides for combat.

                              That whole forum actually has the best ideas ever, and this was way before civ3.

