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Combat versus The Other Guys

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  • Combat versus The Other Guys

    The reason I always result to conquest nowadays in Civ2 and SMAC is everything else is too boring, much more so in Civ2. I want exploration, diplomacy, trade, research, environmentalism, and anything else you can think or to be interesting enough that I won't have to conquer the world every time. Give us some much more interesting things to find on the map. I remember hearing something about famous places from the real world, much like Sunny Mesa, Monsoon Jungle, etc in SMAC. On random Civ3 maps, randomly place specific features from the real world, and put in the same number of ficticious places. Give us more incentive to explore. Give a bonus for exploring every square. Give us more involvement in our research. And as for trade, make sure the GoTo functions work in every edition of the game!

  • #2
    I agree with this. Having a rich and varied world to explore in the beginning of the game brings out the intrepid explorer in you, and brings alive the world before vast industrial urbanisations spring up everywhere.

    Mind you, having said that, going against what Brent said about:

    The reason I always result to conquest nowadays in Civ2 and SMAC is everything else is too boring

    Yes, a lot of the areas outside warfare need a 21st century spruce-up, but then surely the military side of things does too...?
    Josef Given
    [This message has been edited by JosefGiven (edited January 15, 2001).]
    A fact, spinning alone through infospace. Without help, it could be lost forever, because only THIS can turn it into a News.


    • #3
      I suppose that exploring every square as a victory condition wouldn't make much sense, since you usually do that before accomplishing other sorts of victory.


      • #4
        Brent, go learn about the many hundreds of scenarios available. For many civers, that's all we've been playing for the past couple of years. Hey, I'll even post a link to help you...

