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History book as an ending of the game

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  • History book as an ending of the game

    CivI had the option to replay the whole history of civs by showing some key events and territorial gains.

    CivIII should have a history book that records current game's whole history which tells many historical events,master minds and major battles,etc.

    The book "World History" will have many chapters which includes all the eras such as ancinet and modern. Much score should be given to civs that appear mostly in the book.

    After you complete the game you may read each chapter of the book and be proud of your achievments.

    It will be better to have book-like interface so we can read the book page by page.

  • #2
    The best part of the replay was watching your civ slowly wash over the planet. Not only was it fun and satisfying to watch, but it gave you good perspective on how long your wars lasted in relation to each other.

    Do you see this as part of your book idea, or would it just be text?
    - mkl


    • #3
      Midknight Lament

      I was thinking something that really advanced thus much detailed information can be recorded and read later to suit each player's flavour. If you wanna see all the major battles thoroughout the history the system should be able to search and demonstrate all the battles,that occured during the game, to you.

      Graphical representation is also very important(I liked the replay thing as well) and should be part of the book as well as civ power graph.


      • #4
        I agree. It's really inconvenient and time-consuming to write a timeline by hand...

        Civilization Fanatics' Center
        Civilization Fanatics' Center


        • #5
          a thumbs up from me too... i remember being oh so disappointed by the missing replay in civ 2....

          The book would be awesome..... with a map of course good call onthis idea
          Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


          • #6
            Thanks guys for all the positive feedbacks.
            I hope we can play civIII everytime with feelings of rewriting our history again and again. Hhhh who knows in somegame Australia will be the superpower of the history book


            • #7
              Great idea. Youngsun, the replay happens to be one of the ideas nominated on the Essential Civ 3 in the List forum. Has everybody voted yet?
              [This message has been edited by raingoon (edited March 10, 2000).]


              • #8
                I love this idea!

                The title of the book could be "History of the [your civ], written by the Viking Scribes"!

                The best part is that you feel like playing Civ was an accomplishment, and you get to relive all those nail-biting, balance-of-power moments.
                [This message has been edited by Slingshot (edited March 10, 2000).]
                [This message has been edited by Slingshot (edited March 10, 2000).]


                • #9
                  If you haven't already, I invite you to visit my site's civ2 timeline feature. I recorded all important events throughtout the game and took many screenshots along the way.

                  Civilization Fanatics' Center
                  Civilization Fanatics' Center


                  • #10
                    Hello! Raingoon

                    Was it? You bet I would have voted for getting the replay thing back! and we all wanna see more advanced features about recording our paths during the game thus the replay thing definitely has to be upgraded! right Raingoon?


                    I appreciate about your comment about Australian and your dedication on this forum is well known among Apolytoners.


                    I will visit your site now then I will comment


                    • #11
                      Great idea. An improved version of the "replay" would be awesome.

                      As the advantages of it have been sucessfully written, I would like point one disavantage of it: the size of saved games would be huge!

                      Anyway, that's a good idea!
                      "Última flor do Lácio, inculta e bela,
                      És a um tempo, esplendor e sepultura."
                      Why the heck my posts # doesn't increase in my profile?
                      Some great music: Dead Fish; Rivets; Wacky Kids; Holly Tree.


                      • #12
                        By next year most people should have a hard drive bigger than 10 GBs. I currently have 21 GB.


                        As the advantages of it have been sucessfully written, I would like point one disavantage of it: the size of saved games would be huge!

                        Civilization Fanatics' Center
                        Civilization Fanatics' Center


                        • #13
                          Here's a cool idea that would make the programmers sweat:

                          I was reading a book called "An Introduction to the Ancient World," by Blois and Spek (Routledge Publishers). The book is easy to read, and quite interesting. I would love to have Civ III put together a book describing the player's civ throughout the ages. Here are examples, inspired from the book:

                          "The third millennium also saw the rise of another great civilization in the Near East, namely that of Mesopotmia [your_civ]..."


                          "What we do know about the [your_civ]ians is that they are the people who made the cities of [your_top_city, ...2] great; they also made extensive use of the art of writing for keeping accounts in their temples and palaces and for composing religous and literary texts. Sculpture, architecture, religious imagry, lierary styles and views on kingship, law and society were all developed by the [your_civ}ians."

                          To me, this would really flesh-out the end-of-game experience. It would be like the end of Pirates!, where you got a summary of your career.


                          • #14
                            I love this idea.
                            I would like the book to be very specific, covering all major events and also all events related to my civ.
                            It should also contain maps or diagrams of important fights. an example:

                            The text describes the battles (quantities of units are set according to number of units that participated) and the diplomacy and the mood in a "suck up to the master of the world" kind of way.

                            I think this has very good potential.


                            • #15
                              Sirotnikov -

                              Looks good. There's plenty of other things I'd like done with the game before they went to this much trouble, but I'd be happy to see something like this if they could swing it.

                              We definitely need something satisfying after finishing. The end-game sequences have been lacking a bit recently.
                              - mkl

