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  • Scenarios?

    Here is a nice little thread where you can share your scenario ideas with me and anyone else who should so happen to be listening, (Hint, Hint) ie: Firaxis.

  • #2
    aahh, Matt, there is already a thread started by *Firaxis* (Dan Magaha), he asks what you want to be able to do with scenarios for civ3. just go there, and list your ideas.


    • #3

      I think Matt means what scenarios do you want to play (i.e. Battle of the Bulge, the Trojan War, Gettysburg)

      For me I think it is to soon to begin discussing these things. I am much more interested in how the random map is going to work and how the game is going to come together.
      About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


      • #4

        Thanks for that thought, I didn't know that is what he was talking about. If you are right, then I would like to see some historical scenarios, heres a minor list of ones I would like to see:

        1. World War 2 (which would be the entire war, beginning with the dispansion of the treaty of versaille, up to the surrender of Japan to the USA abord the USS Missouri)

        2. battle of the bulge.

        3. normandy landing. (D-Day invasion)

        4. World war 1, from beginning to end.

        5. american revolution.

        6. civil war.

        7. 100 years war.

        8. scottish wars of independence.

        9. the final crusade. (Richard the Lionheart)

        10. william the conquorer and the normans.

        11. fall of the roman empire.

        12. rise of the roman empire. (or you could just combine both, and call it, the Roman empire)

        13. the rise and fall of greece.

        14. the native americans.

        15. the nephites and lamanites. (this one is NOT fictional)

        16. the seven years war. (french and indian war)

        well, thats about all the historical scenarios. heres a very minor list of the others I want to see:

        1. World War III: the fall of America.

        2. a nation is reborn: the story of america after world war III.

        note to the last 2: I could personally create these two, just in case you can't.

        those are the only two I could think of that I would like to see (that are fictional).

        p.s. Tnien, I agree, I think it is way too early to start talkin about scenarios we want to see in civ-3. I just thought i'd give this list since I was already on this thread.


        • #5

          Your list looks good. I just hope Firaxis doesn't make most of these.

          I think the way Civ II had a couple of scenarios was good, the rest can be made by the obsessed Civ-gamers.

          P.S. I'll be looking for your two fictional scenarios.
          About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


          • #6
            Right On Diablo! I wouldn't have guessed you believed in Mormonism from your user name, but I won't hold it against you. Would the Nephite-Lamanite on be the entire BofM, or just the final battles? If I had to choose, I'd pick the former. Asking for more than one based on the BofM would be too much, so how about: the dispersion of Noah's early descendants; the Exodus, the Israelite conquest of Canaan; the Loss of the 10 tribes; the Babylonian conquest of Judah; the Roman destruction of Jerusalem; the Mormon Migration, Settlement, and Wars with the Indians and Gentiles; and Armageddon as prophesied in the Bible. Naturally, one does not have to believe all of these were fact in order to appreciate them.

            There could also be the Spanish conquest of the Natives (meant to be played as the Aztecs, Incas, etc?), and why have I never seen a Viet Nam computer game?

            Nothing in this post should be construed as hatred toward anyone, certainly not antisemitism, or feelings of superiority.


            • #7
              30 years war


              • #8
                Maybe settlement of Mars/the Moon, or the historical moon landings. Maybe a mini-Alpha Centauri game? Maybe a simple and original scenario of exploration of several nearby star systems, where the terrain would represent space rather than maps for different planets. Maybe try a moving map of our solar system, using the same mechanics for a scenario that includes plate tectonics. Maybe a Neanderthal or Ice Age thing, trying to become a civilization. Certainly have scenarios from ancient mythology (Greco-Roman, Egyptian, Norse, Chinese, Native American, for examples). I think that some scenarios should be more about diplomacy, exploration, or building rather than conquest, or maybe something other than any of these. I want at least a dozen scenarios, and maybe have several themed scenario expansions, like scifi, mythology, biblical, and separate ones for different parts of the world and for different eras.


                • #9
                  i got a few of my own historic scenarios

                  1)Napoleonic Wars(napoleon's rise, fall & 2nd try)

                  2)German unification

                  3)the rise & fall of Ottoman Empire

                  4)Italian unification

                  5)Unification of two Egypts in ancient times

                  6)Pre-WW I Balkan conflicts

                  7)The era of Elizabeth I

                  8)Colonization of America(conflicts not only w/ indians but w/ other european powers

                  9)Crimea War

                  10)Cold War

                  11)The People of the Sea(not a fictional)
                  in war w/ New Kingdom of ancient Egypt at its decline

                  12)Peter the Great's westernization program of Russia
                  Now here r some fictional scenarios

                  1)if the Cold War turned into a hot 1

                  2)if Germany won WW II & remaining opponents resist german power

                  3)war between China & America in our time

                  4)Alien Invasion

                  5)Return of the Soviet Union

                  6)American-Canadian War(not so much the South Park way, ok maybe the South Park way...Blame Canada...)

                  Sorry if i made any of u canadians angry

                  and across the US nothing but sunny weather, well expect for Seattle


                  • #10
                    Being a great fan of Harry Turtledove's books (alternate history) I offer these....

                    1. The Great War: The American Front (2nd civil war) Twice in the past fifty years, the Confederacy has humiliated it's Northern neighbor. Now, in 1914, France and England are locked in battle with Germany...leaving the US free to deal with the CSA.

                    2. World War: In the Balance It's 1942, and the world is on fire, with Axis forces advancing on every front.
                    Then the Aliens invade. (I'm dead serious)

                    ~Okay, now for historical.

                    1. The Texan Revolution

                    2.The Napoleanic(sp) wars.

                    3.The Vikings vs. the Skrealings

                    4.And, Israel vs. the Arab world.

                    "You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you"

                    "Soylant Green is people. PPPeeeoooppllleee!"
                    Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


                    • #11

                      very good ideas, indeed!! I like them!!(especially the fictional, nothing personally, americans )

                      I would like:

                      *The unification of Norway (I don't think Firaxis will do that, but I mention it anyway )
                      *The Russian revolution(s) (all of them, as far as I know it was actually THREE of them, witch the last one was the communistic)
                      *The colonization of Africa
                      *Ghengis Kahn's conquest of Asia


                      *Fall of Atlantis
                      *World War IV: Nuclear Winter(since Diablo used #3, I had to use #4 ) The story line: After the fall of USA, the world is a dangerous place to live. Terrorists and nations of the third world all wants to fill the gap of the super power. the followers of Osmin bin Laden and Saddam Hussein collaborates and starts a war against the Western world. With nuclear missiles.......
                      *After World War IV: The build up of a new life

                      Who am I? What am I? Do we need Civ? Yes!!
                      Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
                      I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
                      Also active on WePlayCiv.


                      • #12
                        Yes, the Viking exploration of Iceland, Greenland, Vinland, and allow them to go farther. I can see focussing on combat with the Skraelings, or not.

                        There should be some scenarios that cover just a particular waror other small portion of a history, and some that span an entire history, and some scenarios should use randomly generated maps. In MGE, there were scenarios that did not take place on Earth, but for each, you always had to use the same map.


                        • #13

                          Originally posted by Brent on 01-10-2001 06:41 PM
                          Right On Diablo! I wouldn't have guessed you believed in Mormonism from your user name, but I won't hold it against you. Would the Nephite-Lamanite on be the entire BofM, or just the final battles? If I had to choose, I'd pick the former. Asking for more than one based on the BofM would be too much, so how about: the dispersion of Noah's early descendants; the Exodus, the Israelite conquest of Canaan; the Loss of the 10 tribes; the Babylonian conquest of Judah; the Roman destruction of Jerusalem; the Mormon Migration, Settlement, and Wars with the Indians and Gentiles; and Armageddon as prophesied in the Bible. Naturally, one does not have to believe all of these were fact in order to appreciate them.

                          There could also be the Spanish conquest of the Natives (meant to be played as the Aztecs, Incas, etc?), and why have I never seen a Viet Nam computer game?

                          Nothing in this post should be construed as hatred toward anyone, certainly not antisemitism, or feelings of superiority.

                          Hahaha!!! YEs, I can understand that me loving the game diablo would make me non-LDS (for those of you that arent 'mormon', that means: Ladder Day Saints) since the game 'diablo' is rather dark. But yes, I am LDS...and proud of it.

                          About the lamanites-nephites, I would say make two scenarios, one of the whole MoM (Book of Mormon), and the other, just about the war with Captain Moroni and Amalikia (forgot how to spell it, I havent read that part for a while )
                          [This message has been edited by Diablo, Bro. of Mephisto (edited January 11, 2001).]


                          • #14
                            Only historical-based scenarios, please. None of the sci-fi/fantasy crap.

                            Actually, Firaxis should just spend the time to create two diverse scenarios (Rome and WW2?) that give scenario-builders an idea of how do create a custom scenario (along with great documentation).

                            Two months after the release of Civ3, I expect to play any one of the 16 that Diablo mentioned (except for #15).


                            • #15
                              I don't think it's fair of us to want a mainstream game to incude something from a book only believed by our religious group. Instead, we need a really, really good scenario editor. It should be designed to do practically anything, and should be usable. And include documentation, maybe a special strategy guide for that. Must be able to include our own text messages, and actually I think in the regular game we should be able to change the names of our computer opponents.

                              And Steve, why shouldn't sci fi and fantasy scenarios be included? No one will force you to play them, and I don't think it will delay the game or increase the cost. Arent Rome and WW2 the ones included in the original Civ2? Why do the exact same thing? I want a wider variety than just 2, and no matter how good the editor, there will be some unable to create something as good as Firaxis can. Maybe five scenarios are enough for the original game, and maybe these can all be historical, but I do want expansions to include biblical, mythological, scifi, and fantasy scenarios. I suppose they could fit everything on one disk.

