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Unique Attributes

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  • Unique Attributes

    I'm not posting this in Marks thread becauase I posted it in his old thread and it was deleted...

    The attributes should be selectable: say this

    You are ___(Zulu)
    You have 50 attribute points to distribute among the
    realms of

    Attack Bonus (costs 2 attribute points for 1 bonus)
    Defense Bonus (same as above)
    Air attack Bonus
    Bomber Bonus

    The computer teams select the attributes randomly.

    This is a good solution and does not insult any country or ethnic group.
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    -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

  • #2
    I'd prefer a more 'in game' method of getting traits. My suggestion is for traits based on what you build in the game- for example, assume a three civ game, towards the modern end of the game:

    Civ A has a bank in, say, 80% of its cities. As a result it gets a +10% cash bonus.
    However civ B has a higher percentage of its cities with banks than anyone else in the world- in fact every city has one. Therefore it gets an additional +10%, as well as the bonus that civ A has.

    Meanwhile civ C has been building up its Army. It has the most barracks, giving +1 defense, and 85% of all its units are army ones, giving +1 attack. However civ A has the best infrastructure in the world- the highest ratio of tiles with railway to tiles without (within its borders). This gives its land units +1 movement, to show logistical expertise.

    Civ B, being an island one, has a large navy, making up 65% of all units. As a result, its ships have +1 attack. It also has a port in most of its seaside cities, giving +1 movement.

    This approach has several advantages in my opinion-
    1) It encourages empire wide development, so that we would see less of cities with practically no improvements in the modern era, even if they are small.
    2) It allows smaller empires to have more power- allowing nations like those of Western Europe to be represented accurately.

    The disadvantages are obviously in the early game. I think this could be remedied by disabling these traits until a 'trigger tech' is researched (perhaps invention?) so that one city empires in the early game don't have a wierd combination of abilities.
    "The free market is ugly and stupid, like going to the mall; the unfree market is just as ugly and just as stupid, except there is nothing in the mall and if you don't go there they shoot you." - P.J. O'Rourke


    • #3
      Evil, that is another good idea; technically these two ideas are the only ways to go
      for Civ III, and yours (with some refinement) is probably better.
      -->Visit CGN!
      -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


      • #4
        You know what I want to see, the traits at the start, such as +2 ship range, damage, speed whatever, determined by where you start.

        In a random map, you could land on an island as the germans and would get the bonuses the english would get on the world map

        Obviously on the world map they would alwasy be the same

        also we need the option to turn it off

