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Religions, Societies & Philosophies

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  • Religions, Societies & Philosophies

    I know some of these topics were covered but i think they topics should be talked about again

    i general want to ur view on religion, the 2 others i will explain

    society is just lower, middle & upper classes & the work they do, lower class would be farmers, middle be city dwellers & upper be nobles. their effects would be if a city has a large lower class, i mean like 80%-90%, there would be a large production of food cuz the lower would be mostly farmers & so goes 4 the others

    Philosophy, i think is a new idea, it just there to influence the civ, 4 example if a civ follows mercantilism the civ gains bonus trade but its trade routes w/foreign nation would take money away from the foreign civ cuz mercantilism is the beleif where there limited wealth & to be more wealthy, u take wealth from other nations

    ok what i said maybe too stupid but i am open to explain & i am open to ur insults

    if it is darkest before dawn, then that is the time to steal ur neighbor's paper

  • #2
    That's a tough one. Adding religions and societies wouldn't be all that difficult. It would be a lot like the Social Engineering found in Alpha Centauri: certain societies and religions would add to production, or happiness, or science, others would detract. But I wouldn't want to put the programmers in the position of placing definitions on religions, and I probably wouldn't appreciate their final product in the end, and neither would a lot of other people.

    But it would be fun to toy around with religions for a while. So I'd propose that there be a simple method in the rules editors to customize one's Civ game to include Social Engineering. Make the rules similar to those in Alpha Centauri, able to affect the major values in the game, like happiness, trade, science, production, crime/corruption, and whatever else they've included. Then people who are really interested can design their own Religious modpacks and distribute them.

    (Were you around for The List? There were a lot of interesting suggestions in the Religion thread.)
    "Harel didn't replay. He just stood there, with his friend, transfixed by the brown balls."

