I made a scenario for Civ3PTW and played it...it works, except for one thing. I made one new unit for the game based on modern armor...its icon/picture shows up in the civilopedia, it shows up under the military advisor, etc., it functions exactly the way I want it to using the stats I gave it; however, on the game map itself it is represented by the modern armor unit instead of icon number 160, which is what I wanted to use for my different tank. Why? Do the Flc files have something to do with it or am I missing something else. Its fustrating when I have gotten so far with my scenario and have just one more thing to do to make it exactly the way I want and I can't. Please help.
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Yes, the flc files have to do with it. You will need to add an #ANIMNAME_PRTO_ entry for your unit into the PediaIcons.txt file. This entry should 'point' to the ini file for your unit. This ini file (look in art\units for an example of the file) will contain the list of animations (flc) and sound (wav) files used by your unit.Seemingly Benign
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Yeah I know that and I have done that. Currently within the ini file the strings are pointing to the modern armor unit...guess that's why it is showing up on the map instead of icon #160. So I guess the next question is where are the flc files for the extra icons and how will I know which ones go with which?Lord of the World ... You just don't know it yet!!!