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  • Slavery

    I was wondering, if CTP style slavery would appear in Civ III. I think this is a good idea, especially if more Civs are playing in one game.
    Does anyone agree that Slavery should be introduced.

    PS: This is one of the three things I like about CTP
    Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ |
    Waikato University, Hamilton.

  • #2
    yes, i think slavery should be part of the game, but not like in CtP where your slave hunter can run to the core of another civ and "catch" slaves. i think after a victorious battle you should receive a certain amount of "instant" production points by slave work. after conquering a city you should be allowed to enslave the inhabitants and transfer them to your own city.

    slaves were so important in history, we can't ignore them.
    i'll think a bit on that topic and then post something more useful...


    • #3
      I havent played CTP yet, but I like werns idea, of when you capture a city, you should be able to enslave the people.

      Also, to add to slavery, When you battle some other army, (this is of course if they add an option to retreat in civ3) if they retreat, you have a 10-20% chance of capturing the retreating army, and take them as prisoners of war. Maybe prisoners of war could be used as ransom, especially if you are in need of money. You could set the ransom amount, depending on how large the army, and how good there troops were. If there was a 'leader' unit in the army you captured, the ransom would naturally be much higher.


      • #4

        Originally posted by Rollo Tomasi on 12-16-2000 12:53 PM
        Never realy did care for slavery; I don't think I ever used it.

        What are the other two things you liked about CTP?

        Cargo Pods
        Sea/Space Cities
        Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ |
        Waikato University, Hamilton.


        • #5

          Originally posted by wernazuma on 12-16-2000 04:11 PM
          yes, i think slavery should be part of the game, but not like in CtP where your slave hunter can run to the core of another civ and "catch" slaves. i think after a victorious battle you should receive a certain amount of "instant" production points by slave work. after conquering a city you should be allowed to enslave the inhabitants and transfer them to your own city.

          slaves were so important in history, we can't ignore them.
          i'll think a bit on that topic and then post something more useful...

          I agree


          • #6
            Never realy did care for slavery; I don't think I ever used it.

            What are the other two things you liked about CTP?
            You only live twice; when you are born, and again when you look death in the face.


            • #7
              Definitely need slavery. It should expire when certain techs are discovered. It could also even be a commodity that is part of trade. Slavery and its nearly universal abolishment have been critical historical developments.


              • #8
                I disagree that slavery should be wiped out once a certain tech comes along, just look at the Nazi work Camps during world war 2. the workers were not workers, they were slaves.


                • #9
                  Obviously the Nazi's never discovered the tech. I was thinking of a tech like the one off of Ribannah's tree - I think it was Humanitarianism - which I think it is safe to say that neither Hitler nor Stalin got but subsequent German and Russian leaders did.


                  • #10
                    It is a sad fact of life that slavery (in its broad sense) is still a fact of life in many nations around the world today. The idea that discovering an advance suddenly results in worldwide freedom is farcical. Slavery needs to be something that ceases to be advantageous with more enlightened government. If the Diplomatic model allows for trade embargoes and diplomatic pressure to be put on nations with poor civil rights records, even better.
                    To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


                    • #11
                      I think it should be harder to become slaves the more advanced you are....

                      like if some guy goes to New York and tries to capture slaves to go to Poland or somewhere, they're gonna have a hell of a time doing that

                      I found in CTP that slaves just dis-balanced my cities... sure it worked for a while, but then when you become to dependant on slaves, and then slavery is abolished, your cities go wild

                      Like ancient Rome/Sparta, they were very slave dependant, and if they rebel, your screwed..

                      also, they should have a "treat slaves" bar, that treats them better (maybe pays them, gives them more rations) and it keeps your slaves happy.... and if you oppress them, they revolt, like Spartacus


                      • #12
                        I disagree, slavery should only be available under certain governments, eg: totalitarianism,tyranny. and not in others, eg Democracy


                        Originally posted by Deity Dude on 12-18-2000 01:49 PM
                        Definitely need slavery. It should expire when certain techs are discovered. It could also even be a commodity that is part of trade. Slavery and its nearly universal abolishment have been critical historical developments.

                        Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ |
                        Waikato University, Hamilton.


                        • #13

                          Originally posted by Grrr on 12-20-2000 04:59 PM
                          I disagree, slavery should only be available under certain governments, eg: totalitarianism,tyranny. and not in others, eg Democracy

                          well, there has been slaver in the us, or not...


                          • #14
                            I agree that slavery should become very diffecult, and only under certain governments in the later years of the game. and you could use slaves in your occupied cities, when you capture them, but it would be a major break down in your reputation.


                            • #15
                              Slavery is not government based, as wernazuma points out, democracies and republics have had legal slavery throughout history. Thats why I suggested a cultural/social advance such as humanitarianism to end slavery. Remeber, in a democracy if 51% of the people vote for slavery you have slavery. That's why I envision the discovery of a tech abolishing slavery on a civ by civ basis. As far as my comment about the nearly universal abolishment of slavery, I meant state sanctioned slavery. Obviously there are criminal acts taking place across the world but that would fall under corruption. And I would submit that if there still is state sanctioned slavery, that state is not very humanitarian.

