Not nearly as excentric as the Unit Workshop, but here goes:
A terrain is composed of 4 basic things: Base, Upper layer, Improovments (unimproovments), Resources.
Base: Rock, Dirt, Grass, Water, Desert
Upper layer: Forest, Swamp, Water (river), Ice, None
Improovments: Cold(between Ice and no Ice), Pollution, Land Mines, other terrain imp's.
Resources: Exactly that.
Some terrains cause damage, though no more than 1/4-3/4 the total hp of the unit (diseases/freezing/overheating). These include Mines(3/4 hp), cold(1/2 hp), ice(2/3 hp), pollution(1/3), swamp(1/2), desert(1/4).
Air units are immune to such damages. Also, certain advances negate damage from certain terrains.
Comments, Suggestions?
A terrain is composed of 4 basic things: Base, Upper layer, Improovments (unimproovments), Resources.
Base: Rock, Dirt, Grass, Water, Desert
Upper layer: Forest, Swamp, Water (river), Ice, None
Improovments: Cold(between Ice and no Ice), Pollution, Land Mines, other terrain imp's.
Resources: Exactly that.
Some terrains cause damage, though no more than 1/4-3/4 the total hp of the unit (diseases/freezing/overheating). These include Mines(3/4 hp), cold(1/2 hp), ice(2/3 hp), pollution(1/3), swamp(1/2), desert(1/4).
Air units are immune to such damages. Also, certain advances negate damage from certain terrains.
Comments, Suggestions?